How to keep your PMS under control naturally, with Kristine Ottobre
The Naturopathic Approach to treating PMS considers the whole person. Using evidence-based approaches to diet, lifestyle and implementing herbal medicine and supplements to calm your symptoms and bring you back to feeling like the best version of yourself.
What is PMS?
PMS is characterised by physical and behavioural symptoms that appear in the days preceding menses and interfere with work or lifestyle, followed by a symptom-free interval.
Some of the symptoms of PMS are:
-Behavioural Symptoms
-Angry outbursts
-Social withdrawal
-Physical Symptoms
-Breast tenderness
-Abdominal bloating
-Swollen extremities
If you’re experiencing these symptoms and you want to make a change for the better, it’s time to see a professional. Speak to our Naturopath by emailing [email protected]