Q: Hey Mark, I want to compete. What diet do you recommend?
A: It’s very simple….
One you believe in.
I think competitors since the beginning of time have sought after the holy grail of ‘competition diet’. Call it ‘Clean Eating’, IIFYM, Zone, South Beach, Atkins, Keto- The list goes on and on…
This might be like telling you Santa Claus doesn’t exist but there is not a perfect diet that works every time and for every person.
The important thing to note is your approach to nutrition will evolve over time as you try things that do and don’t work.
For example; some people cant get lean unless they have carbs, others get fat by looking at pictures of pizza.
Where you fit on the spectrum can only be known by testing and measuring what your doing and if its working…
AND if its not working, testing something new and re-measuring.
Might sound simple and tedious and that’s because it is. People want advance super complicated plans because it sounds cool and to appease ego.
Personally, I pat myself on the back for always “have a go” and trying new approaches and if it doesn’t work, “so what”. For example, when I started competing I was given some crazy nutrition advice, I knew it was crazy, it sounded crazy, but I ran with it anyway.
If something didn’t work, I wasn’t fussed. I wanted to learn what worked by learning what didn’t work. In other words, good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad judgment.
Did some of the crazy ideas work? To an extent.
Did I need to be so drastic in the approach? Certainly not.
But how would I know that if I never tried? I believe in the approach at the time and that’s what mattered.
My approach has greatly evolved over time, but would never have had that growth if I didn’t allow myself to lose sight of the ‘shore’ (the shore in this case is old ideas).
Soooo… to answer your question directly,
You can’t go wrong with foods that are hunted, fished, gather and plucked and drinking water.
The rest is up for debate!
BONUS: Nutrition Coaching
The best nutrition plan is useless without equally effective nutrition coaching. Watch this video to learn more about our approach to nutrition here at Enterprise Fitness.
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