Andrew Lock | The Physio That Makes You Strong | Wolf’s Den Interview

Andrew is one of the worlds most sought after rehab professionals for athletes. He’s been on a lifelong quest pursuing excellence in rehabilitation.

If I read out just a few of his achievements, Andrew Lock is:

-Accredited in the McKenzie Spinal Method

-Completed his Masters degree in 2004, studying the resolution of intervertebral disc injuries.

-Convenor of Australian Strength Scientists Association (ASSA).

-The Coordinator “Ultimate Strength Summit” at the Arnold Sports Festival Australia 2019

-A IFBB Pro League Judge

-A Current Bench Press Australian AND World Record Holder

-And the owner Functional Strength Rehabilitation which has clients all over the world. Andrew Lock had advised and consulted with a diverse range of athletes including members of the Australian Cricket Team, Major League Baseball, Bodybuilders, football, MMA, and athletes in all Strength Sports.

Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Andrew Lock!

Andrew Lock – Part 1

Andrew Lock – Part 2

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At the recent Wolfpack course, we interviewed Andrew Lock, a master physiotherapist sought after by top athletes and trainers for guidance on rehab to build them back to high levels of performance.

It’s a cracker of an episode!

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Andrew Lock Interview

Video Transcript From Wolf’s Den – Dr. Andrew Lock

This transcription will contain errors.

Due to the nature of transcriptions, we cannot guarantee accuracy, spelling or grammar. We provide the transcription as a way to skim through the content and as revision notes.

My name is Mark Ottobre and in this episode we’,re going to be deconstructing the world of health, fitness, and performance, and exploring all things personal training. My guest today is probably one of the world’s most sought after physiotherapists and rehabilitation experts. That’s Dr. Andrew Luck. If I just read up a few of Andrew’s achievements. He’s accredited in the Mckinsey spinal method. He completed his master’s, the green 2000, or for studying the resolution of intervertebral disc injuries. He’s a conveyor of the Australian Strength Scientist Association, the coordinator of the ultimate strength summit at the Arnold Sports Festival, an IFB be probably judge a current bench press, Australian and world record holder and the owner of Frand or functional strength rehabilitation, which he has clients from all over the world participating in Major League Baseball, MMA, you name it, sports, uh, you know, clients that probably can’t even mention on camera because they’re that famous and well known. So I’ve known Andrew for over a decade and he’s always been my go to guy for the world of health, strength and performance and rehabilitation. So it’s an absolute pleasure to welcome onto the wolf stand. Let’s welcome Andrew Luck. Alrighty. Well first question, this is the moment of truth. Andrew,

what do you bench generally? Two hundred kilos now going to do that next week in the call. Right? So if you benched 200 comp before Mr. Full time. So they come up so far. And what’s your best bench in training? Training Ge back in 10, 15 years ago. It was 2:30. Well I was just having fun because Tuesday. Was it a concert? Very different style or approach.

And have you always had an affinity for the bench press or is it like the lift that you’ve decided? You know, I’m going to massive list. Lift over the squat,

probably down. Do an exercise. You got me, you know.

Alrighty. Well now that’s over the out of the way. We’ve got. We’ve got the important stuff out. We’ll start. So I suppose let’s, let’s do the origin story and start there. First of all, jump all over the shop, uh, in this interview. No doubt. And um, as we unpack Andrew’s great minds, but tell us, how did you get into physiotherapy? What, what was your starting point?

Probably really blind models for sneakers for that one I think let’s say, should I started my left thinking I was going to be a professional wrestler or I was going to take up professional bicycle, applied to Australia with a junior and I was getting prepared to go to the states to play and somehow I just saw her muscle magazine with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover and that’s it. I’m going to do the next Conan the barbarian movie right now to go back to university while I’m doing that because it might take a little while. So I still haven’t made one of the movies yet, but 20 years later I’m still enthusiastic. So that’s where it really took me because um, you know, as a physio I had an affinity, I suppose more as advice will apply to digital. It’s arms throwing high velocity balls and things like this and constantly saying physio. So was a and you a lot about, as you know, I liked the sort of thing. It makes sense to me.

And you’ve completed numerous times in bodybuilding as well, or is that not your sleep better? That’s the pallet fell. No, but you’ve also seen a lot of top bodybuilders and same with Dave.

Yeah. Tony, who you’ve met before. Tony, myself go back so far that I can remember him bringing out Brian Buchanan. It was a Mr Universe at the time and we’ve probably say no the right ones from the ids onwards and probably know a lot of great ones from the sixties and seventies. So when it comes to the, I suppose the science of white training. I’ve read everything I possibly could have been published. Yeah. Just growing up. So yeah, I tried. I’ve tried every route and you could possibly do. When it comes to the Book of mistakes, I’ve written my own chapters. I can tell you everything you liked writing and might have a few wines and that’s why as a physio, I know when people come to me, they tell me they’ve done something in particular, I’ll probably have a good clue I want to do is

so you almost as a walker, if two worlds, you’ve got the hardcore trainer, you know, bodybuilding, bodybuilding, love the body building side, power lifter expert and all these kinds of things, um, you know, hardcore gym guy, but then you’ve also bounced it out with his super intellectual academic feats that, uh, you know, your mind reading the studies and really understanding them and being able to challenge a lot of the pseudo expert or expert even experts in and hang out with that. So I suppose firstly it’s going to the how did you become a hardcore gym guy? What age were you? When was the first time he picked up a dumbbell?

Sixteen or so. I basically truly with a body image disorder, I wake up every morning when I see myself as small, I go to the gym to get bigger. It really is. It’s that sort of thing. I’m never going to be big enough, so that’s been really, I think one of the driving forces is a, an underlying look at myself as like physically I don’t feel satisfied, my strength goals and my size balls and intellectually I’m still pursuing my intellectual girls trying to put together the most complete understanding of the biomechanics and the sciences of lifting and the sciences of injury. That’s my consuming passion.

When did that affinity for, I suppose academia, what? Where did that kick off? I mean it was it always. I’m just gonna I’m fascinated with the human body or was there a trigger to say, you know,

definitely a fascination with human body through high school. I definitely never tried hard enough. It was. I was more interested in playing a sport. I was more interested in being a professional athlete. That almost doing study was only for the breast lift, the dark home back the other side. There will be gaps where needed to fill.

So you played major league baseball or. No,

Australia junior year. I applied in the junior world series in America and that was really. We’re all seeking a career path heading us played cricket to. Yeah, like cricket us, the Australian, all hospitals as well. So yeah, that was my sports at the time, but something changed and I started wanting to lift weights and get bigger and that does not necessarily make you a better baseball player or a bit of cricket player side. Supposed to be on to suffer. We don’t start to get bigger.

So was it judy that led you on the

path to the physio therapy or like what was the moment that you said, you know, this is, this is, this is what I’m going to dedicate my life to him, be an absolute master at this developing a long way from what? A little bit yet. So I would look at those. Things are very unfulfilled. So intellectually I still think there’s a lot of things I want to be perfect and I think the science sciences, a very established that we’re pursuing is just the universities now do. We have a very full job of educating health professionals. They have last 400 years of research that going off in weird places. It’s just the most strange, almost abdication of responsibility. So my work now is to help health professionals to get back on the track because I know the science science that launches a rocket to the moon by NASA is the same songs you’re going to apply to with lift. It doesn’t matter about the brands. Control studies is random control study, but it conflicts with the fact that NASA put it, puts a rocket on the moon and knows how to do it. Well. Which one’s wrong? Maybe random control study didn’t look at the variables that should have been looked at. So that’s where I found a lot of problems with the current approach to things was like, oh, what’s the evidence base? The evidence, bisexually assaults, the research sometimes so forth. That’s not evidence.

Let’s, let’s just get into that debate. So for you, getting into the world of physiotherapy, was there someone who, who um, I suppose you looked up to that thought right there. Body of work is very complete and that’s what I want to kind of model myself as a physio, physio therapist and rehabilitation expert as.

No, it’s quite strange to think about initially we need to think I was going to get answers. I think what essentially happened was by getting it into grade are realized that it just enabled me to start finding the answers. So the first stage was I probably thought you have to four years and going to be a physio doing that for years to come back and go, well guess what? You really don’t know a hell of a lot to hurt people. Hopefully you got a few biomechanical ideas. You’ve got to be the science to start you off. What are you going to do? So for me it was like this big gaps in my knowledge or to cannabis spine guy. I’m only right based advice I got was that most students when they graduate diamond straightened hospitals feeling that that was a safe environment. Um, I had been asked to join a sports medicine group because I played baseball and cricket. None. You had a throat and I had some ideas on shoulders. So the first day of work labor ahead, the boss pulls me in as you guys. So your job here is to become the best in the world at something and she looked at me and said, and I haven’t made the best in the world of shoulders, so you’re going to have to choose something else. And that led me on something like what to make to look at. What am I less confident. That response I felt were very deficient in spinal.

How old were you then know? I’m still 21 now. Twenty one back then when when you say you’re looking for answers, what? What? Because I mean that’s quite an interesting topic. What answers were exactly were you’re looking for answers to what? What was the question? That posing

person who would come in who had pain in their back, how was I going to get better but not I was going to get them better habits. I go to know that what I was doing was going to get them better. So yeah, I need to send them all back. Problems get better in four weeks regardless of the treatment. So it doesn’t matter whether you come down on the guard slips, if he shot to the top of the head five times under a full moon physio, can I draw those needles? He adopt the Osteo stretches you to the car and fractured is the GC. So straightforward human bodies healed. So human voice, I go to the hill and it’s got less to do with the practitioner that is full of fistful weeks that really just doing the work. Ninety two percent effect problems and basically better in eight weeks. Now to me that’s not sufficient. That just means that you have. You’ve got to know how to. You get 100 percent of people better. Had it been the tough cases? I love the ones that come in 10 years of filing with everybody. That’s what I want to say because I know this answer underneath it. So it’s a burning passion for me to never accept anything less than 100 percent.

What prompted you to ask that question in the first place?

I’m funny. I think it is a broad issue. I think that there’s an ego issue underneath there and the beliefs I should be bigger than I am, so it’s always fulfilling something. It’s always not bullying that I’m good enough and we post. I’m not yet having baseball. I want to live to a world with lifts to hire and body fat. Still intellectually stupid really well, but there’s better answers out there for the occasional case. I’m still having challenges with to get some carbs, but what we want to aim for perfection. So that’s the constant goal. Constantly polishing and refining. It doesn’t matter what the exercise is. Doesn’t matter what the dod is still gotta work towards it.

Now, would you describe yourself, and this is kind of an open ended question for a purpose, but would you describe yourself as a regular physio therapist?

Oh No, not the only one who does what I do, so I actually don’t even like being in that respect because I actually got my card because I think of myself as a health professional assault. Just that there’s no difference to me between the professions have. Carhartt is physios, osteos, Myers, exercise scientists, exercise physiologists. It is the person, not the profession that matters. If the person who’s got a burning desire to do what they going to do, they’re going to be the person you want to say. You don’t want to say somebody who says, I’m a physio, therefore ignore apart practically like ignore. I’m exercise science. I will only do what physios do. You do that. That’s lazy. It means you basically somebody that you’re not going to become really good at finding the answers. There are answers in all the professions and I’m trying to bring them all together. That’s one of the things about the Australian Strength Scientist Association, which I’m looking for is we’re going to just bring everybody together under one banner which says we all have one burning desire to be the best we can to scientists and that’s much more important than being a physio. So yeah, if you have. If I billet a billet under a physio code, but reasonably I’m the only one who does what I do. They don’t teach biomechanics of the spine in universities for Physios,

so for those who are watching this, maybe on youtube or facebook, you say you’re the only one who does what you do. Can you define like what you do? How is that different?

Well, the other practitioners who have come to my courses were also on the path that I’ve been on, so I would say all that respect is on the one who’s at my points in my career, but there are some really good physios, Chiros, Osteos, they saw scientist, my therapists who have been to my courses and work thinking the methods I’ve taught them and are learning the right things. Anyone learned judy to sign my elbows, Bella’s physio go what I do and what I teach physios. It’s not what’s taught in universities. So way back in $1,600. I feel like old burly, barely read the first book and biomechanics. It’s called A. I enjoy physics. Now. He started to apply just bicycle labor systems, the tool rotation whites as applied to bodies in motion, whether it’s animals or humans. Now this is a bicycle or science. We know these things are real, there’s no need to do a random control study on basic science, so we’re not looking at what he started with.

Now look at the evidence that especially comes after that, whether it’s the physiology of you can look things up like lord sharing non nervous system way back. He got his Lordship for that. There’s a lot of basic physiology. We understand. No, I think the physiology is not well understood by physios because should look in length, tension, relationships with muscle. You should look at false philosophy, curves of muscles. You should understand how systems work and they don’t teach us in physio. So I was, I can say you according to what I’m hearing from the Physio as well, I’ve been chatting with. Um, so then I look at say the evidence of spine problems. We starts really very, very well back in about the 1930 [inaudible] the first important, uh, uh, site study published on this injury. And after that you’d have, you know, Robin Mckinsey’s great work on understanding how to influence.

There’s no question about what he said. There’s no question about his approach to diagnosis. He works with the right person. Everything’s a tool in the toolkit. Now there’s professors now Adams, for example, who look at his studies. He studies for what Mckinsey does. It shows your discs are influenced by different areas of pressure that you put the body in affliction or extension, that physio is assigned or we’re not a brand new controlled study for this. You’re missing the point that the site is actually already established. The biology and the physics is already there. What are you looking for when you’re saying there is no established lifting pattern that proves itself better than anything else in a random control study? Well, that’s because you haven’t looked at the personal answer perimeters of every single person. We put their study. What’s the feeling? What’s their arm length was the hip socket. All these things influence how a person lifts where if you just put a study together, getting 10 people in and say, look, you’re lifting. You got to get 10 different deadlifts.

So would you say the field of physiotherapy at the moment and the big difference between what you’re doing and say what’s being taught at university is the lack of understanding or acknowledgement of the science that’s come before? Is that a.

What really horrified me the other day was one of the brightest physio is as far as a manual therapist, Jeffery Michael, and he wrote a book, two books or manipulation on approaches and thinking and how we look at spinal problems. Jeff, he might’ve been tried from the University of South Australia, I think it was a world war two fighter pilot. Brilliant mind, right techniques. So we always looked at the University of Santas right side. This is where Michael and Bob Hughes at the time, he’s dead now. People who went there to learn from him. It was tough. He was very, very specific about how good you have to be after him. We still fall. His approach. The University of South Australia, we told us they’ve mentioned his name anymore. They’re running pain sites, which means, Hey, guess what? There’s no evidence for the way you have back problems. It’s all in your head. You’re scared of lifting. What the hell happened to 400 years of solid science, right?

Educators. Oh, we don’t even talk about that anymore. Published Studies, uh, ending up in Lancet, the English medical journal, which have no biomechanical input but are all written by people who don’t talk about biomechanics. You talk about I guess what 70 percent of problems. We don’t know what the answer is. Well, maybe you done, but there are other people in the world would do a far better at assessing back problems in Australia. We tend to push a strategy and things. So we’ve got a bit of an intellectual black hole carrying right now wherever we’re ignoring the of professor mcgill, who’s published at 240 scientific studies, published five books, no one knows more about the biomechanics of spires and professor mcgill, you might find his name mentioned in Australian University.

Well, what do you think happened there? Why? Why is this rejection of science by the Australian? I spent a rehabilitation medical professionals.

It comes down to politics about what funds are university is funding studies that are striving for example. So the transverse abdominous multifidus fiasco that occurred back in about naughty four onwards, just wanting to be the perfect date, we will round with the idea that there was this forced capital between multiplex and transverse abdominis. Is these a couple of files? First Year Barbara Kenny’s capital, it files that definition, but it was written by professors at, um, at, at Queensland University that it was a forced couple. It then allowed the philosophies, phenomenons and take off because I said that validated how they work. Now everyone’s saying vastly that was wrong, but it was evidence. It was Australian. So because of Australian, everybody thought it was wrong.

So is this, this kind of presents a interesting issue for personal trainers, strength coach and people with back problems all over Australia is, should be, which should we be very distressful of our rehabilitation specialists where we’d be distrustful of physio therapists that were saying because the education is subpar mean. I suppose there’s a twofold question. Should we be distrustful? And then what do we do in our injured? Who Do we actually turn to if not you? Because obviously you’re one guy.

Realistically, as professionals, we don’t become a real solid in their understanding of the true basic sciences and looked at those before we start wondering why you into what studies is what we need to know physiology outstanding. Like we need you to know basic biomechanics. We should know pretty much straightforward assessment techniques. That’s pretty straightforward. Science. It’s not tough. Just takes a bit of work with application and I think most of us professionals are capable of doing that is really important as far as maybe we would need to just find more health professionals who are separating themselves away from what’s been taught and saying it’s not good enough. We need to be better.

So what? What does the average trying to do? Right, so only really an average tran. What is trying to do a great trainer, they have a client, they’re like, Yep, this is out of my pay scale. This stuff here that I don’t know. A client says, you know, this has been a problem for me. I’m going to go see a physio. They go see a physio and they get some. Now that’s in your head. Your training doesn’t know what they’re doing, go do some cardio equipment and then that person ends up worse. What’s some, what’s some practical advice?

Talk to the health professionals in the area. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an Osteo or a physio or our slides physiologist. So how do you treat a particular problem with a back problem? How do you portray a shoulder problem and if they say, oh, we draw in the release, we stretch that. I’m just thinking that person doesn’t know how to say something to the health professional title. The personal trainer say, ask the Hilton facial heat going to refer to do you personally did lift because if you don’t personally do that, I’m not seeing them a glass to you because you don’t know what I do now. I would say the same to somebody played tennis. If you’re a tennis coach, I would advise it didn’t help professional. You say you excited? Do you personally do my sport? That’s a great stop. Have you personally experienced in my school if that would be a useful stuff because that person then probably got an affinity to it, so never seen to a generic professional. I would as a. As a health professional site. Do you know what I do? If you don’t, you know someone who does, so there isn’t good physio out there who are now hell. Lifters and body builders in chiropractors and osteopaths and they sought physiologist, so that’s really important. I think there’s some good professionals out there who are embracing strength and that’s my mantra is witness cannot be tolerated. You know, strengths, solutions to problems.

What? What do you think currently is the biggest myths or biggest myth in the physiotherapy around

the biggest music? It would probably be the concept that there is such a thing as nonspecific lower back pain. So we often see as putting the study study that says nonspecific back pain. Don’t bother reading it. It means that the person cannot assess the problem, doesn’t know what the direction is crossing. He hasn’t got an ability to say where this problem has got affliction or extension intolerance with or has certain characteristics that just made you put everything together and he did a study. If you have a study, if you have a person who’s affliction intolerant, you can hear from this subject. If you can look at their objective and you get another person who has an extension intolerance, but you can’t find on the scan something on with them, it gets lumped together as nonspecific lower back pain. Now, if you give that person and those two people exercising intubation, wonderful reflection, well one was going to get better. The istation, her probably the other one’s going to get worse. Fos versa, your study comes out zero. It’s because you put everything together. He didn’t properly defined each individual person and there’s. That’s where there’s audio, nonspecific lower back pain doesn’t exist. There’s no such thing as nonspecific, lower back time. There’s always a specific to have back pain is was an answer

kind of means that they’re not educated enough to find the answer, so it goes to someone who needs

and if you’ve got people at the top university universities decided that 70 percent of them like how to understand what 70 percent of the is and that’s one of the professors that are so I would probably say I don’t know about 70 percent of my back pain problems are caused by, well, that person’s supervising studies by undergraduates. That’s horrifying. That means that person is going to be just running studies in the same intellectual vacuum. That Ife,

it almost seems that universities almost being offended by the facts in a way to keep a political political correctness not to offend people and say, no, this is, this is not right. This is good. And Yeah, which is quite a sad state of academia

knowledge. The diversities are actually been us.

Who Do you. Who Do you think overseas wise, all over the world? Who Do you think producers. The best rehabilitation specialists,

no doubt there’s a professor, Stuart Mcgill, most progressive individual, the most experienced individual. Remember you spent over half a billion dollars in research money, at least on work. No doubt the person who I would approach it from the most open, modern, philosophical approach to science.

Uh, what, what’s been some key takeaways for you from the work of professor?

No, to examine everything. To basically test your hypothesis. You’ve got, you find a finding, apply for need eventually guys to reassess your intervention. Lastly, what I’ll go into, you know, even as I learned from the maitland system, that’s what we did. Then applied innovation, assess each hypothesis is right or wrong. If it’s wrong, change our fosters.

What’s the hypothesis that you’ve believed for years and then applying this kind of thinking, you’ve, you’ve proved yourself that actually that’s not so. Has there been something that springs to mind?

Not so far. It’s looking pretty good. Basically by the time I’ve got a hypothesis, I’ve got a good reason for it.

Awesome. Let’s,

so we didn’t

know sessions sometimes that didn’t work quite as well as I thought perhaps before I unloaded further change or her, so I’ve increased the Lord. It might change. That’s probably how I have to go. It might be a choice, so if I’m looking at a person’s [inaudible], I might have to look at a wife, might be side plank, didn’t work as well as a lot of wood, might be that we’ll do a suitcase lunge and see what that doesn’t isolate. Might be involved in some glue. Now we’re going to look at the blue involvement in, so basically it’s like an evolving thing. If I’m doing an assessment, I’m evolving within the assessment and the big thing that is I can take off, offer an assessment. At least professor mcgill was well known for taking a whole day on a single passion to find out the tough ones.

Now you’d walked into the local because I called the sausage factory and you’re in there and the physio, Chuck’s tomatoes, he bought and heads off to the next room, or if it’s a hot pack in the back and heads off to the will of God’s nature of the car park, the legendary out in five minutes I had. There’s no assessment. There’s not a great assessment. There’s not a science behind it. It’s basically how much time pressure I’ve got to sort of figure out how the bike is work. That’s an old model that I think should be vastly band. I had. It was a good part. I would say the same thing. I’ve got to write in neurosurgery in Perth. Now he’s saying his clients to a chiropractor for Rehab, it’s guard recognize that a deadlift, but they are on fire against the right partner does. It’s not the professional, the individual,

so let’s talk about it in a slightly different topic, but still underlines of myths and misconceptions and that’s polities and Joseph pilates. Can you tell, give us your thoughts and I suppose what happened in the Supreme Court?

Mostly the problem which I found was that he thought you meant the naughty sixties. It wasn’t assigned just to use a creative things to sell employed, find a lot of interesting things he created. The reformer just happens to be bonded them and when he died, a lot of different students biasly night though, like you, your system will. So as it goes, it mutates. Someone decides they want to trademark the name. So I ended up going to the supreme court in the US. Supreme Court says, you know, if they send me different versions of politics, we kind of fought it. We kind of decided that there were. This is the truth. He’s violated no trademark, so it becomes this open thing where I can walk my dog and say I’m going for like I brush my teeth is an international body that says, no, that’s not wrong.

This is a series of things which we do. And unfortunately I think when the transmission of dominoes teachers thing came out, apply these people saying, Hey, this validates what we do. We pull that belly button saying, well, the bad news is of course has never been proven we did wrong, so it didn’t. I was doing back the bodies. Now molting when using fortunately, uh, there’s a health professional I know who’s sort of looked at the same problem and either advocate and he’s looking and said, yeah, what we’ve got to do is we’re going to say I liked the reformer, but I’m going to sit down a standard series of exercises, movements and assessments using that performed by, that will become under Martin. I’m a standard protocol now. That’s what was missing. It doesn’t have a standard protocol. So you can go to 10 different blogs plots and get 10 different things, but if you set up a series protocol on the reforma as an exciting space equipment, I’m happy decided that your songs and you’re starting to make some evolution has done to get rid of the rubbish. So that’s appropriate. The pilates thing is, it’s like saying Yoga, is yoga good or bad for you? Depends on the practitioner. Could be good, could be bad.

So essentially everyone today pretty much watching this. If they’re owning a gym or a personal trainer, they could say, yeah, we do clinical studies and b, then deadlifting heavily and uh, you know, the squat bench and yeah, it’s interesting. Hey, so kettlebells, kettlebells have in some regard gotten a bit of a bad rap by a particular strength coaches and I suppose the industry in general, sometimes people just don’t know how to use them. So I mean the Kettlebell swing, let’s go start with the kettle bell swing first then kind of unpack kettlebells. But kettlebell swing, good or bad

depends on the individual, depends on the problem. So there’s no such thing as a bad exercise basically is just the wrong exercise given to the wrong person at the wrong time. That exercise might be great at the right time. At that time it was the wrong one. So this one of the studies that was done very well, but he was mcgill study, looked at a particular style of Kettlebell swing and when you add up the mathematics you possibly pull things apart. It’s like, yeah, you bicycle, he’d have things, forces are period in the body. So he found out that the net effect was that there was a post area shear on the spine with the Kettlebell swing or the particular style of used. Now is that a bad thing or good thing? Depends on the person and get applied to. There are certain people who are posting areas, sheer force, which is just how the muscles work will actually make that person better. They were deficient in that post area. That’s something I needed. I needed a balancing force to an anterior issue, which was somebody else who the poster he she is not going to be very effective for us. Can make the worst because that’s actually part of the problem. So you’re going to know whether it’s a poster issue or problem in the anterior issue problem and it was fun.

So on that is is the Kettlebell mutually exclusive rehabilitation toys that how practitioners should be looking at it as it’s only. It’s not really a tool for anything else.

I think you could use it for anything, right? Conditioning you can use. It might not use teaching lifting patterns. It could be used for any, any version of almost the exercise you want. Just educated them. Damn weekend. We’ll sometimes I’ve got to 92 and I think at the moment for kettlebells could with more than that, we’ll need to move away from if that’s your goal.

Something you taught me a while ago was you should have phases in your training. I practice train performance and the problem with a lot of people is they don’t have any practice phase. They don’t learn the movement patterns that don’t learn lift. They just go into training or worse, they go from basically what they should be a practice phase into performing and you see a lot of one rep numbers when they really shouldn’t be because the the movement. So how long would you in your clinic to would it take to say, someone says, you know what? I want to be an Australian. They’re lifting champion. How long does it take to grind a good movement patterns and then say, Yep, you’ve done practicing. Let’s go into training.

If you want to get to a federation that has got well established, one that started last week in the backyard and get a world record from. If you look at really established greg food rations, it should take you at least three years to learn the skill of how to deadlift, squat, bench press. At that point. If you’ve been training consistently, say that means no, listen, it’s three times a week on the list that you’re trying to do. I don’t want to put several days a week and practice. Then I will expect will take about three years for you to have a one rep Max that I would probably feel that you’re going to be slightly performing without changing your technology, so there’s a lot of work to be done. Some people, it might take a year, but then again you’ll hear biological tissue under stress. I can take a lot longer than one year for your bones to know how to handle a hundred and 50 kilos. You might be able to physically do it, but you might not be doing it in such a wise that’s actually beneficial to you as a person. That you bought my domain accepting you might need a little bit more time to take time off, time to recover from the heavy sessions. There’s a lot, lots of of the biology of recovery too. So it’s, I technically practice every day, but you might have 50 percent. I’m going to do a bit of procedures, but I’ll probably go up to 50 percent just to practice, not complete next week.

And you’re saying that selling your practice, people who have been quite proficient at lift’s, broken bones on say a bench press snap team verses and all kinds of issues. Um, I mean I’ve certainly heard the war stories and seeing that which we’ve been pretty nasty and you look at some of those people and go, well that, that shouldn’t happen. But it does. And that’s just simply because the adaptation on a, on a skeletal level just hasn’t happened.

That would probably be it for most of those will be the ones to have a bone is broken under a large because it has an adaptive. If you look at the bones of people who have been in some of the institutions in America, 40 slash 50 years, we’ll be looking at Whitefield, the solar, there’s positives and negatives to that.

So I think you’ve mentioned before, Bev, Francis, would you say she. She was very good at understanding the practice training performance, kind of thinking style in of a training because you train and what the same. Same lift almost everyday.

Who’s in my mind, perhaps Australia’s greatest athlete. If you really want to have a look at the history of that, Francis, you can look at somebody there who she actually, it was interesting because I chased him for awhile because I always want to know how she said the Australian beach press record. I think it was 150. It could be 1:50, five of the. It was and so that’s two for 34 years. I. So she, I think she looked at me and thought I was a stalker. I run a live. One day she had to sit next to me on a judging panel and I finally turned around, said Bev. So Hey, I had a debate, two, 1:55, and she looked around and realized I actually had a question I suppose, right?

So Ben said bench press wasn’t there the seven days a week. We got chatting and I said you’d mentioned 150 kilos as a female seeing the world record. I said that was like Roger Banister, breaking the four minute mile. And she said, yeah, we both had the same coach. So there was a coach who knew how to create top level athletes and his approach was. So you practiced every day, so it didn’t mean you busted about maxine was every day bus. If it was Monday, it might be a big bitch session. Tuesday might go 50 percent of the light work when you take nature might be a diabetes doing swat training. That’s where you do hard work, but he still participates in your daily lifting. That’s why she wants me to world championships and she did. It’s the fact is practice creates a neurological patents if you do a rock.

So is this, is this how you structure your training now? I mean, do you bench every day?

Yeah, bench everyday. Why not? Massive amounts, but we did a cycle in the program and as a program I put my hands on the bar every day and sit up and try and find that groove. So even last week I actually found a whole new queue. I’m going to let everyone know bedside.

So on that, let’s say your Max is 200 kilos on your bench. Um, do you have the structure of your wake of like, okay, Monday is going to be Max, your Tuesday is going to be 50 percent, like is there, is there a reason or rhyme? Is there a structure to it or is it how you feel

and not a program you saw? Just so I allow programs, so I just told me so I will ask some like just cooking Queensland who’s very good housing programming. Sebastian are charged the world’s strongest man. I ask you to your boss as well. So we worked together. So I don’t program myself, practice myself.

It’s the best thing. A train everyday clinic guy. Is it in terms of the programming that he recommends? Practice everyday? Yeah,

no doubt. This guy pisses me off broadly. Whites, we have 40 kilos and I’m 135, so 25 kilos less than buddy and ambitious people I probably 40 kilos. Yeah. Fantastic. Athletes.

What do you think the worst thing that someone could do for their bad? When I say back, I’m really talking about lower back, I suppose lumbar spine, but do you think the worst thing someone can do for their back

you can possibly do is keep doing the things that you’ve always done that as opposed to the problem? That’s the classic one. So if someone hurts his back in some and ended up professional, says, okay, rested for a few weeks. Okay, you’re arrested a few weeks now you got back, you’re not feeling in pain. What have you done different? You’ve changed nothing. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing, expecting a different outcome. So the worst thing I think anyone can do for a back problem, cheap, doing whatever you’ve been doing because there’s a problem with it. Find out what that problem is. Making change. Rest is not what we ever do. You’ve got to actively figure out, hopefully under the God somebody knows what they’re doing, usually at biomechanically had to try to professional obviously and learn and find out what is it about what you did as been hurting you. Stop it. That’s usually number one. One of the great things about as I can get piggly, come to see me who was singled out the health professionals and they show me what they’ve been doing and just say, well, if you stopped doing that exercise somebody gave you, you’ll feel better. That’s the right thing. You had a problem. Did you been doing that exercise and somebody else got you.

What’s a common intervention that you would give for back pain

sitting there for a whole long period of time? Well, there’s a problem. We’re not balancing out. You might have a rule that says you should put every joint in your human body through its full range of motion once day. That’s pretty important. If you do that, you probably won’t get the rust accumulating, so that’s a bit of a philosophy of prototype, so I’ll take that to the spa and if you haven’t been extending, you shouldn’t stand if it’s appropriate because guess what? Every rule you will ever make, they will always be an exception to. There is somebody out there and it’s going to happen. You just got to know what did for that individual and to identify there are people who need to see confliction. Guess what? They’re pretty rare, but that will be there, so there’s no blanket rules every to applaud everybody. The day you make a rule, next day someone’s going to walk in and I did. That was dead lifting. I spent a couple of years finding the physics of day lifting and I had an old figured out just that I figured it out. Guy Who broke my room, he had to actually bend these TVS. Full tissue to get to the devise torso was too short or too long. Arms are only stop it for two days and guess what? You described my role and have a deadline will champion because you’ve got everything wrong with you.

Well, what I’d love to do now is again, just to give the viewers at home and everyone in the audience a real insight into the way Andrew thinks is to get someone out and I’m thinking we go for Adrian and good. Adrian, let’s give her a round of applause. One of the great trainers here at enterprise. We’ll use this box so you can see it. We’ve got him in position and you can see what’s going on, but would you be able to, uh, give a bit of an assessment and in demo. So, so Adriana, was there anything wrong with you besides the obvious, but if you get to have a client and you know, you’ve got a client for the first time and they come in like what’s the like run us through the way you think about things.

It’s a long process because I take at least 20 minutes to talk to the client. So one of the first one is my dream job. What problem do you have? I get tight tracks. Interesting is which you showed me the, now we’re using the back of the hand outside myself. Okay, so we’ve got a different version of what the hippies, but if we’re using the we’re getting pretty close so it’s always important to get the person’s anatomy to find with your anatomy because somebody says he had been lifting the knee. Okay. We probably got lost because we’ve got three different versions of the hippos, but that’s okay for now. Your point where now what talking about? No, one of the problems I always get here is a couple times a week if not a day. I gotta get a person who comes in and he was like, so what’s your problem?

That politeness scans I, I’ve got no four, five disc bulge because I know that’s a diagnosis. I just asked you what your problem was because the thing is, what is the person’s problem? I don’t treat a diagnosis. I trade the problem. So when a person says, I got shown Versartis, I didn’t ask what your diagnosis is. I say, what’s your problem? What can she do? What gives you pain? Now that’s a super important part for me, so when you want to hear, I think this is how I think I wanted to farm or the person’s problem is not what diagnosis being given because people sometimes possessed or you know, I don’t want to possess a diagnosis to understand the problem. So I started dating the person. I’m actually looking at what are they feeling. A lot of times I’ve had problems with professionals are coming up with a scheme report on the table and professional rater report and suddenly that’s doing everything.

Anyone moves him scans. I tried to put him on the table and put them under the chair because we’re not going to look at them until I’ve done everything I can do. The whole idea is to be totally clear. Monitor and see a person as a new person. Someone last night, good little white last. I don’t know what else was stolen until I’ve seen you. So that’s the sort of project in detail. So if we came back and said this will take a long time because they’ll go, okay, so you get a side of your thing. How he defines elegant. What? What do you feel? What is that for you? Where would you feel? For example, I would say it was like an hour. I’d also say. Okay, so when do you feel it? When you’re doing what? What makes it feel better? What makes it feel worse?

We go pull these things apart, so I’ve got no idea where, what forces the person has a problem with and then I’m going to ask whether there’s a constant nature to it, but it’s nice to meet in nature to it or whatever. There’s an inflammatory component to it out the history behind it by saying there’s a lot of questions. I will take them probably now 20 minutes. Sometimes someone will say, and I’ve got a problem in 30 seconds on. The problem is, but I’ll still go through all the questions just to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I’ll teach other last questions. So what would we like to look at?

Like my. One of the common interventions that you give, which is the back bend. Maybe we get Adrian to demonstrate where he’s at and

do you have problems sitting, standing, walking? What tends to be a problem though, it’s more so like not moving at all. I find that I’m sure we could do a fairly quick, um, style approach and a test Friday rock. So you’ve had no diagnosis of a strange traditions, right? Well, we both the um, we’ll pick up. They just want to have a look at the movement pattern, not just we have enough time. I’m sitting there for. Well show me how and you can go to touch with us. So

educated, stand up so everyone can see. Stand up on the box. There you go. Perfect.

And facebook and just do your thing and come back up. So what I do at this point, because I’m sitting in front, I just looked at how far you went. Okay. Now normally I’d actually look at how I got to be stripped off and I’m got to look at how he got there. More importantly because we are looked at fluxion extension. Okay. So put your feet in the water balance and I pull up there and put your hands on the hips and bend backwards. Good. That’s fantastic. For 75 years, do that 10 times now back. What’s in each one? I want you to go live. We put on the back pressing keys off of bodies. Sitting behind the desk is the concept of hips, shoulders, but let’s at least 250 year old company.

Do you want to to explain what was happening on A.

Yeah. Can you do that? Seriously? Yeah.

I’ll just repeat the question for the audio and that’s Andrew. How far would you want them to go? What’s the gold standard?

70 five girl. That would be acceptable to touch your toes again. Do you think eating slightly didn’t. Was it easier now what happened? Why is this affliction in Christ, but we didn’t stretch flection. Noodly. Normally you think that you get

that direction. Might think about why you do things too. Why is it going one direction versus the other one you normally you would think that you’d have to go that direction to get there? Well, the concept goes back to the 19 thirties, but especially not as separate to when from the Great Robin Mckenzie just work. You can find and read his book a lumber disorders and pull the trigger on back. It was really great spark. What explanation concept is here? This is that spiders like Adrian, there hasn’t been sitting. He’s been sitting doing that at like a kid’s party balloon. If you put pressure down the front here, disfluency, that gets pushed backwards, so when he goes to being forward inspired, Lori alluded forward anyway, and the disc pressure is up towards the back. It doesn’t really want to go there as much as he. Then it’s backwards. He puts pressure which causes the discipline to move forwards.

There’s this with materials move forwards stated, so when he goes into production, these bodies looking at resistance on that field better. I’ve got more movement on the pressure’s off and St Louis normal such 10 movements there to improve his flection. Now that’s one of the things I might look at. It all depends upon where my thought process is like this is not objective. Now I can put him through a series of stability tests now as well and find out what would happen is the more stable I paid him, the more range of movement will end as well, so suddenly without stretching I might even tighter by making it tighter, it gets more rain before you, so we use a concept to you are also. They say that proximal stability unleashes distal ability. Thank you. Professor Mcgill for that because I think you should at the teacher when he said it first as type, I look at things from the passive tissues and then and then also look at the African ones in Canada stabilized. I got to take me through that because that’s really important. As you assess basically understanding where the passive teacher insufficiency might come in and how we might use activities to make up for that. This goes back to our research paper and book written by in Punjab in wash for is called neutral zone with theory, so it’s not really a theory as much as lotions as the racist. It’s like the same construct effect. So we’re gonna look at how neutral zone theory fix the way that you’re trying to affect a back problem.

I know that you’ve said before with a back bend, some people, it’s, you know, you’re not auditioning for circus or late. So I suppose just coming back to this question of what, what is a gold standard appropriate range for? Depending on the sport is, is there a

requirement lyric Tuesday? So if I had someone from Cirque du Soleil, you can get that full position. That’s what they need. If I got a tennis player, I didn’t know how much you should be working with them. What do you, when you analyze, for example, tennis, okay, that’s so much extension or should we expect to see that? That’s the important thing to. Um, so when you look at a sport, never looking at it, say parallels, you know, looking at a squatting or dead lifting, there’s not a whole lot of station I have to deal with it. But if they are lacking into extension, might have had a big influence upon why they are. So I sort of look at as what a healthy movement looks like to me having to send your 75,000 patients a little bit of an idea about where I would write a person as per age effective. So we’ll certainly look at that a little bit tonight.

So in saying all that, I mean one of the things you touched on was you know, you go one way and then it increases range of motion. The other way is, is it an oversimplification to then start to think on that line of thought? If someone does or experience lower back problems, there’s probably the abs aren’t working the way they should. Therefore a good intervention should be basically training the ABS. Is that a way to look at it or

from the subject of history we’re on talking to a person about what they do, how they do it. I will get a clue as to whether that is the problem. Then as I stand up not do an objective assessment, I’ll get a bit not looking like they’re looking to move from patterns. See with Tony is actually working. So there are people out there who definitely, I mean it’s almost universal site. There are a lot of people who would have a detriment to working their abs and working and understanding how to control the call will that that also comes with a balance of saying their instances and is vulnerable with Ql is going to work. So I was just going to work lots of good work. Felice, 10 muscles there. I think it’s cool. So I think I think a lot about 10 different muscles, but obviously you have when we got back to one of the most common areas of problems week after week, but it runs those two things. We got somebody that’s probably going to get better than your idea of success, right? You start hunting up those problems and I think that’s a good point where for health professional to go, like while I was told to become the best in the world at something. Okay, Pekin, bustle, pick a joint, understand how it works. Pick an exercise, become really good at understanding that we understand the principles that you’ll start to fight other principals. Start to plot out the parts of the body very similar,

so deadlifts, which is a topic probably close to your heart and a lot of people watching this. It’s almost paradoxical though when we talk about deadlifts because the one side of the fence, you have people shouting that deadlifts are bad and if you pick up a bar, you know it’s going to hurt your back and put down the deadlift and and how bad they are, and then on the other side of the fence, you have people saying your deadlift spacely funeral, and they put up videos on youtube where it’s completely absurd for them and they’re shouting or as long as the bar stays close to the shins, you’ll be fine and dead deadlifts, the safe. Just make sure the universal rule that the bar doesn’t travel away from the body and obviously they’re both extreme perspectives and they’re both misguided in truth. So let’s start there. What are your thoughts on the deadlift and kind of navigating those both extreme ends?

From the point of view, there was no such thing as a bad exercise. Just the wrong size, the wrong person, the wrong time athletes, I don’t need it for this sport instructors. I’m right for it. Don’t do it. Cost to benefit ratio isn’t there for them. That’s two people I can think of now. See 50, 60 people away. Over the last few years I’ve talked to people. I shouldn’t say pretty much everybody else I’ve worked with has a form that did it that I may use. We didn’t rebuild ablation pattern might not be conventional. Might be assuming. Might be a harvard, lots of password. What’s my rationale for using them for really well to draw somebody into learning how to use the glutes for another task so it looked fantastic. Athletic the other day, who does strong women work and she’s working on Qi lifting. Felt it coming through well enough so I just rolled out the band, put it into a box, put on here for the band around the conventional position and worked on the launch from there, went back into the keg lift.

Fantastic woods fired up. I started with assume I was thinking nobody gets fired. Fighter. You got the best hit ever. Find that sooner it wasn’t going to work here in the of the Katelyn was going to work, so I’m going to look at dead lifting. I look at the same way. What are you using it? What am I going to use it for? Not using to rehab a back problem. Am I looking to increase the size of a muscle group and say, yeah, I can use it. They’re pretty well. That person has a driving reason. They wanted to live and I must say that once again, as I said a bit to people who I think straightaway don’t ever lives now, and if someone comes to me when we will fail to champion and I had those unfortunate genetics, I’d tell them that captures this seriously, he’s going to be a car wreck that’s not worth rolling the dice on pretty much everyone else I can work something into, but you’ve got to be honest with people so seriously.

If you’re not made for this and you’re going to be taking on people who are biomechanically superior to you and have just as much drive and resilience and we’ll. I’ll come through. So I love deadlifting, I think it’s one of the most prominent normal things to do. And you just said if someone says, pick the host emissions, that’s the rule. Not for everybody. There’s is a problem. A rule has to be broken by somebody and if you only understand the rule and you don’t understand the parameters which bright the rule, then you’re going to hurt the winery with the real sweet broken, full. So there are some people great plus this shoe in. The better other people give back. Having the meaningful. That’s where you need to be because they show the position by half. We been up to get thoughtful with the finger lakes. Be the wrong feelings for that person to be a substitute,

a world record breaking deadlifters what? What’s. What’s the pattern? What’s the commonality that you’ve found?

Oh, the tonality of the thing about every world record holder, he’ll see, really truly sit. It uses a technique that no novice should ever go near because the whole point of it, it’s like formula one racing. Okay? You look at the world record holders and breakers it deadlifting. Their technique is very similar to draw you a formula one car. It’s an age thing that you must have so much experience. Now he had a controller. Now you put a learner driver or the Formula One track in a formula one car. What is gonna Happen? It’s going to crash and affordably, pretty fricking. You have to teach a novice technician, a novice lifter, a whole different series of things before they will ever get to world championship levels. You got to teach them how to control lots of things, kind of switched. Lots of things on how to use everything before that will move into, okay, now you actually got this.

You can either change changed. We had changed bob position. That changes and that’s my goal is it takes about three years to go from put your hands on the bottom. You got to help them with technical, so that’s ignited. That learner has to have put all your flights my life because I don’t want to miss trying that on. We heard for a couple of years, which can happen. You want to get them as a professional to loses you money. If your clients not coming in to try and do so, it’s really important you get to the world champion your father. Yeah. It’s pretty fast with stiff like a dealer from us. They’re conventionals big spine afflictions. Yeah, but I can do that now, but don’t do it in novice.

Do you think there is some overlapping things in terms of. I know you’ve spoken about vertical Tibias with world breaking the world record breaking deadlift is. Do you think that rule does apply or. I mean I know it depends,

absolutely applies to city world records,

but not for novice.

Exactly. With a novice, you might allow them to come forward wall. You have to learn to get the hips in a certain position or back into a certain position because everything changes for the notice. So as far as physics goes, critical Sheen is imperative to apply maximum force to the ground. It gives you the Mexican gravity ground reaction force. That’s a fact. And if you watch every video of the old wrinkled sit, that’s how it’s done. So that will show you that position and I’ll shave a problem with a lot of spinal flexion as well. That’s okay.

What I love about speaking to you and really talking all things physical culture is because there’s a topic that people are so dogmatic about and you usually get this black or white answer. Here he is the way it is. It’s when you express and just on this topic of deadlifting, it really is all the colors of the rainbow of yes, but it depends if. And I think it’s a really appreciate. I think everyone watching really appreciates the angle and it’s just great to see

every body is different and listen to find out what those different looked to find out what those differences are. Not People might, for example, say I’ve got short hamstrings. You probably even got short hamstrings. You probably. I’ve taught him. All right, well there’s a difference between the two things. You know, realistically most people couldn’t have achieved the splits today if router no conscious and stretch it out because the muscle length is there, but we have limiting switches, their bodies. I’ve learned how to live with certain movements and part of our work maybe having to get has that tension better.

It’s almost in the in strength community and rehabilitation, personal trainers. People have identified themselves with certain beliefs and they become very dogmatic because that’s the identity and I suppose dogma that they put on themselves and they have to portray this to the audience rather than in terms of what you’re saying is, well, there is no, there is no identity to begin with. It’s just science and let’s look at that. And then from that, at our body of work, we can then decipher and get rid of the identity kind of politics of this is who I am, this is how to relate to and actually care and look after our clients in a


Just on that, you said something before previously is the Cairo in Queensland, I think you said that, that, uh, Perth that you refer to, what’s something that you look for in other allied health professionals, whether it be Chiros or osteos like, ah, because there has been this baiting I feel from the chiropractic and physio therapies where they’ve made the two provisions that never got along, but that he us saying, you know, there’s, there’s Kairos who now you communicate with and talk to the coming to your courses. So what do you think’s a good good? Uh, I suppose trademark of good practitioners like this, like Kairos, what’s, how do they think differently?

Your approach was coolest one and your mental understanding it’s going to make you keep getting better. So I’m never contingent

been personally a client that you’ve rehabbed, but you’ve rehabbed multiple shoulder injuries through benchpressing. Yeah. If you, if you presented that I suppose to the average physio therapists, I think that would say, you know what, that’s, that’s absolutely crazy. You know, you’re supposed to not bench press at all. So how, tell us about that process of how you figured that one out.

For example, mightn’t be the first session we only rehab exercise, but I’ll pull up the components apart and find out why they’re getting paid with their veggie address. Those components with the goal that the person becomes a technique, it actually just makes him stronger and reinforces the pattern that will prevent the in the future. In other words, you’re bench pressing. You’re wrong, something’s gone wrong. They’re not using a certain pattern, they’re not using a certain muscle group. So then if I can use that muscle into the patent of bench press, I got my radio and they’re happy. So that’s one of my practices. Although that is the movement that they’re hurting on if only because they’re doing it wrong or something is missing somewhere. And then by the time I got into three or four sessions and attract probably we should the client myself and know exactly what I’m asking them to do, where the problem lies and we can use it as a readmitted.

So I know people are watching this. Strength coaches particularly might be familiar with some systems, have a shrink coaching where you’re looking at, say for example, a bench press or a squat or even a front squat and looking at other lifts that are going to contribute to it. So say for example, if your bench press 100 kilos, then you need your seated military press to be 66 kilos. If you can bench press 100 kilos, then reflectively external rotation on names should be say 10 percent of what you can bench press, which means you know, you should be doing 10 kilos and and these kinds of numbers going forward. Have you seen any correlation or do you have a system to, you know, if I want to hit this, this is what it needs to be.

No, the very best athletes, most successful athletes who come and see me are usually the most dysfunctional athletes. Okay. The guy is going to be 230 kilos is probably unable to lift one kilogram in the right position that I want to see him and he’s gentle rotation. Now I can probably get a girl who’s a ballet dancer who can lift that one kilo but probably has trouble lifting 20 minutes in a binge so those. Those numbers don’t really correlate and we’ll launch into father. It’s very individual. Is that the biggest and the best and the strongest? So dysfunctional. Usually quite often those are the ones who see me are the ones who have addressed those dysfunctions and really move well, but initially the love of my say they might be able to operate and magnificently with 90 percent of the dysfunction that anyone else couldn’t move with and then you get somebody else who’s got a five percent dysfunction and can’t move at all.

The cargo hurts too much. There’s such a thing I think with these strong athletes is that they don’t feel the pain the same way because the structurally put together physiologically a little bit different, but it’s a really amazing thing to see how dysfunctional top people are getting a little bit of difference in southern Nevada pain and they’re performing really well, but the lie that you go, so it’s still pretty dysfunctional. Whereas you get other people who aren’t very resilient, who it takes a little bit and I can’t function. That’s why it’s such an individual thing. They’re really great athletes. I’m seeing now who have done the hard rehab and out performing and functioning really, really well and accepting the fact that there were some big deficits that got them to be in pain.

So a hybrid athlete or an athlete essentially searching for balance. You know, I want to be fantastic at like say, uh, you know, bench squat, deadlift, and be able to run and be performing an x, y. I mean, are we really chasing a myth on that?

You know, what? Be Nobody in life get really balanced. All right? That means you’ll be absolutely sure that everything, if you want to be good at something, something is going to be sacrificed. How the world record holder for probably doesn’t run that fast. If you want to be really, really great at something, somebody is going to be sacrificed and money and love your job and love and relationships. It’s other exercises, but to be the best or something, you sacrificed a balanced athlete. He’s not going to be great at anything in particular. They going to be an amalgamation of a lot of things, so that’s what you tend to find successful people are. And

have you worked with any crossfit athletes and would you say the most successful crossfit athletes are either, and this is just my simple observation, either extremists or x weight lifters because they essentially started out specializing as something and then went into a hybrid. Whereas what a lot of crossfitters inside crossfit boxes will do is they will try and be a hybrid of everything and then end up being nothing. Is that consistent with what you’ve seen?

Right. Athletes will still dominate and something, for example, such a spool of. If you really want to take it up, you’d better me. Ankle movement pattern, no cheap structures, a super important. Having a broader label, it’s super important. That’s why you look at who the most successful ones are like a binary genetically gifted people,

so I know there’s people will be watching this. Probably myself included a little bit. It’s like, dammit, I. I still want to be a hybrid. I want to be good at, but a lot of things is that

cool. You want to be good at it, not going to great at a great sacrifice you got. Do you have something which can be good at lots of things, but that’s what you’ll be. You’ll be good. There’s a lot of good athletes around. I don’t know their names.


What’s. What’s the worst injury that you’ve seen? That’s interesting. You’re so used to seeing things was defined and upon how it impacts person’s not actually physically what? It depends on a person to probably a a psychological level. Excellent. When they locked and you have the gun because you can see broken bottles back, like dude, get back and you can say other people have smaller things which impact. So it’s really outside the worst injury because most of them said you want back injury and sort of dropping the beside John here, folks, the, um, the bodybuilder.

Well, let me rephrase the question. What’s, what’s probably the worst injury that you have been a part of and, and then being able to successfully rehabilitation. I know in my mind, just to kind of prompt a thought, I remember seeing on facebook a spine that was pretty bad, and a spine that looks pretty darn unhealthy. That’s one that kind of comes to mind. What’s, what’s been the

that’s causing the person to have a behavioral reaction to it?

Folks, you’re watching the watts then. My name is mark and Terry. Bree. This is my guest, Andrew Locke. We’ll be back right back after this short break. Make sure you subscribe to us on Youtube for more great interviews. Like this one.


Welcome back to this episode of the Wolf Sten a marketer territory here with Andrew Luck. Let’s get into a game that I like to play. A. This is the one word game. Um, so I’m going to say a topic and you’re going to give an answer in one or two words. For those who came before I might say something like legs and you might cite squats. Alright, well the association game. Great. Exactly. Ready to go. Pilates cult. A Yoga Union. Gain muscle magazines. Inspirational. A good book, Hunter Thompson biggest meathead. You know, you’ll have to ask all the muscle of hit that a good book. Oh, sorry. Breakfast, eggs, greatest bodybuilder of all time. Arnold greatest power lifter of all time in colon. Favorite supplement brands. Chain Amino was a greatest athlete of all time by differences. At least favorite supplement protein powder, most respected colleague, Opo Stuart Mcgill movie you love escape from La, a superhero, thor comic bookstore, most underrated and underutilized exercise dumbbell pullover. Most common injury that you see. No low back pain. Modern bodybuilding evolving. Most impressive athlete. She’s kind of favorite athlete. That Francis is what you said it might be. Herschel Walker, who was Herschel Walker, uh, he played. He was a great college football player and went to the Lee was the Xfl, was before. It was like a breakaway from the NFL. But if you ever get a chance, look up Hershel Walker’s highlights. You will see a very interesting athlete there who will blow your mind while judging a bikini division. Andrew Lucky’s thinking. Thank you tony. God,

go to food or comfort food. A steak. When I am dead lifting, I like to listen to myself. So note no playlists, no tracks that you listened to, just silence would deadlift. There’s no silence in my head, man. It’s always something going on. The rehabilitation industry is in trouble. Most visited website in Andrew’s browser. What is the website? What is the website? I’m in the NFL man. Wolf wolfpack hungry. Uh, let’s give Andrew Random of course.

Alrighty. So

as a bad, low physical culturist, always appreciate that chats and insights into your training and your training minds, uh, and methods and systems that you’ve been using in the past and that you’ve been doing for the agents. In your opinion, is there a bodybuilder or powerlifter or even athlete white to that you hold up as and say that that person was onto something they knew how to train? Probably look at Tom Platz, Tom Platz probably because of the mental side of training I could say. I’ve actually had the opportunity to spend a couple of days with Tom as you know. And I just thought he’s physical result was a result of his middle side of his charting, you know, just he took himself to places. I don’t think many people ever get to, so for Tom, have you ever look at any of the interviews that you would see on youtube or anywhere you can just see?

He is to me a bit like Ed Cohen, there’s a person under there who is still 18 years old and still married and still passionate and still unrelenting and just one of the things that Tony Daddy used to say, he’s relentless momentum. That’s why I say you those people and that’s the most defining characteristic as successes, relentless momentum. So do you think a lot of the time with athletes on the mindset side and just simply their passion, it’s, it’s that’s indicative factor of how far they go, not actually how they train or what they eat and what they leave. Yeah, totally. Yeah. I think it’s a, it’s a combination of perfect storm situation where you have somebody who’s able to connect an incredible force of will with a physiological result that other people probably couldn’t achieve as well, but like it only force it by the force of will didn’t come easy.

So we talked about training systems. We hold up, let’s say for example, a Arnold Schwarzenegger, and compare that to say for example, a Dorian Yates and they’ve had training philosophies. They’re quite different in the way they see the world and see the training. Are you influenced by one over the other? Are you in one camp? And I know it’s kind of a loaded question because there are people who just kind of labeled themselves early in this campaign. How do you learn from both of those and say, take the best bits. I’d almost say what Tom used to say, here’s what the training you hate the most, or probably do the best. Good. The thing you hate the most. High Reps, low reps, whatever it is, they probably just think this is going to work for you the most. And I think in the, um, the volume approach arnold used, I’d ever produced Arnold Dorian’s approach produced Dorian.

There’s a lot to it in. I think that’s when you look at health, so somewhat branch Warren Trines. And so I’m, I look at think he’s a with loose, but if you look at it, he connects to the attention so magnificently. Then by what someone like Phil Heath, beautiful form or Kai Greene, there’s something about the way these athletes connect to what. It’s almost like that tension under time, over time, you know, there, there it is is the ability to create tension at the right time to move the white that connects with the stimulus to produce a result. So there’s a lot of individuality when it comes to those sorts of things and I think it’s almost inevitable when someone liked that picks up a white that they do at the y that they going to get a result from, but there are different to most of us and that’s the big thing.

Sometimes looking at those people, it’s hard to expect to get the same result. Dorian’s approach was trained damn hard and try and recover. I think that’s a sensible thing within it. Our approach was a lot of stimulation, a lot of volume that works for the right person as well. It’s you’ve got a really bad to find a thing that works a bit for you and it might not be what the hero does, so rather than heavyweights are the only things that build muscle volume. We know that doesn’t work. The muscle, it’s, yeah, you know, I can lift heavy weight, but did I use the muscles that I wanted to actually apply the force to the stimulus to to get it from a to b. Did another muscle group pick it up better? Am I my triceps taking the work rather than my chester? I’m pinching.

It all depends on the individual. What you. The arm length, the bone links, the muscle messes the densities of spindles. Everything’s different between individuals to some extent. So for the bodybuilders watching at home, what advice would you give someone who’s willing to put on lots of mess? I’m prepared to probably do a favorite of volume training initially. Find out the exercises that work best for your body. It might not be the incline curl and might be a standing dumbbell curl, might be a preacher curl, for example. You have to find the thing that you connect best with to find the area that you get the result with it. Maybe what your hero does. It might not be what you hear at us. Steve Reeves had great arms, stay very abused like dumbbell incline curls and I’ll try them. So you didn’t really get a lot of other until he learned how to do them.

Later in his career, Arnold worked with [inaudible]. Cool. Very interesting. Cool. That was the early in his career. There’s so many different things and variations that people find the work for them. So these, uh, it’s a, you can’t be lazy for the normal person. They have an old person. They’re going to get results anyway. I almost can’t help but get results. We had two guys, one of the gyms I used to train up and one of the Isr idolized the other fellow who was just had a really great looking physique and he was a fairly big guy. Then he had an island, the Mary background and the other guy was very killed a scotch background. And um, the scholarship, I emulated everything from the way this guy walked away. He talked the way I ate. The married guy got beautifully big. He could run a marathon and grow and pour the other guy.

He just turned out looking like the Michelin man. It was just blood everywhere to different facilities, different responses to the exercises. So I was very individual. That’s what great coaching comes in. A good coaches know that everyone’s not the same. There’s no recipe. You’ve got to pull a person apart and really find out what that individual needs to grow, what the recovery process is a lot. It’s all different. And I think that’s actually absolutely kate, is what you alluded to earlier in the conversation was about universities. It’s like universities teach you the Dogma or a teacher the textbook, but they don’t actually teach you how to think. And that’s what I, you know, I certainly see with a lot of personal trainers and strength coaches is they want to be labeled and placed into a camp and have the rules dogmatically indoctrinated into them so they can put all of their clients into the camp.

And that almost they, they alleviate themselves have this conundrum of having to think about things or think through a problem. It’s rather than, oh, we’re going to do this because that’s the way we do it rather than what’s actually appropriate for you. Yeah. If you want to be an unsuccessful personal trainer, that’s a great approach to take my way or the highway, you know, certainly one of the bit of personal trainers as far as understanding and knowing his work goes, I know there’s one is really great, but he happens to be the worst people personally ever met and 20 years later he’s still struggles in business. Now intellectually he can apply excellence to his clients, but he’s approachable. He is, you’re going to do it my way. We’re not talking about it. You submit to my will. Basically the whole time it doesn’t work. Don’t get a lot of people that will stick with them.

And so that’s sometimes where you find the personal trainers who are actually really crap, but I relate well to the client and the client’s counter year after year with getting no results because they have good personal relationship with them. Now the suit, some people switching gears into scoliosis, I know a lot of the time when clients come in and you know, they might come in talking about labels, you know, I have scoliosis and it’s almost. I say this, I am scoliosis rather than I have scoliosis. So before we move into the question about scoliosis, can you give a quick definition on what it is? Well, when someone comes into me and says, I’ve got a scoliosis, I usually say, really? So what do you feel it?

And the whole point is to throw them off what their position. And we’re going to start to talk about the fact that, you know, structural abnormalities don’t define an individual. So a scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in a certain plane across the frontal plane here. And so when we look at that, we say a person who has a curvature of the spine, it does not define anything about the individual. The world’s most successful. Now one of the world’s most successful pails of all time called Lamar, has a spectacular scoliosis who looks like an Anaconda, goes like that, having to be the first person I think to lift up six times body weight. So it was an advantage perhaps to him. So don’t look at a structural problem with saying it’s got to be a disadvantage that basically give you an advantage. It charged the height of his torso.

He had a shorter torso the worked for. So you’ve got something. That’s where I say when somebody comes in and says to me, I’ve got to just barge. Okay, what didn’t I ask you? What? You got to ask you what your problem is. That’s how we defined it. You work with the person’s problems. So yeah, if someone says, I’ve got flat feet, fine. Well the research doesn’t indicate that it’s got to be a problem. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We’ll find out when we have every interview with you and we’ll find out what the way you move. Is it structural is a functional. Lots of things, so I don’t ever possess a diagnosis. Don’t let a diagnosis possess you. Bad language on these problems influences badly about how people perceive their ability to perform. So yeah, somebody at most, pretty much, if you look it up, so many great athletes, you’ll see that they’re all unsymmetrical yeah, great.

Tennis players, they have one arm longer than the other. Now usain bolt’s got one leg longer than the other. Do you want to charge that? Probably not a good idea. So don’t be defined by structure. So it’s almost the the mechanical at disadvantaged by this world that’s trying to create a perfect symmetrical human. Well one, we we’re under a false illusion with sexually. Something that just isn’t really there because there is no really perfect symmetrical human isn’t only models are going to classical amfleet ones. Everyone, if I wanted this right now, write your name down on your book just right now. Just write your name and just after you’ve written your narrative with the other hand. All right, go for it. Now, is there anything wrong with that other hand? No. Just neurological. You’re efficient with one side, not the other. In that task, is that detrimental to your life?

Probably not. We have different tasks to different parts of their brains were not symmetrical creatures. We actually function with dominance in one thing and dominance and another thing. Dominance and ability, dominance instability, different legs, different arms. Don’t look for symmetry. Symmetry is a great way to become basically useless, so the scoliosis, those you’re watching, you have scoliosis. It’s really, I suppose the message is don’t make it a big deal. Not find a health professional understands whether it’s easily influenced because there’s certain levels that yes, it can be that big, the needs intervention, but for the ones who it’s done usually a couple of degrees and it’s something that’s not going to be pretty close to normal, then it shouldn’t be defining you. Once again, everything’s done on an individual basis, but yeah, you must not be possessed by the diagnosis and weight training consistently help those and moving forward. Well it was some of the biggest scoliosis is been the most successful athletes. There was a great distance swimmer that we had in Australia who held lots of world records, spectacular spawn. Huge scoliosis, yet probably one of the greatest ever record holders. So moving back into. I just want, before we go to audience questions, I didn’t want to do another demo. Yeah. Bodyweight squat used as an assessment tool. Yep. I think for this one we’ll bring

out a look. Mr Luque with give luke around before.

No, actually it don’t look like.

That’s good. What would you like to say? You looked at body weight squat, Luke.


Alright. So what are we looking at that, what do you say, mark? Do we see a bit of a challenge to get to horizontal to get the parallelism? Yeah, absolutely. And the reason why I just wanted to pull this one out to show obviously get this on camera for those watching on Youtube and for the audience is, um, how, how you would use a simple motor pattern in terms of an outline. So, I mean, what I see is, um, you know, he’s struggling with the movement. He’s curving forward. Hamstrings are tight, you know, I don’t think he’s, he’s, uh, Nisa coming over his toes as freely as possibly they could be. And it looks like there’s a lot of tightness looked hard, isn’t it? Yeah.

Alright. So we’ve got to give. This kid will built it. Look how we going to go. Yeah. Yep. Hold it up higher. That’s it. And now just gives us joe again, dried and you can put it down. So we got a hypothesis there. Isn’t he moved better than he did without white. So why would he move better with the load? He got tighter, he’s ability increased because he got tired, he got stronger, he switched more things on. So if we looked at it and said that first squad was his structural ability, we will be wrong. Your structural ability is far better. The way he displayed his body structure was holding him back and finally in certain ways until it was made to tighten up, he had two choices, putting the white in front of him. He could face plant or it can stay up. His muscles decided to stay up, held him together. He got tighter approximately in the center. As you go. Talk to there is body then allowed him to move better. There was one of the premises that I approach his proximal stability. Increasing strength will increase your ability to the peripheral joints to move better. So last to see we have lots of hypothesis that we can go with their what week, what strong, what are we going to look at? Oh, we can take them apart lighter and see what we can find. Let’s look forward to that. Also must give you a clue.


This one, Mr Lewis. Alrighty. So now what we’re going to do is we’re going to open up to your questions audience questions. So who has a question for audience question?


Why do you go for like afl or any sport? Really? What do you think? There’s so many more injuries these days.

Probably if you looked back at the history of afl and Vfl and things like that. People were trying lists. I had other things demanding their lives. So I would say you’d probably find that the volume of work that people are doing now has it increased dramatically and it is the inability of the biological tissue, the hand up stand up to those increased volumes of stress. And that’s what I would look at a site. The biggest problem we would probably find with Ifla and other sports now it’s the ability to handle the volumes of work and now that’s a tough one for the strength and conditioning coaches to individually playing for the, for the people.


I know amy has some questions. Go for it.

I trained a few boxes so I find with some of them, uh, they have a little lower back issues. So what was the reasoning behind that might be a waste to help reduce that?

Well, let’s think about any system there is. You have a person who has low back pain. It will probably indicate that the law beck is either compensating for somewhere else because it’s trying to micah for a weakness somewhere else or might be a bar mechanical inefficiency into rotation, well mostly pull things apart into three directions. I look at that person moves forwards and backwards, side to side and then into rotation. Now if you’re looking at boxing, you might be looking at you as a person getting low back problems because he entered the flection position. Quad a lot are they training so much ab worked that did all these inappropriate sit ups so they’re flexing the hell out of each other before they get into the ring. Might be not. Maybe there is an inefficiency in the glutes holding together and allowing them to rotate their hips really well and as a result the law backs taking out the rotational work and low back doesn’t lot to do a lot of rotation.

It’s not made to rotate very well as a thoracic spine might be. There is a thoracic spine stiffness of this spleen displayed at the lumbar spine. So what’s you to do as you start to pull apart the question, your subject, you’re going to sit there with that person. So when do you feel this problem with the, in the session, after the session? Which part of you getting at with? What do you find relieves it? What do you feel good. All those things tend to start to give you the direction you want to go. We’ll even have a look at some of that. Was someone today perhaps?

Hi, just a question on, um, uh, I felt women’s football coming up. I’m thinking of playing, but I’m a little bit scared about just the injuries that are present in it at the moment, which was mostly like the nays I’m et cetera. Would you have any advice?

Well, the usual it possibly. There’s a blanket moment when we say everything’s taken on a case by case basis, but I’ve yet to see somebody who’s strong enough in abs and glutes that I would say you don’t need to do a whole lot more. So if you look at foot control and they control, a lot of it comes off the hips and glutes. Look at becky shoes. A lot of it relates to wic abs, so especially I would say that domination is looking at that sport. Is it a bilateral, is a usually lateral support, a lot of union electoral work to do a whole lot of good for your preparedness plan. Probably not step ups, lunges, single leg movements. That’s where I’ll start to look at saying how are we going to do this because this is what this person as a run, they do a unilateral movements.

So I started thinking as far as color goes, unilateral work as well. So there you go. Start to think when you’re looking at a sport and you look at what are you going to do for it, determine is it bilateral, is a unit lateral? What’ll I do with different parts of the bodies? We don’t just deadlift and squat and bench press because that’s what we do. You got to say, has this person perform at sport, but like doing tennis, what they do in golf or they’re doing unboxing or like doing in piloting, well, your program is going to be different for every individual person, so I felt a lot of running a lot of unilateral work looking at built lumbopelvic stability are. We’re spending a lot of times scoring

just on that. Would you use a squat as a indicative of how someone strong and how their progress is going accordingly to that sport?

No, not for them, not for an IFL mandibular and see it as transferring to demonstrate there’s going to make them a better runner. For example. You could use it as a tool that I really think realistically what does that support require? Probably try and find a better objective, but it can’t be used in an objective. I just think I start to think more in the pattern of the person so it’s easy enough to use a squat. I still think is a great movement and we know that you can create good athletes of life from it and lots of great running athletes, abuse squats. I just started thinking of how much time you got in your day. We’re going to spend your best time as far as what you got for training and what we want work from you from the sofa was a, and I feel player.

I’d run a lot. That’s what our practice. Just, um, repeat for the audience. The question is, do you think that’s what they’re doing and perhaps they’re doing it badly. Yeah. So you repetitively performing that movement badly. So eventually the tissue has a problem. So it was time to pull those players apart and look at where the strengths and weaknesses up. So if you make a person who’s weak around the hips run a lot, you’ll probably get an a or a foot problem ever. So more unilateral step ups. Lunges. Yeah, that’s what’s it’s gonna think. Yeah. Jumps, Vertical Lips, all the things that you’re gonna put together. They’re banded squats might be a great one to play with. Just to make that work day is a really great reason to put squatting because there’s a good place to put a band. Hang on just past the audio.

Would that be the same for someone with Plantar Fasciitis?

Yeah, don’t look at the foot. Go everywhere else, but the foot until you end up back at the foot, look at the knee, look at the hip, will look at the core, will look at all those things and then end up at the foot. So if you find something else somewhere else, that might be the reason that person’s got that. Yeah, so I remember the last thing you do when someone says, I got plantar fasciitis, push the foot, look at the foot. Don’t do that first. Look everywhere else first. So you want to know what you don’t know, not what you do. Know. Knowing what you know is not going to help you. You really got find out what gaps and if there are gaps, great. Then you conflict. You missed nothing.

What you been saying so far is it’s everything really. It’s case by case basis down to the individual is so unique. What would you say the best, if let’s say for example, whether it’s for me personally or a client, what would be the best start to say if I want her to get a sense as to what would be the best techniques, should I even be doing squats like first come to someone like you.

There’s not many people like me as a good challenge comes with good trainers who have the education. I think I’m a good trainer who’s been educated into understanding the squat, deadlift patterns, how humans move, movement screening. All those things can give you an understanding of what structural advantages, disadvantages as you might have put. Yes. A true screening process does help.

Okay. Because what is, for example, if someone just wants general fitness and all that, I’ll say, okay, yeah, maybe just join a gym and be fine, but if you wanted to train at an elite level and really improve. It sounds like what you’re saying is the

person who goes to just the General Jim, really they need. They need to have some assessment of their physical limitations or abilities. What’s you do? Your buyer set of golf clubs and golf course and just started hitting and why and thinking you going to be okay or you get a few lessons from someone who’s got a education, who’s good, who knows what they’re doing. So That’s why coaching to me is the imperative. If you’re going to type something up, you get coaching to get your basics right. So if you want to play tennis, do you buy attendance, tennis record to start hitting the bowl, the cost on it? No. You’ve got no hair to hold the record. You got to say someone who actually knows what they’re doing. So this is what good coaching is about. Good coaching’s about making sure that you know, you take a novice, you teach them the basics.

She might show that they understand the basics usually, and then you can start the program and away you go. But it’s always defined while the goal of the individual, the person who just wants to play with their kids when they’re 70 years old still. Well, I wouldn’t be giving him a single deadlift to test him out every few months. Cost to benefit ratio. It’s not part of his life goal plans, so you make him move, dwell safely, get all the joints moving through the range of emotion. You’ve satisfied that person’s reason for training. He got someone else who wants to be a champion at something or. Right. It’s a different goal together. Coaching’s got to be a fluid process. You got to adjust for every single client that you made. They’re all. Everyone’s different and just on the.

But it could be anything. I just thought you’d give that one just on that. We’ve actually put together as part of wolfpack and people can download it publicly who are watching this on the personal training or mentoring website, which is the wolfpack website. There’s the first five classes of wolf pack, which is basically a structural and assessment mini ecourse there. Takes you through the things that probably the highlights that you’ve taught me, which is the overhead squat, the clep tests, the Ford flection tests, lumbar extension, and the body weight squat. And some of them are half hour videos where basically I dissect with, I’ve got a model in and you know, um, we dissect what to look for and then what to do as well, which can be a great starting point. So definitely check that one out. The four, there’s five videos and there’s five tests, so using the five tests, um, but then yeah, it’s based off the great Andrew’s work and stuff that he’s taught me as well because we were having conversation with you as a, as a personal trainer and coach, what are the key assessments that we should, we should learn and from speaking to you, they were, they were the five kind of standout assessments that we’ve implemented.

Not only here at enterprise but that’s what we teach in wolf pack. So you can rewatch those anytime you like and for those watching on youtube you can head over to that website Melbourne personal or not personal trainers rather personal trainer mentoring dot common leach sleepy details. And you’ll get signed up for that course. And um, you know, be able to watch those five videos. That’s a really great starting point. But then I suppose the next thing would either, obviously you guys are already here, it will back or seeking out Andrew Locke and going to one of his courses and learning from him directly. So yeah, it was good timing.

What would your advice be for say us as traders, when you get a client that she, physio, Osteo, whatever, and they diagnosed him with something and they say, okay, just breast and then come back and go, okay, I can’t train anymore because the physio Osteo said a contract because I’ve got this, this and this

approach and assign world, which I’ve already said is like the climate risks changes that if you’ve got a problem and you’re not doing anything about it, you allow me to come back and do it again. So you’ll show them what that piece of advice. Who should be put within a construct which involves change. So if a person’s doing a high volume of work and the physio car or somebody says you need to rest and they also need to rest, but to change within that to practice something so they have to be doing something realistically to move to make a change, and then I’d also say, look, it depends upon your relationship with that health professional, but it might be useful to give ’em a second opinion from somebody who’s experienced in what your out your goals are and that might be someone that you can recommend so they can get a second opinion where somebody who would prefer to get them back look at by a person who comes to the broken arm, good to go, one lot, one arm and two legs to go back to the gym.

You go and you’re still trying. It doesn’t mean your risk just means your risks that are held on the other arm because urological, that’s gonna help the other arm. So you never sorta have really almost any situation that I can follow that you should completely stop a fan of premise that if you break your left arm and you keep trying, you’re right. It actually helps facilitation for coverage of the left and right. Yeah, and there’s a lot of things you can do if you want to play with it. You can play with mirror work and other stuff. It all works. So there’s always ways to assist. What’s the mirror work? Well, for example, when you look into a mirror, your brain sees mark looking in the mirror, but in the mirror at Caesar’s reverse, so you might have your lift arms got a problem, but in the mirror, your right arm, your left arm, and you can actually work with the movement pattern in the mirror to change what’s happening on your left arm because your brain sees that as a visualization.

So I’ve used that with those clients. Had a guy once who had 10 years, he hadn’t moved his foot because he was convinced that he had a surgery that he’s foot couldn’t move. And even more unfortunately, because I like a little piece of equipment I saw there was an electrical current or new, it was still working there. So I set it in front of the mirror, might even tapis opposite foot. I said, look, see which foot’s moving your chair around 190 degrees, do it with the other foot, came back in two weeks. They can move both feet. He had access the program. It’s a useful tool if you know what you’re looking for, changing people’s shoulder. Even sometimes I’ll do that if I can see that I can. I’ve got a tool there at the time for the right person can change neck range of motion sometimes.

Sometimes the body limits itself because it’s got a feedback and expectation, but you can actually mess with that quite well. So it was phantom limb pain. That’s one of the tools that’s used. If a person has their arm removed, the nerves that control the arm is still in the Brian. They are looking for it. So they construct a phantom limb by construct what I think should be there because they’re still there. Now what you do is then you can use the mirror to see that that was actually the other. Brian says it and you can use methods to decrease pain, so there’s ways of getting to anything. There’s tools we can always use. Fantastic little area. So do you think we’ve tapped out the. I mean neurology, you know what I mean? What do you think there’s. There’s more to be found or do you think which is really understanding the tools that we have when you think it’s going to go down and saying a lot with the tools we have and there’s more to be done.

Yeah, everything is still. We’re still evolving our approach to lots of parts of science, but the fundamentals of the science is still their progressions in rehabilitation over the next five, 10 years. Are there any predictions there now? It’s regressing a little bit in Australia anyway, so Australia, the best way we can start to do is to look overseas to see often what the most current researchers or what the best evidences and teachers are doing because currently, as I said to professionals and health professions here are getting a little bit restricted by the current academic pushes, which I don’t think you’re very good and living better. Thirty years mostly in Australia has done a disservice to the world with the transverse abdominous multiverse theory. It was wrong. Have you written on that before and yet that influenced the way we approach things and a bit overseas, but they got rid of it pretty fast bus. Yeah. The biomechanics of human movement are being progressively done will. I’ve already North America and Canada and Europe and certain parts of Europe. Anyway, so we’ll take two more questions and then we’ll wrap up. Move the Mike over to Terry.

So you were saying about a person who’s lost a limb with a neuro pathways and so forth. What about in a case where someone’s a paraplegic 10, they’ve actually got pain where they actually have no feeling in their legs, but they’ve got pain. Yeah, so how. How would you treat that sort of thing?

I would actually sit in a person to have a behavioral specialist, in other words, a psychologist for a stop because they might be other issues there which may have to be investigated, which are influencing why that person feels pain. It may have a lot to do with obviously the trauma of what they’re experiencing to. So it might be about how they’re handling. They experienced. It might be a lot to do with a lot of fossils of life. I would almost look to having that certainly cleared and discussed with a behavioral professional before it actually looked to anyone else.

Lucky last positive Danta all way from Sydney.

Knowing that you know that the average person’s back 80 percent is going to be better in the festival weeks. How do you get the compliance of the client to stay with you for eight to 12 weeks to hit that 100 percent?

Well is they. I don’t see acute people very often anymore. It will take you a month to get in to see me anyway, so it’s very rare that someone’s going to ring up. I’ve hurt my back or no, just what I get it all the time. I need to see you and I just got a year or most appointments about five, six weeks away, so I’m not going to see the acute very often. They’re on to see the ones who hired her, beat her for the last two years. I can wait to see you have a second, six weeks time. Now I have a low compliance thing that if you don’t do your exercises, I’ll charge you twice. The next time we come in, it’s wmal. Might give you a motivation to actually do what you’re being told. I don’t have really a problem with that because one of my things with people as we discussed the amount of work that needs to be done, so it’s unnegotiable. This is what you need to do. You do this much every day. You’re doing it twice a day. You see me anyway because you filed with a lot of other people, that’s why you’re coming in and you’re serious. So I tend to get a really great client population because I get people who are very serious about trying to get a solution.


Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the wolf sten a, stay tuned for more great episodes like this. And if you want more information about Andrew Locke, where can they find you on facebook? So usually the best way functional strength rehabilitation. Um, I’ll do a lot of work with the Australian strength coach, the best job we run a series of workshops on the power lifts and the different injuries we just throughout Australia and even internationally now. Uh, so especially as the strength coach for thor, the world’s strongest man. And we put together a lot of his experience with the particular deadlift, squat and bench. And I’ll do the rehab side of things. Fantastic. Well thanks for joining us for Wolf Wolfpack. Folks, make sure you stay tuned. Subscribe to us on youtube where all the episodes and great videos from enterprise and Wolfpack will be fancy. Just subscribe below and for more information on wolf pack or all things are personal training, mentoring to check out personal trainer Thanks for watching. How about a hand for hoursyesterday?


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