Katie Eshuys has been training with Dan for 12 weeks now at Enterprise Fitness. A few weeks ago Enterprise founder Mark Ottobre received an email from her. This is what she had to say…
Hi Mark,
I hope this email finds you well. I have been training over the past 12 weeks with Dan and wanted to send you a note to let you know how pleased and impressed I have been with his training program and the results it has delivered. I am about to leave for an overseas trip and I am extremely happy with the strength I have developed and the shape of my body, but most importantly I have experienced a significant change in my state of mind and how I feel on an everyday basis.
Dan’s passion and thirst for knowledge about the human body is inspiring. He pushed me extremely hard in every training program and I even decided to increase the number of sessions I was doing, as I was getting much more out of my training when working with Dan. I wanted to let you know this feedback and encourage you to continue to invest in his education, as this was a critical part to my development and understanding of nutrition and the body.
I will be left with ‘squuueeeeeezzzeee’ stuck in my mind whilst overseas!! Thank you again for everything you have done, you have truly changed my outlook and mindset which is something that I will keep for the rest of my life now. I look forward to building on this knowledge when I return. I appreciate you pushing me every session and keeping me honest (even though I would whinge!)
Thank you again to you both, this has been a truly amazing experience.