Enterprise functional health practitioner, Kristine Ottobre was recently asked to explain what she meant by the word ‘health’, as it can mean so many different things to all of us. This was her response below…
There are various models and approaches to health and how each individual perceives their own health or the health of another person.
Health to some might mean the absence of illness or without negative health symptoms, such as coughs and colds. The quest of “well-being” may be the focus of health to many which involves a person being physically fit and beautiful aesthetically. A person may perceive themselves as healthy if the environment around them is settled and in line with their own values. However if the environment is disrupted this can cause emotional stress which can increase their susceptibility to illness.
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Health to me is the body’s constant attempt to attain a greater level of being and to maintain a balance between both the positive and the negative and to keep the body at equilibrium. Symptoms of illness are simply the body’s way of transforming to a greater level of health in the future and to enhance the strength of the body. A health body will let ‘nature’ take its course in the body without the interventions of medication or treatment. For example you ingest a parasite from a salad you ate. Your gut has sufficient good bacteria and a healthy intestine with adequate hydrochloric acid that it is able to eliminate the parasite. While doing this however you have diarrhoea and bloating for 3 days. You listen to your body, rest, drink plenty of fluids and allow the health symptoms to occur which is an attempt to rebalance and repair your body.