Initial screening for clients is a very important process in setting clients up for success.
There a lot of “online training programs’ but the truth is; all online training programs fall short because of the simple fact, you can’t adequately screen or create a proper training program unless you can functionally see that person move in front of you.
Trainers who don’t screen clients, or know how to screen clients are creating programs blindfolded.
Screening is rudimental to understanding where the client is at. Understanding where the client is at will enable you to create the right roadmap to get there.
How can I drive to Sydney if I don’t even know I am in Melbourne?
I could be an hour away, I could be 10 hours away and might say, F**k lets get a plane. My approach going forward is going to be depending on my screen process.
This is also why I shy away from online training (and online trainers in large part).
If you don’t screen a client, how can you set a plan forward? The idea of periodization is to look backward from the goal, then to progress forward from the actual starting point.
The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies.
You need to have phases.
To prepare the body.
To load the body.
To overload the body
To deload the body
Of performance when new maxes are set.
The idea that ‘if the rabbit doesn’t run at 100% each day it get’s killed’ works if a) you’re a rabbit and b) you’re pumping enough drugs to handle the work volume/intensity and c) injuries are an accepted cost that WILL happen.
Why not be pragmatic about it?
Screen clients.
Teach them movements. FIRST
Teach them lifts. SECOND.
THEN once clients/lifters are proficient at the lift, then you overload.
Makes sense right?
But where to start?
It all begins with screening.
This is an outtake from one of the courses I ran earlier in the year applying functional screening tools for trainers to effectively program for their clients. Keeping in mind, these screening tools can be used for champion athletes like Andrew Moloney to beginners who have never been in the gym before.
Mark Ottobre
Head Coach
Enterprise Fitness