Rethinking Exercise Science for Better Results
University degrees are often seen as a gateway to success, promising knowledge and expertise in a chosen field. However, it is crucial to recognize that degrees alone may not bring significant results unless complemented by real-world experience. A prime example of this phenomenon can be observed in exercise science degrees within the fitness industry. Many individuals, both clients seeking solutions for their bodily ailments and aspiring professionals, gravitate towards exercise physiologists or exercise science degrees, hoping to unlock the secrets of their bodies. Unfortunately, more often than not, these pursuits yield nothing more than convoluted programs and lighter wallets.
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Nonetheless, it’s not all doom and gloom. In my role at Enterprise Fitness, I have encountered numerous exercise science graduates and had the privilege of guiding them towards a deeper understanding of their craft, akin to transforming them into Jedi Master trainers (think of me as the Yoda of the gym). This experience has shed light on a crucial aspect: degrees, when unaccompanied by real-world, hands-on involvement, often result in individuals possessing a repertoire of techniques but lacking a profound comprehension of the underlying principles required for their effective application.
In the latest episode of The Enterprise Podcast, I sit down with our senior trainers, Matt and Ari, to explore the topic of working with exercise scientists or physiologists and pursuing an exercise science degree. Our conversation pulls no punches as we delve into the intricacies and utility of such endeavors, offering valuable insights and shedding light on potential pitfalls and gaps that may exist.
One of the primary focal points of our discussion is understanding why one should consider consulting an exercise scientist. While degrees in exercise science may provide a foundation of knowledge, it is the practical experience and wisdom gained from working in the field that truly enhances the ability to help clients and athletes achieve their goals effectively. Drawing from his experiences as a professional athlete, Matt provides firsthand accounts of the lessons he has learned and the ways in which his journey has shaped his approach to training and coaching.
Ari, on the other hand, brings a unique perspective as an exercise science graduate. He delves into the challenges he faced in bridging the gap between theory and practice and how he overcame them. By sharing his own transformation and growth, Ari demonstrates the importance of embracing real-world experiences to complement formal education.
During our podcast, we also explore the concept of indicator lifts and their role in our training methodologies at Enterprise Fitness. Indicator lifts, as we explain, are specific exercises that serve as reliable markers of an individual’s progress and overall performance. By incorporating indicator lifts into our clients’ training programs, we ensure a more targeted and effective approach to achieving their desired outcomes.
The Enterprise Podcast episode encapsulates a lively and engaging verbal lightsaber battle, brimming with valuable insights and practical wisdom. It serves as a reminder that while university degrees in exercise science can provide a foundation of knowledge, it is the fusion of theoretical understanding and hands-on experience that truly transforms aspiring professionals into adept trainers. So, join us for this enlightening discussion, as we strive to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the intricate realm of exercise science and fitness coaching. May the Force be with you!
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