Watch Mark’s video reply to the question, “What mentors and books would you recommend following/reading?”
If you’re passionate about your health, nutrition and optimal performance, here’s a short list of Maximus Radio podcasts that you’d be crazy not to listen to (keep reading for the extended list). You can also find these on iTunes when you search ‘Maximus Mark’.
- The Gluten Show with Dr. Thomas O’Bryan
- How to Eat & Think Yourself Healthy with Dr Jonny Bowden
- The Mind Body Connection with Dr John Demartini
- Derek Woodske: Required listening for trainers and strength coaches
- Advanced Detoxification & Muscle Testing with Bob Guiel
If you would like further information about training with Mark or a member of the Enterprise Fitness team email [email protected] or call 1300 887 143.
For the latest updates from the studio, subscribe to Enterprise Fitness on YouTube. If you have a question, you can ask Mark at the Enterprise Fitness Facebook page.
Download your free eBook ‘Eat Your Way to Abs’ at the main page of the Enterprise Fitness website.

I’ve got a lot of different mentors, have read a lot of different books and attended a lot of different courses. But I can safely say, my greatest mentors and favourite authors are those who I have interviewed on my podcast show, Maximus Radio. From nutrition, to supplementation and training, these people have had a profound impact on the way I go about doing things.
Below is a reference list for you, with relevant links. Having been guests to my podcast show, these people are who I would definitely recommend following. There’s a lot there for you to really sink your teeth in to. Let me know how you go!
- Charles Poliquin
- Jonny Bowden
- Dr. John Demartini
- Andre Benoit
- Derek Woodske
- Bruce Jones, an Australian functional medicinal practitioner
- Bob Guiel, whose seminar we will (again) be hosting in December
- Randy Roach
- T.S Wiley
- Lierre Keith
- Dr. Art De Vany
- Michael McEvoy
- Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, his work on gluten is phenomenal
- Alan Watson
- Sally Fallon, from the Weston A. Price organization.

In terms of further reading and further education, if you are looking at training, I really don’t think you can go past someone like Charles Poliquin. His knowledge is absolutely phenomenal and the books that he has put together are very easy to read and made up of actionable information. When it comes to nutrition, I would recommend starting with Jonny Bowden. Jonny Bowden is phenomenal, and a personal mentor of mine.
Supplementation is where a lot of people have different thoughts and opinions. I would recommend attending the course with Bob Guiel, which will be held here at the studio in December. I strongly recommend Bob as he doesn’t have any bias as to what brands to recommend. He is a true clinician, and works with people one-on-one to get fantastic results.
If you’re a personal trainer, or someone who is passionate about their health and fitness, then you will know that the right knowledge is key to enhancing your career and getting the most from your time in the gym. If you’re ready to take your training and physique to the next level, and want cutting edge information about training, nutrition and supplementation from the best in the world, you can attend an Enterprise Fitness Seminar or Internship Program. Follow this link for further details.
By Mark Ottobre
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For further information about training with Mark or a member of the Enterprise Fitness team email [email protected] or call 1300 887 143.