I’ve always been very active, and I’ve enjoyed playing sports whether it be basketball, football, cricket…
But ever since I dislocated my shoulder while tackling someone at a footy game, I’ve stayed away from contact sports. That’s when I started going to the gym.
I decided to set myself a personal goal: to get ready for a photoshoot.
So I looked into personal training and started with someone who had really good credentials and qualifications.
I mean, what could go wrong right?
Oh boy, little did I know.
I was put on a diet that consisted of 36 egg whites, 6 eggs and some vegetables… EVERYDAY.
No meat, no carbs, no fats.
I still remember trying to make it palatable by mixing the egg whites with some chilli flakes, pepper and salt, and then baking them with some vegetables. And it would turn soggy throughout the day… It was horrible.
I managed to stomach it for about 6 weeks. #NoExcuses #NoPainNoGain (Once I set myself a goal, I never give up)
But my body started to reject the food. I would throw up and go to the toilet multiple times a day. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus at work, and I was the crankiest person on earth.
When you’re eating 1200 calories a day, you’re already grumpy enough. And when the only thing on the menu is eggs, you don’t want to talk to anyone at all, trust me]
I got to the point where I figured what I was doing couldn’t be right. I was sick, tired, and most of all, hungry.
That was 10 weeks ago.
So I started looking around for personal trainers in Melbourne; and Enterprise Fitness was just another ‘gym’ on my list.
I did my research and watched all the videos that Mark and Enterprise filmed. Even the Wolfpack videos… I basically ‘Netflixed’ my way through the entire ‘playlist’.
I know each video isn’t as long as a TV show, but once I started watching it, I just went from one video to the next, and the next…
I was hooked, and it’s not just about the amount of knowledge and content that Mark puts out, but also the way he talks and presents himself. He’s very engaging, and you can tell that he operates on a whole other level.
Just from watching Mark’s videos, I’ve started to look at things from a different perspective, and it has helped me improve as a person in my everyday life.
I still remember one of his videos where he talks about client compliance. When stubborn clients don’t listen to him, he doesn’t take things personally as it’s not a reflection of who he is as a personal trainer. Instead, he acknowledges that the client is choosing not to listen; it’s their choice. But when he/she is ready for advice, he/she will listen – it’s just a matter of time.
I was so impressed by the knowledge that Mark and Enterprise had to offer that I started putting out recommendations for Enterprise – even before I started training here.
A friend of mine signed up, and she loved it! When she told me what it was like to train at Enterprise, I knew I had to come straight away.
Once I walked through the doors of Enterprise, I knew it was different. Other gyms are always trying to offer you the cheapest deal, the best package, the most cost-effective membership… But Mark is different. He kept asking me questions about my goals and training history; and then explaining how Enterprise could help achieve my goals. It was about me, not about Enterprise, or the money, or him. I knew he genuinely wanted to help me.
And looking at the Wall of Fame, the results that Mark and Enterprise have speak for themselves. They didn’t have to say anything, I did my research, I know what I’m signing up for, and I’m in.
These people get results. Period.
Now I’m eating proper food (no eggs, thank goodness). I went from eating ~1200 calories a day and still putting on body fat, to ~2500 calories a day and getting results faster than I could’ve ever imagined!
In the span of 5 short weeks, I’ve dropped 2.5% body fat. My energy levels are back to normal, I sleep better, I can focus at work… I feel like myself again.
As my coach, Jared, would say, “you get out what you put in”. Since increasing my food intake, I’ve been able to put all that energy to good use in my training sessions. I don’t feel like I’m going to die 10 minutes into my training sessions, and Jared pushes me hard, and I the challenging workouts!
I find the approach to training at Enterprise very systemized. I have weekly check-ins and measurements to see how I’m feeling and to make sure that my body’s responding the way it should to the training and nutrition. And if not, we make tweaks here and there.
I feel like the people here genuinely care and are always on top of things, but hey, that’s what a personal trainer should do isn’t it?
And everyone at Enterprise feels like family; they’re very supportive of one another. You’re not just getting a trainer here, you’re getting a house full of them as they’re always learning teaching and helping each other out.
Looking back, I’ve gotten more value out of these 6 weeks of training with Enterprise than in the 5 years that I have signed up with other gym memberships and personal training packages!
For now, I’m aiming to do a photoshoot at the end of this 12-week training block with Enterprise. I know there will be the ICN Rising Star and Rookie of the Year around that time. I’m not aiming to enter a bodybuilding competition at the moment, but hey, anything can happen, and I’m keeping my options open. We’ll see where I end up in another 6 weeks!
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