A huge congratulations to Harry Garside for making it to the Olympics!
In December 2018, Senior Coach Amy Crooke wrote a blog about her work with Harry towards the 2018 Commonwealth Games Gold. Fast forward 2 and a half years and they have been working non-stop at Enterprise Fitness, towards an even bigger picture: Tokyo Olympics.
A few weeks ago, it was announced that Harry Garside qualified for the Olympics and will be representing Australia as the 63kg boxer, on July 24th in Tokyo!
It has been 4 rewarding years working together, from Australian and International events to the Commonwealth Games and now the Olympics. These 4 years have been one massive journey for us. We have both developed, grew and achieved, each in our own fields, but also and just as importantly, together as a team. Watch the video to learn more about Harry and his journey:
Covid lockdown in 2020 actually played a vital role in Harry’s development over the past year, as it gave us a solid amount of time to focus purely on his strength. This was not an opportunity you usually got with an amateur fighter due to the high volume of competitions all year round. But the past 12 months has been our best training and growth period yet, which will be very exciting to see translate in the ring come July.
In just under two months, he will be stepping into the ring as an Olympian in pursuit of his biggest goal yet.
The vision has always been clear: Tokyo 2021 Olympic Gold!
Time to bring it home champ!