Understanding Womens Hormones | Coach Jake Carter on the Wolfs Den

In this episode of the Wolf’s Den, I go one on one with Coach Jake Carter who is crazy smart. We discuss female health, hormones and strategies to get lean. We cover topics which include; breast implants and effects on health, oestrogen detoxification, supplements, the pill and other contraception and getting women ready to compete.

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Transcript From Understanding Womens Hormones | Coach Jake Carter on the Wolfs Den Video

(This transcription may contain errors)

Welcome to the show that entertains and educates. Welcome to The Wolf’s Den. My name is Mark Ottobre, your host and in today’s show we’re going to go deep inside the world of female hormones and female health. Please welcome my guest for today, Coach Jake Carter. Welcome Jake.

Thank you.

So, welcome to Australia. Have you been having fun in Australia?

You know what, it’s pretty good compared to Manchester. Manchester, you just get cloud coverage from every angle. It’s like Gotham City.

[crosstalk 00:00:32] I’m a big Batman fan. So that actually sounds enticing to me. It’s pretty cool.

Without being Batman.

Yeah, well that’s true. So, you’re hitting the States pretty, when I say the States, Australian States. You’re hitting Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland, Perth, I think, with different topics in each seminar. So, just tell us a little bit about that, what you’re doing.

Yes. So, I’ve literally just finished the day 2 of 3 for women’s health which I’ve been doing here in Melbourne and then I’m doing internships. Sydney, next weekend on good health. We’re doing some other things like learning to read the body through physiological bi-feed markers, integrating a little bit of functional medicine, little bit of TCM, looking how to assess the skin, the nails, the tongue and how to cross correlate. I would like blue [00:01:23] for instance just to really have a deeper insight into physiology, understanding of hormones, and everything. So, we can really fine tune the lifestyle, the training, the nutrition just to maximize, not just the physique what we generally glorify, but also the health too.

So, there’s a little of TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now, for you there’s a lot of tools that I’ve seen you being pulling from different areas. But, lets just back track a little bit. Talk a little bit about your origins. Not going too far back obviously, but talk about your origins. You started as a coach and then from a coach you got into Com prep and then from Com prep you got into the functional health.

What was the pivot point from saying, “Right, I’m not just gonna do personal training anymore, I’m gonna actually be more a functional health practitioner or functional health medical practitioner.”?

Oh wow, okay. SO, It’s kind of like almost doing a full circle because I started off in the industry young, like around 15, just turning 16, self-employed. And I got injured and had a bullets disc in L3, L4 and L5 so I couldn’t really train and look how wants to look. So I can’t really represent my business because I’m, I’m next to some big dudes, you know, which were like pts. So Act, trying to find a way that I could stand aside from the crowd and somehow represent or add value to my business. And that’s where I fell into nutrition. But by doing so, I learned how to basically remediate and really speed up the recovery and get full recovery of my injury. So managing inflammation suit through certain mechanisms, you know, like your typical like ginger, Tumeric, yeah. And make a three is back then when I was 16 and it really kind of then fell attuned with it, you know, and develop my passion.

And then I started learning more, more and more. And then from that he get inside your physique can stuff and now it’s kind of got the kind of, kind of the point where my perception of the health and fitness industry is that it needs more, more of the health, the whole reason why I kind of got into it. So I’m pushing more the understanding of the dysfunctions, the imbalances and trying to address that to, to, to get everything else is a byproduct. But it’s like a foundational prerequisite for physique. But it’s often overlooked.

Understanding the hormones that is.

yeah. And digestion and everything else.

So, What were your go to, to really delve into that world?

Originally, I didn’t have much, so obviously I was young and I was self employed so I didn’t really have much, much portability. So I had to learn the, these physiological biofeedback mechanisms, how to read the body and understand that so I could find, tune it for myself and also my clients because back then being young and trying to tell, well I don’t even know much about it. I mean if they can know about lab work, let alone how to read it, you know, it’s complex. But back then I had to try to understand these symptoms and work with them and that’s what kind of made me go into that, that TCM approach.



And when you started learning about take same so you haven’t done like traditional degree TCM.


it’s more just short courses here and there.

Yeah, yeah.

And then a lot of self learning and then actually looking at lab results and then applying.


So we’re learning from [inaudible 00:04:28] of school of hard knocks.

Yeah. Yeah definitely that learning from your own mistakes.

Yeah. So talking about lab tests cause today we are going to go into the female health and I will just pause for just a second and just put a disclaimer on this is what we’re going to cover today. It is not medical advice by any stretch of the imagination. Make sure you check with your doctor, check with your healthcare practitioner. Everything that we’re going to share in this interview is strictly information purposes only slash entertainment personal purposes only. So make sure you go to a doctor and work with someone who is qualified. Now that I said the disclaimer, let’s get into the good stuff[inaudible 00:04:58]. So what tests are you looking at? Primary primarily not just females, but in general, what tests do you begin with?

So, I always screen people subjectively first. Okay. And I always, always love blood work, just a basic panel, you know? Uh, but the, the subjective questions, there’s a lot what you can gain from that. And sometimes you can gain just as much as bloodwork. For instance, like if we talk about thyroid electronic, and explain why you may have a normal levels of free T4 free T3, but you can still have hyperthyroid from having low iron, for instance.

But you get all the symptoms. That’s why it’s really important to actually understand the individual as well as the blood. But as, as like, almost like a scanning system, I’d start everyone off with the subjective questions because the free, you can do them remotely and then a blood panel, looking at your total protein and albumin, you chloride, MCV, MCHC iron all the way through.

And then you’ve got to kind of ground work to work on, you’ve got, you’ve got your subjective questions and then you get your blood work and then you can fine tune, do they need a CSAP X2, two which is a comprehensive stool and parasito- parasitology test [inaudible 00:06:10] stool test, or is it, more touch panel to look at hormones or, you know, is there some kind of an issues going on where we may need an organic acid test, so there’s the two which then help you guide to the others and that’s dependent on the individual. But the staple is just the questions [inaudible 00:06:26]

Do you yourself using say, an organic acid test moreover than the others. In terms of the go to after you’ve done the blood work?

No, because the organic acid test is, I described it as like a shotgun. Right? Okay. You’re looking at like neuro transmitters [inaudible 00:06:42] status, how and it’s like how into they use carbohydrates, the fats, the biotransformation, the gut health, but if you specifically know, okay, this person is suffering from, let’s say endometriosis, then I would go for a Dutch panel.


Because then we’re going to look specifically at your E1, your E2 your E3. See different types of vision along with their metal blight. So the two hydroxy, the four hydroxy, the 16 hydroxy,

Just explain the Dutch panel just a little bit more in depth. Is that as a blood test?

So the Dutch panel is a four point urine test.


Okay. So, it’s a much, much more accurate, right? A way to assess your stress chemicals and your hormones. For instance, if you’re like me and a big pansy when it comes to getting blood taken, if you go to the doctors and you don’t like it, you get your bloods done, they’ll look at [inaudible 00:07:34]. Well, first of all, it’s only giving you a snapshot in that moment in time for [inaudible 00:07:37]. So, but then also your stress chemicals going to be elevated because you don’t like getting the bloods taken anyway. And then there was the salivary test.

But that doesn’t assess the complete picture of cultural, so certainly representative of some people say 1%, whereas when we look at the Dutch panel, it combines the free consult and the metalized Corso and that gives you an insight to 80% of the clatsop of it looks at the stuff like, the byproducts and multiply it. We’ve got some factors such as courts, so binding globulin which combines onto it to render it and active. For instance, if someone is an obese, they can, they can appear to have a healthy adrenal pattern on the saliva. So when you do saliva tests then, and, it looks sweet is cool, but then if you actually did the urine assessment, the Dutch panel, it can be completely different.



So, the Dutch panel, you bring in a lot of the time as the second, for when you say, say what are the telltale signs is supposedly what I’m really asking you, what are the telltale signs from the initial subjective screening to then go right, I need to use the dash panel.

Okay. So, the Dutch panel, a is hormones, if you want to get fine tuned with hormones, that’s the one. Yeah.



Let’s get into the female health side of things before we do the comp prep. You see a lot of females for comp prep?

What I do, I, I did, but now it’s more post com prep.


Okay. The flip switch post-competition they’ve had these issues and it’s fixing those issues from the comp prep.

What are you seeing, as a like a pattern from that?

Issues with facilitate massive, massive through happy hypothalamic amenorrhea. And there’s a bigger rise, more and more for female related kind of, issues such as their endometriosis or PCOS.

Are you writing panels for the Post comp care?

What the, I came with the Dutch that’s that’s, just really good. You know, if someone does have endometriosis, they’re going to have a increased 16 hydroxy multiplies. So then we could look to see if that is increased because if that, that metabolic pathway fruition is increased, we know they’re going to be suffering more from the fibroids and other factors are like, so we could look to reduce that, so that’s it’s, it’s mainly, it used to be more before, but now it’s actually more post comp. What most people don’t really think about and females yet again, the Dutch [inaudible 00:10:07]the blood is good too because it gives you an insight into the liver health, a bit into the methylation.

so let’s start with the bef- before that. So with the comp, there are a lot of girls who get up on stage and they say things like, well, I can’t get my legs lean right. Everything else gets lean but can’t get my legs lane. Now I’m a student of Charles Poliquin. I’ve done the Biosignature [inaudible 00:10:27] there is all the CC’s and I’ve had some good results with, with some of the products-


… and protocols. That he uses no doubt there, with that, and obviously for the viewers at home, the Biosignatures essentially the correlation of hormones to your body fat. Now when you do the blood work, what I at least found is it’s not always a one to one ratio of perfect correlation. What have you found in terms of one way to, it’s kind of a loaded question, but what have you found in terms of women who come in, they’re doing it, they want to do a comp prep so they’ve got body fat on their legs, you do their blood work. What do you find there and then how do you use a supplement protocol to get their legs lean?

So, there’s a number of factors really. So, first of all there’s, you tend to find with the [inaudible 00:11:11] all the way back to the [inaudible 00:11:13] Right? Okay. So that colleagues a little bit with like, um, Meridian lines and other factors are like, so there is some aspects where like for instance, if someone has colon issues, if you palpitate [inaudible 00:11:24] IT band bilaterally and the suffer sensitivity or pain that can resonate with that. And then there’s the, there’s the latest stage of the biases, whether hypothetically said if someone did have an excess storage of fat and the quads that could be issues with the gut because the resection of the natural legion.

So, there’s, there’s some way it kind of crosses over. You know, I’ve started the packs with aromatase when we know that for sure with bodybuilders, when, when they’re assisted, the, the Gynecomastia will increase or we can see like, issues with Coleslaw, Addison’s, you know, so, it does have some truth but the truth behind it, well, yeah, yeah. This like, it’s like I don’t necessarily use the Bisignature as a diagnostic. Not now. I used to, I used to, [inaudible 00:12:18] maybe four years ago, but now I try to understand the individual as opposed to what the calipers say.

So, so if theoretically in your, your office walks in female competitor. Hey Jake, I want to get my legs lean where we begin?

Okay. So, as with anything, you have to look at what I do anyway. I look at their health handbrakes I look at what metabolic dysfunctions may they have on their body, what stresses did they have? Because if someone has say for instance and issues with that [inaudible 00:12:48] to sleep and then the whole Leptin and Ghrelin is going to be off, well that’s going to, first of all, the Leptin is going to impact the thyroid. That’s going to create issues with the BMI, that metabolic rate, but also picks the not sleeping.

The Ghrelin goes up. They’re going to have more hunger. [inaudible 00:13:02] to the Diet is going to be worse. So looking and assessing these physiological biofeedback, Marcus to address these health handbrakes to kind of remove them so you can actually kind of almost restore better efficiency. So before I even focus on fat loss, it’s assessed individual understand them and then we were trying to work out, okay after we’ve assessed them, we, we, we look at what their current calorie consumption is and then we gauge it from there. But we’re not really trying to do anything with physique at the stuff. Because if you, if you’d start pulling into deficits, [inaudible 00:13:32] underling issues, you’re just going to make matters worse.

To- Totally agree.


I always say here at enterprise, and Reese will attest to this as well, is that it’s always building back up to baseline. And that usually takes a good couple of weeks just to get them back to baseline. And obviously it’s easier to diet somewhere, let’s say 3000 calories then it is the Diet. Someone who comes in at 12,000 calories or 900 calories, cause he’s really is, where do you go from 900 calories, a hundred? that’s no fun. So let’s not do that. Let’s take the time, build people back up to baseline.

Then let’s talk about dieting. So let’s say, they’ve got to that point, they’re reasonably advanced, they’ve, they’ve done the, the build, the base, their base line back up, the reading good. They’re sleeping while they’re training, how they’re doing all the right things with the legs still aren’t coming in. What are the Go to from there?

Well you also have to look at circ- circulatory issues. Okay. So women, they can have more, have more [inaudible 00:14:23] and can basically create more viscosity of the blood depending on what type, but then with that that can have poor circulation. Well then if the training and the breaking down the fat, we really have to look at the mobilization of those free fatty acids to be utilized as energy anyway. So that’s technically how the [inaudible 00:14:43] could potentially increase the amount of fat storage and legs. Plus then you have the a Beta receptors [inaudible 00:14:50] like which women have a harder time getting the legs leaner, so they’d require like more like kind of your typical hit followed by year LS, your, your steady state, then rest and then going back into it, but you could really focus on the mobilization secularization of the blood interests that have that or before and after workouts as well, which is good.

But taking that in mind, looking at, okay, if [inaudible 00:15:16] increases the, decreases the circulation. Therefore by managing the estrogen than we can improve the circulation and by improving the circulation then we can help with that mobilization of the free fatty acids to be utilized to stop the rest of vacation. Yeah.

So is there a point where supplements do come in for lower leg protocols?

I try not to look at a body part, but I tried to look at, right.


Let, let’s, let’s improve the health per se.

Which is much smarter

But, but I see I, I, I’ve taken such a step away from looking at the specific body parts. It’s once you have all everything set in line, everyone falls into place.

Yeah, I agree.

But there is theory behind it which support that potentially if the estrogen was higher, they could possibly be more fat on the legs.

All right. I totally agree and get exactly where you’re going. It’s a case of, oh my legs effect, therefore my estrogen is high. Well, actually, wait, wait up. Let’s look at her blood work. Let’s look at the site. No, it’s actually a detoxification issue.


Or actually, you know, how often do you go to the toilet? Oh, every two days. Well, let’s, let’s look at that first.


Cause that’s actually the issue. Even though, you know you’ve got fat legs and people don’t think they think, oh yeah, well, let’s, let’s go to, I think he estrogen, right? Let’s go to the estrogen blockers, or let’s go to things that are going to detox estrogen. But actually, really, you really always have to come back to that helicopter view of things and go, right, no, this is actually your issue. And if you get this lynch pin, it’s going to affect everything down from the cascade. So brilliant. With that said, things like dim calcium, gluconate, sulfonmethane, let’s begin with dim. When do you use it? What is it about? How does it work?

Okay, so if, first of all, so, uh, [inaudible 00:17:02] is derived from indole three carbinol. Okay. Indole three carbinol we get from cruciferous vegetables. So it’s a, it’s a much more-

which I hate,.

But they’re vegetables the broccoli [crosstalk 00:17:15]

But specifically it’s the cruciferous spot yet.

So there’s, then it makes it much bad just taking it as such, but the dim. So first of all, some studies have shown, obviously the dosage dosages are different because it was done in rodents, not humans, but in males it can lead to a trophy, the testicles and decreased spend quality. So there’s for guys, you’ve got to be looking at where’s your estrogen come from? Largely it’s aromatase, aromatase. So then if a women, when we look at DIM, it’s not going to be beneficial for when with low issue because it’s going to decrease your E1 and E2. Now it favors the, the the two hydroxy and the four hydroxy pathways.

Interesting, side note. So basically, DIM, really the only time you probably use it is if there’s a guy who’s doing say a cycle of steroids or something and he’s got too much testosterone. Now he’s aromatasing. you’d give him dim to help your amortization?

No, because you won’t want to bring down, well, so he’s got too much aromatase. You look at reduce it too much aromatase expression. You look at reducing the inflammation is stress is insulin as opposed to reduce this testosterone.


what you say. So what’s the example? So a guy has got too much testosterone [crosstalk 00:18:27]

Yes so, that’s why you said again externally, right?. And it’s aromatase rising now he’s not able to basically utilize it and he’s getting Gynecomastia.


So in that case of Gynecomastia, would you then use dim?



No. It just inhibit aromatase so it’d work upstream.


So if this is, you’ve got testosterone and then you got aromatase and you have estrogen rather than dressing this right here, you’d address it here.



So then in saying that, where does things like calcium gluconate fall in?

Okay so-

Actually, sorry, before we go into that with things like prostate cancer, then that’s a typical time when you would use DIM.

No, salt Palmetto.


So, salt palm, that’ll be good for prostate health. Yeah.

Right. So then now where does the calcium gluconate fit in and what is the glucuronidation let’s, let’s start there.

Yes. So just to quickly correct. So, DIM phase one of biotransformation of estrogen, and then Carson decollete phase 2. But calcium, calcium gluconate works by base basically inhibitant B to [inaudible 00:19:26]. So all these big words, but basically-

Talk dirty please.

You’ve got, you’ve got glucuronidation pathway, which is a phase two kind of process for eliminating toxins, casinogens, estrogen. So this is where we bind glucaric acid to estrogen and we bind it with bile for removal of the body so it` excrete it out. Now if we have stuff like dysbiosis or Sibo will have an increased level of Beta glucuronidase we, it’s an enzyme because it ends in A-S-E so that actually cleaves off the glu- glucaric acid and then a base, it allows the engine to be reabsorbed back into the body through enter. We have to circulation.

So we reabsorb that Estrogen. So, by having an elevated level of this beat Glucuronidase, we can’t really eliminate the Estrogen effectively because we keep on breaking off from what we need to be basically bound with it for its removal. So, what we must do for this is we must understand why is [inaudible 00:20:22] to Glucuronidase high, and that could be high from an excessive amount of the protein or meat consumption, processed foods, dysbiosis, antibiotics. So, we’ll look at those factors first, improve the gut health.

Next we look at inhibiting Beta glucuronidase. That’s where calcium glucuronoside comes and however I was like to work upstream, so look at the costs first, but you have all the factors too, like a fan of Greek seeds, cumin, apple, strawberries, almonds, which also work effectively, and you’d want to avoid black pepper because this can inhibit glucuronidation as well. Then on top of that, you’d want to implement foods with glucaric acid to then provide more of the molecules to bind onto the Estrogen first removal.

Then you’d also want to support bile. So if someone does have issues with their bile production, bile, how we digest and assimilate fast, but it’s also how we conjugates are toxins for removal, Also our hormones. So if we look on bloods for instance, and we see elevated AST ALT issues with AlP Bilirubin, low cholesterol, we know potentially their bile production is not going to be that good.

And we could cross correlate that with the subjective markers of do they have a mucosal film on the surface of the water after passing stool to that pain on the right side of the rib cage that difficulties digesting fat. If so, then we’d look to increase bile. So, by increase in bile we could implement a bitter Greens, a radish, chicory artichoke. And then if that wasn’t working through foods, we do have the option of potentially looking at supplementation. So [inaudible 00:21:53] for instance.

So the link between calcium gluconate, cause I know you took some talking about bile on that. What is the direct link between the [inaudible 00:22:01] the glucaldrate and the bile.

So, Calcium glucaldrate inhibits beat glucuronidase and that allows glucuronidation but this pathway also requires bio first process to be removed.

So this is where you’re looking at almost well, you’re not almost, you’re, you’re looking at the digestion of fats before you are looking at using, if I understand it correctly-


You’re looking at the addition of have I digest the fats before you’re looking at giving calcium gluconate.



Because, you know, it may not be a bit glucuronirade issue. It could be, it could be a little bit of a Beta glucuronidase issue. we can manage that addressing the, the causation so that the lifestyle and diet and then you could implement foods so it’s going to be cheapened. That’s easier, right? So you’ve got almonds, you got your strawberries, avoiding black pepper.

what’s in the alm- and what are the almonds and the strawberries that they need.

But that those, that classification of foods help to reduce the activity of the enzyme Beta. Glucuronidase.


So, there’s specific compounds in it. I’m not too sure.

Okay. So, so in a nutshell, a often a step if they’re having trouble too before we go out, like as practitioners and stuff. And it’s like, all right, calcium gluconate wall, hold up. how do you digest your fats? And if the answer is poorly.


would you then consider something like ox bile?

Well and look and assess them. Wild fats, assimilation [inaudible 00:23:17], is it that they potentially, like there’s many different things. It’s like going down the rabbit hole. So for instance, we could have certain snips, DNA which prevents us from being efficient with the saturated fat. So it could be a kind of gene reason why, or it could be a deficiency in nutrients. It could be that you have too much stress that’s, that’s creating a buildup of bile in the liver and gallbladder, so we tried to look at what’s the reason, what’s causing it, how can we address this through food and then go through supplementation.

So for food measures, the support in Bile, we’ve got artichoke, but let’s say if you have IBS then, which the May do, then we know the artichoke is, is going to be quite high in the food maps. And that could be creating an issue. So we could go with [inaudible 00:24:03] and then we could implement foods such as chicory, radish, lemon, they all work well to stimulate the production of bile. And then in terms of supplementation, studies have shown that it’s safe at 10 to 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

So one, one supplement or compound. It’s been getting a lot of attention recently. More so is sulfonmethane.


What’s the deal?

Okay, sweet. So, sulforaphane is awesome for, basically it does a number of things, but in terms of Estorogen, this is pretty cool, right? So often men, you, no one else had one’s going to be like no right?. So with issues-

That is cold damn it, make it cool.

Like you’ve got, you’ve got your different, like a [inaudible 00:24:46]of Estrogen, right. Okay. So you to you for any 16 hydroxy, right?


So you’ve got the two hydroxy which is beneficial. Okay. Four hydroxy, which, is basically cancers, it can, what can be cancerous because it basically can create these Quinone which bind to DNA and they create permanent mutations and that can increase the risk of cancer. And then you have your 16 hydroxy pathway, which causes cell proliferation and tumor growth. Just not necessarily cancer causing. But if there’s cancer that it will be the growth that bought that. 16 hydroxy pathways, beneficial books that can help with bones. Okay. Now when we look[crosstalk 00:25:23]

Good, the bad, the ugly,

The good, the ugly, the bad. Yeah,


The four is the ugly one,


Okay. So, when we look at this, this four pathway, this creates these, these, these kind of like compounds called Quinone. Okay. So there’s the three, four quinones, which are really bad, at least caused the damage to DNA. So what so far in actually does is that basically helps to neutralize them .


But also helps shunt the Estrogen two hydroxy state as well. So the, it shouldn’t the station more down the beneficial form to the two hydroxy, which is more anti cancerous.

So coming back to I suppose the original question, when you are looking at those compounds, even DIM, calcium gluconate sulfonmethane, really nothing is given out as well as the word Willy Nilly. Like, oh, it just takes him, damn, you’ll be right. You really need to really think about what you’re doing. To me, like you’re saying, the only one that you could safely take without doing your research would be sulfonmethane. Do you agree with? Not even so much.

No because it could create IBS issues.

Why does it create IBS issues?

Sone indi-, some individuals can so from are bad. I’m not too sure as to why.


And yeah.

So this is where, and I know you said something before that I want it to just kind of backtrack and Mucosa around the stool.


And that’s an indicator or-

A mucosal surface in the water after passing stool.


So you get to the toilet, it looks like olive oil and water fat, which isn’t really anticipated. That would correlate to poor fat digestion touching so foreign. And you have Broccoli sprouts. Okay. Which, really good, the best sauce, but there’s two of the tricks you can do. So you can, basically you get this from cruciferous vegetables. So in cruciferous vegetables you have two different components. You have myrosinase and you have Glucoraphanin. Now Glucoraphanin is this kind of this compound. And you have myrosinase, which is an enzyme, enzymes degrade.

So when you cook the cruciferous vegetables a, it causes the myrosinase to oxidize. So you lose that. Now when those two mix together, you get so far, which is cool, right? So what you can do is chop up the cruciferous vegetables, leave it for 40 minutes to allow that enzymatic reaction. That’s, that’s awesome. But if you don’t have time, if, if you, if he had lazy or whatever, you can cook your vegetables and then add mustard seed powder on. Now most of the, see this class as a cruciferous vegetable, it contains the myrosinase. It will react with the Glucoraphanin and the vegetables, what you cooked and you can boost the [inaudible 00:27:52].

Pretty cool. So is this where you talk about, you talk about the seed cycling.

That’s, that’s another thing. [crosstalk 00:27:59] Okay. So, um, you’ve got basically the, the menstrual cycle. You have fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen. So we can support this in a healthy pattern by taking, for instance, you’ve got flax seed, Pumpkin, you got your which one is it? Pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseed. I forgot the other seed, see you, you basically take these at certain times throughout the cycle to support the rising issue of the rising progesterone so that we can help manage side effects, which may have be like PMS or the factors.

Where’d you learn that?

I’ve done course work with the FDN functional diagnostic nutrition, which they actually teach that, which is quite cool.

It’s very cool.

I’ve done all the other courses FMCP FMU.

where does the, where does green good cause we’re talking about, you know obviously the theme is today, women’s health, women’s hormones. So we starting the show I suppose with the southern stuff. Last one I want to talk about is green tea extract cause that sometimes that one’s thrown out as an anti estrogenic.



it is it okay.


Well when we referring to this, right, this is my imaginary issued in kind of thing. Right? So we, we go, we can get these then these, the two hydroxy and the four hydroxy kind of metabolize but we can make them bad ass by converting them into two. So we’ve got the two hydroxy, the four hydroxy, we can convert them into the 2 methoxy and the 4 methoxy forms. So these are the sweet ones. Okay. So the four hydroxy, which could be tentatively be ad co damaging DNA, potentially cancerous. We can actually methalate that and convert it into your four methoxy. It’s neutralized it. Then we have two hydroxy, which is sweet, you know, crucifers badge, push it down as pathway, which is cool. But then we can make it even better by going to two methoxy instead of two hydroxy. So to get to these methoxy states require capital column.

Methyl transfer is context question, COMT. Now Green tea can inhibit COMT, which therefore prevents that beneficial conversion. So in terms of each estrogen management, it could potentially not be that good. But on the flip side it can also inhibit aromatase. So it depends what the issue is. Is that aromatase issue or is it a poor issue in conversion pathway issue.

So the green tea extract, for example, would that then be the one that you’d use for the guy who’s aromatase


Grapes extract?

Yeah, yeah. And Zinc and make sure it’s copper isn’t too high.

Yes. Because otherwise I get eight to easy bruising and these kinds of things.

Wh- What happens is, so zinc and copper work antagonistically with one another. So when we have an excess of copper that will facilitate the CCYP19A1 enzyme which is aromatase and it’ll increase estrogen binding affinity of the receptor. So, that’s going to be pretty bad. Whereas when we have zinc, it displaces the copper. But also when we’re deficient and zinc, aromatase is increased.

So I guess what you’re saying Jake, is just don’t take any [inaudible 00:31:02]

It’s looking at the last, I’m making sure it’s healthy. I think the key thing right for estrogen is looking at, okay, is there stress good, is that good? Are they sleeping good? Are they’re eating good? That’s the basic, make sure they’re getting the basics and we, we have to really look and understand upstream rather than looking at the end product. The end product is, I’ve got a headache. Well, okay, why have you got headache? Okay. You’ve just had too many stimulants are using these products.

Do you ever use these products?

Which ones?

The calcium gluconate.

Yeah, yeah Definitely yeah.

it’s, it’s, so if we can just go like cases, what would you, where would you use the calcium gluconate?

Calcium gluconate would be potentially good if someone has high estrogen related symptoms and IBS. Cause if they have IBS then we could hypothesize that they have an increased level of Beta glucuronidase. If I have an increased level of Beta glucuronidase, therefore the glucuronidation is going to be impaired. We can ha inhibit Beta glucuronidase with Calcium glucaldrate but we’d look at other factors to implement that too.

I know this is kind of off topic, but on topic, something I heard a while back was with glycine, with all of these products you want to add glycine to operate your light, the liver. Is that a thing that you look at all?

So, they’re looking at like methylation. It’s impressive.


So glycine, first of all, you’ve got different types. Okay. So you have your methylation process. So you’ve got your Methyl then that using magnesium is co-factor to get [inaudible 00:32:29] You know, you can use that, um, um, get these metal bands there. And then you can get homocysteine right now, homocysteine, we to recycle back into methane. You can do so through trimethylglycine or you can do it through Methylcobalamin. So it’d B12, you know, so that would be why people recommend that and the recommended the, the glycine to support methylation and the recommend in that because methylation is how we produced comp. okay. So con Catechol a methyl requires a methyl donor. We get to and methyl transfers from methylation. And that content is how we basically convert your, your estrogen into its most preferential form.

excellent. When would you use this [inaudible 00:33:13]?

It is really good, really good to use from those people. I just say if you have IBS issues then I wouldn’t use it.


But that one’s going to be great for managing. If someone, the bad effects are potentially the four hydroxy should said that if someone is having an estrogenic, then that’s going to be sweet. But also it’s gonna help favored the conversion down to the two hydroxy form. So it’s really, really good. Unless someone’s got like IBS for instance.

And dim?

Dim, PMS symptoms will be good for that.


Because now menopause-

The estrogen is too high.


You need to get lower. And the effects of the urine being discolored from dim, what is that from?

I can’t comment on that. I don’t know. Yeah,

right. Let’s talk about, um, switching topics completely. But breast implants, they have been bullied. Hate to be a cosmetic surgeon right now. It’s like, breast plans, cause my IBS breast plant, breasts implants, coal is my, whatever, my calf to itch. No, they, they, they do get a lot of heat today, especially in the, in the kind of the, the natural health community. Are they that bad?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. The, the really, really bad. So when we look at the studies and picks up, done a post on this, there’s, I think it’s a six times increased risk of arthritis and I think it’s a four times increased risk of stillbirth. And then there’s, any dramatically increased risk for autoimmune conditions as well.

What is the mechanism for that?

It’s a foreign entity inside your body. So your buddies are going to stimulate the immune system to try and address it.

So, it actually becomes an immune issue.

Yeah. Yeah. It’s like, well both there’s going to be many mechanisms, there’s, there’s two different types of breast implants. There’s one which is autoimmune related. There’s the, there’s the silicon and there’s the, what’s the other one?

I’m not sure.

Right. Okay, good. The ones can be essentially be related to mold. You see?

Right. Yeah. You get a mold infection. Yeah.

Yeah. I think it was moldy inside. Yeah. Yeah. No, yeah.

Mind equal blown just about why Matt, but uh, puts a, an image in your head to think about something going moldy, whatever the other one is. So the silicon and the other one just, I think it’d be element is mold and then silicon,

But the, the, if you check out on my Instagram, you can look in the comments. This, there’s a few pet, few comments, but you read all these different stories about anyway, so it’s not just me saying this, this, this people which come forward to me with issues and experiences of their own and these horror stories so it’s an-

Can you give me an example of a horror story.

God, there’s, there’s just, there’s just loads, you know, it’s literally like people just being tired all the time, written as brain fog and gut related issues, developing autoimmune conditions.

And when they get out, they’re back to normal or is there-

Deep down the line of gut, you know?

Right. And I mean, is it, I mean, the whole thing of correlation versus causation, is there enough, evidence to I suppose to say, yeah, look, this is actually-

I think the study was done in 99,000 people.

Right? So pretty, pretty big study. It’s causation or correlation there. There’s something there. Definitely. Yeah. Tattoos yet an interesting post about tattoos. What’s the deal you’ve got? .

Okay so, again, it’s a foreign entity to the buddy. So, um, it’s linked in with heavy metals.


So, the, the colored ones tend to be worse, you know, and they can degrade. And from, this is all from my knowledge by the way, from what I know right now at this given moment in time. So you know, it made data is different, but the colored ink to grades from sunlight and then you can release these, that’s why that fade faster as well. And that, that you cannot absorb them into the body, can issues them with the lymphatic system and that surrounded area.

You have increased levels of these heavy metals such as cadmium for instance, that can impair your detoxification pathways as effectively. So, facilitate more of that 16 hydroxy conversion of your estrogen. If you have high levels of cadmium, plus they can inhibit, not inhibit, decreased the activity of the specific enzymes, what you use in testosterone production. I’m not saying the reason why no one’s making gains due to cadmium, but it’s a very small compounding factor, which you might as well address it, but then we also look at the trauma egg crates to the Fascia as well. So by having all the scar tissue and create these Adhesions and these bio mechanical discrepancies,

Right. That that is something I didn’t even consider. I mean there were like one of the things for me with tattoos, I was always one of those guys that’s like, oh goodness, how to but what and where. And I go, I want to get a tattoo. What and where? I could never answer that question. You’ve got a couple of titles know that’s obviously before you. Yeah. So you’re not, I’m not recommending tattoos.

Like this is the thing, right? So anything in life, you have your two foundational values, you got your health and your happiness. So if it means you’re going to be happier, then sometimes that’s more important than health. But that happiness maybe short lived so that when it ties down to anything, you know you’ve got that the foundational kind of structure is your health and your happiness and then you build up to an up from that. So some people, they may have a tattoo as a coverup. For instance, they may have had to have a breast removed from breast cancer and then may have to have like a tattoo on, on the nipple for instance.

It could be a cosmetics tattoo, how to, it could be to cover a scar like a Zara and possibly around that to or anything like this, And that may give them more self confidence and that may give them more happiness. And then you could argue, okay, from them being more happy, if that’s learned, that stress is that improving their health mall, So yeah.

I know we’re going to get into some hot water now, but contraception’s how do they affect the body? And that’s okay. Kind of a broad question.

Okay. So, so we’ve got the oral contraceptive pill that will really, it’s got strong correlations for poor thyroid function.


So it can increase our ART3 so it can decrease the T3. And I kind of like reception working effectively. Then you have increases TBG so that can bind onto the thyroid hormone, surrendered them, inactive it can do it, and then deplete your B9 B6 B 12 your selenium using the magnesium and vitamin A and cocuten.

So, that’s coiling Pericone that the sense that that is what happens. It’s not a select case. It you take it for long enough, that’s what’s going to happen.

Yeah I mean, we look at the studies and when you stop taking the OCP after 10 years, you start an increased risk of breast cancer.

when you stop taking.

Yes. So 10 years after you’re not touched it to 10 years, you still at an increased risk.

Wow. And what’s the, how much, how long do you have to take it to be in that category?

I’m not too sure, but we can look and understand. Okay. it’s the pleats and stuff like that. B9 B12 steps doesn’t parts in your methylation Celeni we got your superoxide dismutase and stuff, which falls into that category.

Right and the things like the IUD.

So you’ve got the Copper IUD. And so that’s heavily correlated to depression.

Oh really why is that

so we, we require copper for proper management of your dopamine and break down through with your end norepinephrine but in excess It just creates issues with the Tro- neurotransmitters. So, so we can, um, there’s, there’s a number of things. So first of all, with copper increased the student and high estrogen can inhibit your serotonin production. So the high estrogen can stimulate stuff like the idea of enzymes, the enzymes, which break down Tryptophan. So we have less than the trip fund going through fiber drops, trips on through Serotonin. But then on top of that, we have, issues with the dopamine, you know, but then we have the inflammatory kind of model as well, which ties into that too. So it’s strongly correlates to the depression.

So you’ve got the IUD, the oral contraception. Am I missing anyone, any of that?

There’s the marina boner I talked about earlier today, but it’s gone from my head now,



Yeah. So moving on from that, how does estrogen a high or low, how does it affect body composition?

Okay, sweet. So estrogen is beneficial for fat loss. So when we actually, I know it’s so, it’s like most people, we tend to discredit estrogen. Okay. We tend to put it from the bad side, but that’s simply because we largely suffer from miss managed estrogen. So we have, all these estrogens, these poor lifestyle patterns, which generally across the board, it promotes that avision dominance an estrogen dominance is just a relative term based on estrogen in relation to progesterone. So, estrogen may not be high, progesterone could be low. Now when we look at this, it’s essential for fat loss when it’s healthy, good level with good conversions because it helps first of all stimulate fat jelly T4 so you can actually get better absorption of the glucose into the muscle.

It’s used, in the many of the chemicals that are required for the digestion and utilization of your glucose and in the citric acid cycle. And it can aid with the, the faci- facilitation of the Carnitine Pomodoro transferees, which is that shuttle and mechanism of the, the, uh, free fatty acids to be utilized as fuel. Um, and it has protective properties for the Mitochondria. You know, and then we will look at, you shouldn’t deficiency when a female goes through menopause, she shifts more towards that and kind of android kind of body fat disposition where it’s more around the mid section and it can increase in the fat, because that issue of deficiency for estrogen access could also create shoes too.

So with things like PMS, what, what, what’s the problem? What’s going on there with, so with PMS?

So, with PMS largely that is issue and access, but it could be a number of things, but largely it’s, the studies were done to look at 200 females and the found 100% of them had at least one symptom of PMS. So this where we’d look at estrogen and to make sure we manage that effectively.

Right, right. and things like with, with cycles or menstrual cycles, things like heavy bleeding, white bleeding, missing periods where, where do you go? What’s your, like tools of asking or what do you, you, you did back to the Dutch test looking at that. And then what are the lifestyle factors that I considered?

Okay. So for estrogen access, you’re going to have increased, uh, stuff like mood instability and more water attention. with ancient deficiency that could be symptoms of the light, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, that could be a weaker skin, weaker. Now it was this sort of thing.

Right. Let me rephrase the question just a little bit. When you do get a client, right, let’s say for example, a comes in and they, let’s say good irregular period, or they’ve been say heavy and quite painful, what are some, for the folks watching, what are some actionable steps that you would say yet? Well, this is what you need to be doing more of. Well, this is what she need to go. Is it, is it actually what, when you distill it down, is it they actually need to go see someone that’s the only way through it? Or is there some actionable steps that they can start to change today to better.

Rather than directly recommend people per se? I could have that at least say in a situation, so I’m not getting mad. [crosstalk 00:44:38]

Yeah Correct[inaudible 00:44:39] purely hypothetical

That is a[inaudible 00:44:43]. Like vitamin E can help reduce breast tenderness. Iodine deficiency exacerbates that. Um, but topical IOD and can help reduce the uh, the uh, tenderness as well. Then you have stuff like burger marks and peppermint essential oil, which can actually rub on to if, if anyone does have like endometriosis. And I’ve got like a, these lesions which create the Pain that one can help reduce activity there. So that can also help increase in stuff like magnesium. Clary sage aroma therapy can work effectively, but that’s more if someone’s got lower estrogen, then we got a red raspberry leaf tea.

The seed Saquon is going to be good and increasing the Vasa dilation is going to help to see if the half, for instance, this abdominal pain, it could be simply from the blood being pulled through the capillaries and through all through all the vessels basically. And it’s hen these nerves sensors. So what we’d want to do is increase the Vasa dilation so you’re not getting that abdominal pain because we’re diverting a lot of blood to the wound, the feed, this whole process which we’re going through.

So if we increase the flight, you’re beet roots you are, get dark chocolate. And then even like melons rich and citron in which can then support that you noticed pathway. So that could potentially up to in about implementing that, you know, keeping it warm so you can help with the Vasa dilation. We could potentially reduce the, the potential Crumping

With all of this is the liver or supporting the liver isn’t that needs these at a, I suppose, you know, it’s always where do you start with a personality, toys. This is where the bloodwork and it’s where the conversations come in, you know, is it, is it, I suppose it is over simpler to say gut liver hormones, but how much is the liver considered when you’re looking at estrogens? Because it’s fundamentally the liver is going to be involved at some point. So what do you support that actively or you just let it do its thing and-

No, I always tried to support that. So, fruit hydration, pissed. Yeah, I essential. Um, but then we have like managing blood pressure because blood pressure, we’ll tax the kidneys, texting the kidneys could potentially also effect then the liver. But then we also want to look at, make sure we’ve got your macronutrients covered. And then foods and top Sydney, chicory radish, your ass Cherokee. Yep. Your lemon, your beet root apples. These are old good spot. Liver health. And you’ve got your different pathways within that. We could look at like sulfation so we can increase the sulfur rich amino acids basically meet, and then we’ve got methylation.

So, okay. How are we going to support methylation? Methylated B vitamins, working with Tim, then organic live it. That’s going to be awesome. what does the word-

[inaudible 00:47:10] is not awesome is disgusting.

Chop it up into small pieces. Mix it in with some mint-

And lots of bacon.

Yeah, yeah.

So, moving to the word association game. So every, every guest that we have on, we’d play the Word Association game and Basically Word Association Games. Essentially. If I was to say superhero might say superman.

Okay yeah.

Simple. Right?

So ready to play?

Yeah, I’m ready?


Okay. [inaudible 00:47:34]

Okay, functional tests.

Okay. Bloods-

competing as an athlete.



Ah Fuck it. I’m blind. I just thought homeless back at ya [crosstalk 00:47:55]

comp prep as a coach



Yeah. But she wants to spend time doing [inaudible 00:48:02].

Yeah. It’s very good training.

Hard. Especially hard.

Yes. Go to supplements.

Ooh, okay. Multivitamin [inaudible 00:48:12] and, and then I don’t really like saying this, this go to supplements thing, but like is this just the word association game right?

Word Association.

Okay. Multivitamin Mineral


First thing[inaudible 00:48:24]

Favorite supplement if you can say


Right. A comfort food.

I like carrots and Parsley. Yeah. Weird. Seriously. Like I chopped them up. Right. I’m like, I just cook them a little bit too much. Yeah. In the Pan and I love that.

You put honey on it?


[inaudible 00:48:41]syrup?

No it would be nice. But that’s honestly, honestly that isn’t, I know it’s weird [crosstalk 00:48:48] or at least no, nothing. Just that. Yeah. You’ll know what you do it. Yeah. That’s it

Maybe like what, I have heard that when you click craving certain foods, it’s a deficiency. It gives you that dopamine response to actually eat more of it. So I don’t know.

Well, I’ve also got like, say for instance with my methylation, I’ve got sent genes which impact that it parsnips at the quantity one. Have this all. Okay. Fill it there. And then with the carrots, it’s good for the health too.

All right. Least favorite supplement.

Oh fuck. Oh, I’m not sure if am suppose to say that.

Yeah, whatever.

Oh Wow. Dude, I’m going to pickle. Yeah. What Association game? T[inaudible 00:49:35], that one.

The, the fir- The first, the best answer I’ve ever had on this one is anything flavored, tropical punch. One of those workouts back in the day. The pre workouts that will flavored tropical punch. They were horrible.

But the weird best one was the stuff with one three [inaudible 00:49:52] and the DMIA. Right. It’s stuff where you felt like you’re floating. You, you, you’ve done for days after.

Right? Yeah. I never, I never touched it because I’m very sensitive to gave him coffee. Yeah. So I’m just like, whoa. I have two coffees. Wow. You know, I’m good.

This was like I was training chest and I couldn’t feel my legs. Yeah. It’s good. It’s good, but bad.

Very bad. So that’s probably the hated, disliked, whichever, something you can’t live without.

I’m going to be really cheesy and say my partner.


Yeah. Get me the good books.

Yeah. Something you want to see more of.

The sunshine.


I love the sunshine. Looking up and not Seeing Cloud. Yeah.

Always a good thing.

Yeah. Escape from Gotham.

Um, less off saying we see less of, .

I think way too much for this time. Just fire out. I want to see less like egotism and vanity and the health and fitness industry. More people supporting one another and helping people. Not trying not to put each of the down.

Yeah. I actually said today to pay chattoway exactly that. And I said most people in the fitness industry, they focus on their slice of the pie. This is my size when I really think you should focus on making the pie bigger because when you make the pie bigger, everyone gets the biggest slice, including you. So let’s just make the pie bigger and if you’re successful, I’m successful. And high tides rise all boats. Sorry, I’m passionate about this one. But, a resource that you go to

[inaudible 00:51:21]

[inaudible 00:51:21]

Yeah, yeah.

I respected peer.

Getting my friend, my business partner.

Someone who has mentored you. And not even training. It’s good.

Not In training.

Yeah. Like life mentor.

life lessons.


Life lessons. God, good. Deep on this. Hang on. we’ll come back to that one.

Okay, its here.

We can go down on like oh yeah

Just give older names you can do have say one.

But outside of business, but directly or indirectly?

whichever. What’s your thoughts come in mind.

in terms of like changing how I perceive a lot of things. There’s Stephen Covey’s book, which was good, seven habits of highly effective people that, that was really good. I read that at a young age. And then there’s stuff like, Robin Sharma. He’s awesome.


Yeah. But he’s not been direct, but he again-

yeah, it doesn’t have to be direct.

Yeah, yeah. That’s awesome.

That’s why I like to ask these questions to what were people for me? It’s Anthony Robbins. Like in the car.


Just constantly listen to him. I just love it. Even like don’t listen to radio. Listen, Anthony Robins, but sometimes, obviously I listen to other stuff other than Anthony Robins, but you know, I’m [inaudible 00:52:44] Anthony robins right now, so we’ll move on. biggest lie in comp prep.

The exercises women do on social media compared to what they actually do.

A motto or quote, you try and live your life by.

Yeah. The average of the five people you spend the most time with.

a music or an artist you like.


You don’t have to say one. You can just go.

Through several of them.

Yeah. Whatever comes to mind.

You know what I really like? You know what I read it like from me growing up, we know we used to go to like a, like raves in the woods and stuff. I love DMB back from the old days, a bit of jungle [crosstalk 00:53:18] Yeah, no, no, that one’s not, but like jungle, the MBA, but I love stuff like gigs, a Drake, you know, that sort of stuff. And then going through to a biceps, Carl, Carl Cox. Yeah.


Bicep. Yeah. Interesting. Right. But is that right? Yeah, it’s like an outhouse sort of stuff.

[inaudible 00:53:40]right?

Salado as well.

Yeah.a good movie.

Got right. You’ve got the classics, right? So you’ve got pulp fiction. Yeah. Snatch. I’ve got this one and luck on that. This is the easiest one, right? Okay. Say Right. You’ve got layer cake. You got Harry Brown.[crosstalk 00:53:54]

Wow this is all english movies. Its all english, It’s not a castle [inaudible 00:54:02]

All those like[crosstalk 00:54:05].

You know all the good ones of Australian movies. You’ve got some work to do. Something you’re grateful for.

Oh, wow, this one genuinely, this one genuinely the sunshine.

Yeah awesome.

Nice. It’s good its a new day,

well this has been an absolute pleasure Jake. We’re going to take a quick break and be back with audience questions. Hey folks, I hope you’re enjoying this episode with coach Jake Carter. And if you are, make sure you subscribe to us on YouTube and ring that bell for future videos and updates. And if you want to listen to this on the go, iTunes is your hookup and would be totally grateful if you would leave us a review on iTunes isn’t your thing. And you’re on soundcloud. We’re on there as well. So check us out and follow us on Soundcloud.

So for the personal trainers watching this episode, personal trainer, mentoring.com is your hookup. We’ve put up the first five E-classes to wolf pack up on there. It’s all about how to structurally assess and screen your client, and I know that you’re gonna get a ton of value from them, especially in the, if this do that section, it’s going to be a great amount of practical tips to program and periodized training programs for your client. So make sure you check, check that out. It’s personal trainer mentoring Dotcom. Just going to leave your details there. Let’s get back to the show. I’ll see you on the other side of this one.

Welcome back to the wolf sten where with coach Jake Carter, just remind them, make sure you subscribe to us on our youtube. Check it out, just the button below. Subscribe and make sure you ring that bell for all future updates. And Hey, if you want to listen to these great podcasts in your car, do check out our iTunes. Everything is syndicated to iTunes. So just go search a enterprise fitness podcast on iTunes. And while you’re at it, also make sure you check out our Instagram accounts for Jake. It’s coach Jake @Carter and obviously for my myself, it’s marketer every. So check those out. Now we’re going to go into the studio, we’re gonna go into the wolf standing. I’m going to get the studio audience to ask the questions that they have. So let’s pass it over with our first question of today.

Hi Jake. so my question is mainly around, especially just gen pop and even female athletes who are about 40, come into contact with a lot of them. And of course the three main things that faces either the aging, a menopause, and then hysterectomy.

Oh, okay.

So yeah. So yeah,

what you want to start with?

So when it comes to that, of course it’s tied into depletion of depletion of, strength, a tiredness, and then weight gain. So, how do you do, where do you, where do you start? What do you, what do you think about, what other things do you want to address? And then when you talk about training and nutrition, just, just along that lines, because guys have it easy, so you just don’t know where to start.

Okay, cool. So the first thing, what you want to do is look at what stresses they have, be that from a psycho emotional stressors, physiological, physical or dietary. So, we wanna we’re gonna assess what stress did they have, look at the severity and the frequency and trying to see what the biggest hitters are. And we’ve worked to kind of address them through a stress reduction management methods because we really need the adrenal function, the whole stress, HPA access to be working effectively. Cause this is where they’re going to be producing a lot of the estrogen now. So, if we’re talking about menopause, a woman, so we want to look at minimizing the stressors and then we, this, there’s a lot we can do with lifestyle and behavior.

So we want to make sure that they are first of all, work on the attitude. The gratitude and then between we look at the, the types of stressors we know that psychological stressors pose the biggest threat when compared to a physical stresses because it can be self perpetuating, and we can ruminate on these thoughts, stand out and did these could be anything from insecurities. It could be from lack of self worth. It could be lack of social support, it could be anxiety, you know, heartbreak, distrusted, these, all these all stressors.

What we don’t really acknowledge. So looking at the attitude and gratitude is going to be key. Then we’ll have to look at that rest, all the rest and effectively of the haven’t downtime or they’re having me time. So all they’re doing stuff which they enjoy. What makes them laugh, what makes them smell of that have been fun. This is the day to day life. What we could look at doing if they are, got a lot of flight work, stressors, you know, can look at delegation. So up works or anything like that, we can inform them off. And then a lot of stress with, potentially menopausal women.

Could be due to and the libido dropping. Okay. So then the labido `can drop that could create friction in the relationship. Really making sure they understand the partner’s love language for instance. So you’ve got the, the, the different tech types, low love language. So you’ve got, the ones where, so praise, you’ve got gifts. I’m making sure the communicate into the partner on that level because of the potential, this connection, what the May have from the lack of libido when you look at that, the lifestyle. But then we look at stressors. The, we can look at increasing the carbohydrates to, to mitigate the stress. Because we, we don’t want HPA system like rain and dominant over like the production of the, the estrogen. So, just minimizing that it’s going to be good.

Good, thank you.

I’m just carrying on from that I’m Judy. From a stress point of view and with women this day and age in the Western world. You’d get off at five o’clock in the morning. For me, I’ve got two jobs. I work full time in IT, part time in PT. By the time I get home, my husband has to cook the family dinner cause I get home from work late and then the second job and then you fit training into that pre prep all my meals to make sure I’ve got good nutrition. But when you’ve got work stress, family stress, sleep stress because you’re not sleeping and he’s still got good nutrition, but then you’ve got compromised gut, a leaky gut, HPA dysfunction, [inaudible 01:00:25] dysfunction, what’s, what’s the, and you and you can’t get rid of the stress.

You just have to be able to cope with it. So, what sort of protocols, whether it’s exercise, nutrition, supplementation, tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system more so than the sympathetic, what sort of protocols are there to, to help with that?

Okay, cool. So first of all, it sounds like time management initiative focused on, so reframing that from time management to priority management is going to empower you more books times an external stressor, which is continuously pass and on. Right? But, but you have no control. Whereas prior to management, you are controlling what you delegate into that time. So most people have a distorted time quality, more so in females and males. So females then they can get more done in a specific time than males, males, then the condo is much. Right. Okay.

So, that’s all under the compounding factor. So reframing how an individual would see their management of time and looking at as prior to management and powers them. Now in terms of what we could do is, in terms of training, we really want to go for a and kind of like a maximum stimulus kind of approach. I mean, it depends on the goal, right? But when we look at the studies volume created a bigger level of quartz hill during the session and post session, as opposed to intensity. So therefore strength training is going to be better for someone if the, overly stressed.

Now that also means that they can actually have more time to focus on resting, interest that, because you’re bigger rest periods anyway. And in terms of stimulating that parasympathetic response is a lot you can do in addition to what you’re already doing in terms of your food, your, your lifestyle and your behavior. So stuff like love and aroma therapy is going to be good. Camomile tea drinking, that’s going to be great. Really maximize and sleep quality, which is a big priority. But listen to the flight, Delta stimulating binaural beats, we got diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril tests, a technique. all these things will help stimulate that yin response as opposed to having a young kind of lifestyle.

Hi Jake. My question is around sort of adult acne and women who are in their twenties and thirties who struggle from bad skin and whether or not milk, Sasol and NAC is something that you would recommend for that. That’s something I’ve been taking recently. Milk [inaudible 01:02:54]. It’s made a big difference, but I can’t put my finger on whether that’s actually helping or what you would recommend for that because I have been on quite heavy antibiotics before and then as soon as they go off them just masking the issue.

Sure. So the outer skins or reflection to the inner skin’s health and it’s going to be in the intestines. So we must look at that, see if there’s any disturbances on the skin and see if that is represented from some kind of glute related issue. So when we’re looking at stuff like, I noticed you didn’t say this book, when we look at Eczema, psoriasis generally that’s related to gastrointestinal inflammation, now spots acne that could be correlated to some kind of issue. What you’ve got going on with the gut health, it could be what sounds probable for you is maybe it was just an issue with your, your clearance of your toxins.

So you’re, you’re, you’re, you’re our transformation pathway. But my usually let’s say if a woman’s going and getting, she’s getting more acne, and she’s suffering from irritability and increased facial growth or how growth for instance, then that could be related to five Alpha reductase pathway. Whereas going down towards a stimulus and too much DHT, and then you’d have to look to reduce that activity with salt Palmetto. And so it totally depends on zinc can work as well. To what reason why at the spots of there. It could be lethal it could be good, it could be [inaudible 01:04:14]. But in your case it sounds like if that’s worked-

yeah. The milk thistle is working so that is [inaudible 01:04:22]

Yeah. And then we have to understand, okay, what, what toxins or issues did you have? And then did you take the antibiotics then you had acne or did you have acne before?

So I would take it, the antibiotics and then if I stop taking it, it would come back and did a few doses of that. And then I stopped taking antibiotics and I was taking milk thistle and I’ve continued taking milk thistle And it’s proved a lot.

Okay. So the antibiotics, well that’s going to kill bacteria obviously. And so when, when we kill bacteria, we create a release of these lipopolysaccharides, which is this highly inflammatory kind of kind of compound books were released from the exterior membrane of the bacteria. So it seems like the May have been some on the line bacterial issue and that you are having an excess of these lipopolysaccharides from having that there. So when you take the antibiotics, it was kind of managing it, managing that bad bacteria in a bad way. we’d much rather do it through selective [inaudible 01:05:28] antimicrobal agents. But then it looks like you’re supporting your liver health to deal with those lipopolysaccharides. But you could also look at, like why did you mention NAC? NAC216 so-

I haven’t had it, but I’ve been recommended that.

Okay, so it totally depends on what biotron’s biotransformation pathways is related to, you, you methylated B vitamins, which is going to be really good, but definitely look at reinoculating you got anyway, you can’t, well I say the word we knocking that in bulk. Probiotics dodge we knock, he let the go. The only effective way to do so is through human fecal transplant. But you can modulate that. Got Environment. So you can do, so using the selectively act, an antimicrobial agents.

You could look at implementing polyphenols just to have that kind of Modbatic regulation onto the Microbiota. You can look at fermented foods if you don’t have any bad reactions. If you do, then we know, right, you might have a CBS mutation, you might have some bad bacteria still inside. And then once you’ve implemented the fermented foods or probiotics, making sure we, that we keep a good level of prebiotics in that, not too much, but just enough to keep that population going.

Hi Jake. My question’s about bruising. Um, and I guess the healing process and whether or not does it suggest that you’ve got some deficiency? And I asked personally because I bruise like an apple and it gets quite intense and the healing process behind it’s also quite lengthy. I’ve got a bruise here and that’s probably about two weeks. And I try and quite consistently and I eat healthy and I, get the recommended eight hours sleep. So I’m doing I guess I’m doing all the right things, but I’ll walk into a bar bell and a bruisw and it’s, yeah, it’s not necessarily very painful, but, yeah, I thought that maybe by implementing all the right techniques, you know, the healing process would be a lot quicker. Do I have a deficiency without, doing the appropriate blood test. Does it suggest anything?

Can suggest a number of things and, but, it can call it stuff like [inaudible 01:07:35] it so stress related issues as well. So are you tired and wired or-

Not really. Like I tend to get eight, nine hours sleep, maybe at work, I’m stressed every now and then, but it’s not like a daily occurrence or, I’m stressed and yeah, I tend to be organized with my meal preps, so I don’t think there’s anything that’s really kind of creating additional stressors.


So, I’m just thinking, are there other underlying, causes or issues and can I implement certain supplements to maybe alleviate that, to help recovery or to should just go and get blood tests to determine if there’s, I don’t know, iron deficiency or-

There’s the, well first of all, you’re taking a multivitamin and mineral.


Okay. Which one?

So, I’ve gone to a naturopath and they’ve just recommended like a multivitamin on taking magnesium.

What brand is it?


what brand is the Multivitamin Mineral

She’s just made up her own little batch for me.

Right okay,


Yeah, there’s a number of things where it could relate to Harvard just from one symptom. It’s part to say what exactly is.


But it could call it vitamin C no but then it could be that you’ve got issues with actually you’re, your own vitamin C because maybe stress related or it could be from other factors like say it could be iron and then if it is, if you for instance, it consuming red meat and if it is, if you, if you have low iron for instance, on your bloods, you have to look at why is that the case is at low Ph cell is an intestinal inflammation, you know? But it could be a number of things. So I’m sorry, I can’t give you good answer. But it’s hard to say.

But its like, this isn’t just a recent, like over the years growing up and, you’d bruise and you kind of just, it’s part of life. But I’m thinking now because I’m training quite consistently and doing all the right things and it’s still quiet. Yeah, just the recovery of it also is very lengthy.

What’s your resting heart rate?

I couldn’t, [inaudible 01:09:44]

Don’t, fid out your heart rate I definitely look to assess stress more.


So [inaudible 01:09:51]

Yeah. Awesome

Hi, my name is Steph.

Hi Steph.

Hi Mark. So, how has traditional Chinese medicine shifted and improve your approach to body composition on women’s health.

Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Sweet. So first of all, you can only train as hard as you can recover. Okay. Your recovery is based on your adaptive reserve. Adaptive reserve is basically the equilibrium of the homeostasis of your body. So anything which challenged is that is a dysfunction, right? So understanding how to assess those dysfunctions and remediate them through efficient ways without compromise and health basically allows you to recover or form better. In a nutshell. That’s how, you know, we, we can look at, you can relate it to it, to anything really. So, like if we look at sleep, there’s, there’s ways or just there’s so much, there’s so much. Like, let’s look at HCL Okay So, if you look at the nails of the week, it’s the vertical ridges in the nails. We could potentially say this is either as zinc or low zinc deficiency or low stomach acid.

We’ll look at, okay, we can then use that tool to assess further to the south from upper, abdominal bloating to have undigest the food in the stool of the loss of taste for meat that issues digesting meat to bad breath, then if so, we can look to optimize and each cell, if we optimize it, we can digest and assimilate our food butter. We absorb, we break down and absorb the zinc. We have a breakdown from B12 and we can therefore possibly how most efficient, intrinsic factor working. So we’re going to simulate it better. And then we would just look, okay, so just from looking at the nails, it’s led us on this, this down the rabbit hole and we’re now addressing hate shell. So why is that good? But you want to get more of the nutrients from the food watch is digestive mode, the protein, because I hate to sell conversion.

Pepsinogen to pepsin in which a protein digesting enzyme, so, that’s gonna help you protein utilization in- And then the zinc, we use that for luteinizing hormone. We’ve used that in males for stimulating the production of testosterone, which, then going to help with your anabolism if you’re in a surplus obviously, but you know, is assessing the, the body. I’m making sure it’s working efficiently and optimally.

So is Chinese medicine, more a holistic approach to the body or if you have a condition you try and look at very specific factors.

Definitely is, is holistic. It’s looking at, looking globally rather than locally. Yeah.

Folks, thanks for watching. It’s been a real honor and a pleasure to deliver this interview for you. Make sure you take the touch chance and take the time to subscribe to us on YouTube. And as I said, if you want to listen to these great podcasts in your card, in your car, you get the iTunes accounts, and it’s also on Soundcloud as well. Just search enterprise fitness and you’ll find it easy to enterprise, but podcast and subscribe on YouTube and make sure you ring the bell. We’ve got heaps of podcasts there, so you know the world’s your oyster kind of thing. So until next time, folks train hard supplement smart and eat well. [inaudible 01:13:00]-

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