Stay on track in the office!
Why, even when you’ve got the healthiest of intentions, the workplace is one of the first places to swing you back into your unhealthy habits?
40 hours of your week is spent with co-workers, who can have a massive influence on what you consume during the day.
Take onboard these three tips to ease the stigma of wanting to stay on plan at work.
1. Don’t Explain Yourself
You rock up to the canteen for lunch with your salad while everyone around you is tucking into their stuffed baguettes and pizza slices.
Firstly, stay strong!
You’re bound to get a few looks and comments, but don’t waste your explanation to those who, quite frankly, don’t really care.
Comments like, “one slice won’t hurt”, or “why not add some sauce?” are either coming from ignorance or their own insecurities.
If anyone asks why you’re eating a chicken salad and not a slice of pizza, just reply with, “Because it tastes good”.
You be you.
Let them be them.
2. Plan and Prepare!
If your meals aren’t prepped, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. This goes for you and everyone else on this planet; we can ALL lack the willpower to say no to that homemade brownie and the unexpected lunch out.
Prepare your decision making to make life easier for yourself; prep your meals for the day so you can resist temptation without going hungry.
Too busy to prep? There are plenty of companies on the market offering competitive prices to prep your meals. So if you have more money than time, pay someone else to do it for you.
3. Set Alarms
Your new healthy eating plan is still fresh in your mind, and it takes time for it to become part of your lifestyle.
Set clear and specific alarms for your set meal times throughout the day, which means less decision making on your diet, more time to focus on other things!
If you’d like a supportive environment to stay on track, our Enterprise Fitness team is your go-to for training, nutrition and making sure you get long-lasting results.
Contact us to find out more about our personal training service.