After having my second child I wanted to get back into shape but was looking for something more than just loosing a few kilos.
After being recommended to contact Enterprise Fitness, little did I know what was to unfold in my fitness journey.
My Enterprise trainer assessed my current diet and made adjustments which I followed from day one.
To my surprise, she would check in on me to see how I was feeling especially after a grueling session or simply just to see if I had any questions or concerns. I found that this was how Enterprise Fitness operated with all their clients and it was these simple gestures that built my trust in her
After a only a month into my program I started to see changes. It was at this point that my Enterprise coach suggested to me that I could easily get into shape in 12 weeks for an INBA competition. This stayed with me for a few weeks until I decided to make that commitment to prove to myself that I can get my body to this level.
The process was a complete change in how I was previously eating and training. Through some trials we worked out which foods responded best to me. I was now eating far more than ever but was becoming leaner leading up to comp day.
Before I knew it, I was standing on that stage at the INBA as a Sports model. Although I did not place in my divisions I had a new sense of confidence not only in my appearance but with what I had and could achieve.
With this new found knowledge I am committed to maintaining my fitness and will be working towards competing in the near future!
Thank you Enterprise Fitness!