Prioritise these Key Strategies to Maximise your Strength Training
Enterprise Master Coach, James Kelly, specialises in working with performance athletes, including triathletes, soccer players, and fighters. He’s an ex professional soccer player, and still in the height of his semi-professional career, so he’s had his fair share of strength and conditioning experience as a coach and an athlete.
James has put together his top strategies that he and his athletes implement for maximum results under the bar, and on the field…
1. Prioritise your sport
Unless it’s the off season, do as little as possible to achieve optimal results. Remember, your strength in the gym is an accessory to your performance on the field, in the ring, on the track or in the pool.
2. Keep training simple
Be exceptional at the basics! There are coaches out there who love to over-complicate things. Just because it looks complex doesn’t mean it’s any better, if anything, it’s probably worse. Master the basic movements before progressing to the more difficult stuff.
3. Recovery
So many athletes go wrong on this one! The more the merrier, right..?
Ensure you have adequate recovery time so that your sporting performance does not suffer. Incorporate recovery techniques (e.g. ice baths and breathing work), also nail your nutrition, supplementation and sleep for optimal results.
Interested in training with our Master Coach, James? Check out his bio here.