Enterprise Fitness is featured in The Herald Sun this week, screaming out so the fitness industry can be heard
The fitness industry in Melbourne is set to be closed FOR 9 MONTHS, thanks to Andrew’s Labor government. It’s destroying trainers, businesses and the physical and mental health of Victorians.
We call for no confidence.
Personal training studios can operate, keeping our clients safe from COVID. Personal Training studios have the best checks and balances in any industry, with on site temperature screening before entry, mandatory washing of hands on arrival, not to mention the very best contact tracing in any industry as everything is by appointment.
The concept that personal training studios are sweat boxes where everyone sweats on top of each other is an old outdated idea, and we invite the CHO to inspect our facility for himself to see the high standards at which we operate. But, they have kept us out of any consultation – a shame as personal trainers are the front line of mental health for so many.
This lockdown is costing livelihoods across Victoria and will be the end of many businesses.
The untold misfortune of good Victorians is rampant and we call for our government to do better.
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