This episode of the Wolf’s Den features two dads and… a Reece… chatting physical culture and how to maintain your fitness no matter what life throws at you.

Mark, Adrian and Reece each have a different story to tell, but the one thing they have in common is their priority to maintain a high level of fitness throughout their lives. You only have one body to carry you through the years, so why not take care of it, right?

With all three having stepped on stage, they share stories of miserable preps and the mistakes they’ve made in training throughout the years. With Adrian being an ex soldier, he shows us an insight into the world of the military and the mindset required to work under the pressures of army training.

And to finish off, the weirdest One Word Game ever played in the Wolf’s Den!


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Transcript From Dad bod 2.0. How Gym Junkies stay in Shape while Life gets in the Way | Wolf’s Den

(This transcription may contain errors)


Mark Ottobre:                   Hey folks. Welcome to the show that punches you in the face with information, but in a good way. My name is Mark Ottobre, and in today’s show, I’m joined by Adrian Faranda and Reece Adams. Today, we are going to be talking about Dad Bod 2.0, how gym junkies stay in shape while life gets in the way.

Mark Ottobre:                   And gentlemen, if you mind for a moment, I’m just going to share an experience that I had recently on this topic. I was on Facebook recently. And I put on Facebook, “Men don’t have babies.”

Adrian Faranda:                Pretty accurate.

Mark Ottobre:                   Pretty accurate, right? Men don’t have babies. I got slammed on Facebook for men not having babies and, “How dare you?” Okay, maybe I didn’t put it to that exact words. But basically, my point of the post was if your excuse is you’re not going to the gym because you just had a baby, and you’re a man-

Adrian Faranda:                Right. I gotcha.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s kind of like, “Well dude, you don’t have a baby.” It’s a bit of tongue in cheek because obviously as a father, you’re going to look after the child as well and you share responsibility, and I completely get that. Obviously, kids, we’re dads. Reece, maybe not so much.

Reece Adams:                   I’m not.

Mark Ottobre:                   The bachelor here. What, you were on season 227 of The Bachelor. Point being, obviously dads have a huge role to play in a child’s development, undoubtedly.

Adrian Faranda:                Did you say un-dad-ably?

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s a good pun.

Adrian Faranda:                That sounds like [crosstalk 00:01:42].

Mark Ottobre:                   Un-dad-ably. Undoubtedly, men have a huge role to play in a child’s development, and staying in shape and going to the gym is also something very important, and I think it’s something that a lot of men out there struggle. We thought we’d make this show, two dads and a bachelor, giving you our tips of how we’ve made physical culture work for us even though life has its things that get in the way and make it very, very hard to do the things, and all those challenges. So Adrian, how have you found being Dad 2.0?

Adrian Faranda:                Well, it’s just I think I’ve become probably more time efficient since being a dad, because I think every hour, every minute counts. So I essentially live by my calendar, so every spare moment is like, “What am I doing in this hour?” It’s like I’ve got this day with family, I’ve got this time with family, then I’ve got, okay, this time in the gym, I’ve got that time to go to the gym, I’ve got this time to cook and prepare.

Mark Ottobre:                   You were in the military, though, so it must be easy for you, though.

Adrian Faranda:                Well, I mean, I hate that. Not the fact that I was in the military and that makes it easy for me. I guess that’s maybe habits I’ve picked up from that. But it’s not easy for anyone.

Mark Ottobre:                   So basically you’re saying you’re… Correct. But you make it. It’s just a habitual way of life.

Adrian Faranda:                It does. It becomes easier, I would say, when it becomes more habits, but it’s not easy for anyone.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, you got to be on point.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, exactly right. Yeah, and it’s I think-

Mark Ottobre:                   What shits me to tears is that when you get guys and they’re like, “Oh, I just had a kid.” So you [inaudible 00:03:09] I just got a kid, I’m not training. I was like, “Okay, cool, you just had a kid. That’s awesome. Congratulations. But you still go to go to work. You still got to do all these other things, don’t you?” Maybe you’ve got some time off, but just to say, “I’m not doing anything because I just had a kid,” it seems to me a little bit reactive and you can still do things.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, like this is the reason I’m not doing it.

Mark Ottobre:                   I mean, to be perfectly honest, I think you’ve probably found the same thing. Reece, you probably haven’t had this experience so much. But when babies are born, they usually just want mom. At least that’s been my experience, because last time I checked I don’t have tits.

Adrian Faranda:                No.

Mark Ottobre:                   You’re looking a little bit.

Adrian Faranda:                They’re getting fuller.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, they are. You were training for like an hour before the show to get that pump on.

Adrian Faranda:                Exactly right.

Mark Ottobre:                   I was going to say you are looking pretty schmick. Yeah, that’s good. So yeah, for the most part, I mean, I think that ages of zero to one, I know from my two boys, zero to one, dad’s role… Now, my oldest being five, since three years old I found the scale of time has been, it was all mom, but then when he turned there now it’s all dad, three, four, five. And now as he gets older it’s more and more dad. When it started when he was first born, the thought of dad putting him to bed was like, no, it’s not going to happen.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I get sent out of the room.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. What are you doing? What? I want mommy. Now it’s who do you want to put you to bed. It’s all daddy. I think as that evolved. My point being to this point is there is time. Just because you’ve had a kid, you don’t just sit around. I don’t know, Reece. What have you found in this?

Reece Adams:                   What have I found? I was just going to ask Adrian if it’s the same for him, because I’d like to get Adrian’s take on this.

Adrian Faranda:                100%. When I think in anticipation, because training for me is a very high priority, and I think when you’re making it a high priority, then you will make time for it. So I knew when my son was born that I was just like, “Okay, I’m going to see how sleep goes.” I’m going to definitely train three times a week. I’m going to do this on those three days a week.

Mark Ottobre:                   What were you training, though, previously?

Adrian Faranda:                Before that? What did I do before that?

Mark Ottobre:                   Life before kids.

Reece Adams:                   Was that Strongman back then?

Adrian Faranda:                Not really. Everything’s just blank up until that point now.

Reece Adams:                   You did Strongman stuff though, didn’t you? Was that around the time?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I think it was more Strongman strength-based, from memory. I was, yeah, roughly doing stuff.

Reece Adams:                   Or was that after?

Adrian Faranda:                No, that was definitely before. That was definitely before. Yeah, I think a lot of Strongman stuff at the time.

Mark Ottobre:                   What do you got there?

Adrian Faranda:                I got some Alpha-JPC.

Mark Ottobre:                   I feel if I might just put this to the camera for a second. I feel like this episode is brought to us by our unofficial sponsors who aren’t actually sponsoring us, Designs for Health, thank you, but not actually our sponsors. This is Alpha-GPC. We’ve Alpha-GPCed ourselves at, what, three droplets before the show? I had three droplets. What does Alpha-GPC do?

Adrian Faranda:                It gets me wired, gets my brain all tingling. Ready to fire.

Mark Ottobre:                   Do you have a scientific answer to that?

Reece Adams:                   No.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, you’re out. But basically it’s a choline donator.

Adrian Faranda:                A colon donator. Think I need one of those?

Mark Ottobre:                   Exactly what it is. I knew you needed one.

Adrian Faranda:                I’ve been taking this rectally, so I’m sure that’s the right way.

Reece Adams:                   Is that why it’s got a long spout on it?

Adrian Faranda:                I don’t.

Mark Ottobre:                   This conversation is… And dads, that’s why you should tune into us. For your colon needs. No, so getting back on this track, tell me about your I suppose origin stories of how you got into training.

Adrian Faranda:                I’m going to put it to mainly pop culture.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh yeah?

Adrian Faranda:                Pop culture. I credit to me joining the military is Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando. Great movie. If you haven’t seen it, promptly stop this podcast, go watch that.

Mark Ottobre:                   Don’t actually do that, guys.

Reece Adams:                   How old were you when you joined the military, Adrian?

Adrian Faranda:                I enlisted into the reserves when I was 17, so I had to get my parents to sign off on that and everything.

Reece Adams:                   Oh wow. So you didn’t wait till the end of school or anything like that?

Adrian Faranda:                No, I enlisted as year 12 was coming to an end. I used Reserves as a little foot in the door, because it’s usually a four year contract when you sign up, and I was like, “If I go four years and fucking hate it, this is going to be a nightmare.” Liked it, and then went full time after that.

Mark Ottobre:                   So how long were you in the military for?

Adrian Faranda:                10 year total.

Mark Ottobre:                   Ten years?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Jesus. And you went all around Afghanistan and things like this?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, nice places. Went to East Timor and Afghanistan too, deployment there, East Timor when I was roughly around 21, 2008.

Mark Ottobre:                   What was training like in the military?

Adrian Faranda:                It was good fun. I think getting out now and becoming a personal trainer, I always kind of reference back and I was like, “Oh, reckon I should have done it this way, where I could have improved here.”

Mark Ottobre:                   What do you mean?

Adrian Faranda:                Definitely around nutrition-wise.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, what do you mean, “I should have done it this way?”

Adrian Faranda:                Just in terms of how I structured my training, what I was doing.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, when you were in the military.

Adrian Faranda:                When I was in the military, from what I know now.

Mark Ottobre:                   Over the years.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, especially probably around nutrition, so yeah. For an infantry soldier, usually the macronutrients were nicotine, caffeine, and hate, so that was really all we fed ourselves on. Now knowing it’s actually proteins, fats, and carbohydrates would have made a big difference.

Reece Adams:                   That’s pretty good.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Reece, you?

Reece Adams:                   [inaudible 00:08:33] train.

Mark Ottobre:                   [inaudible 00:08:35] some rules. You had a brother in the military.

Reece Adams:                   You want to know how my brother got into the military?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, no. How did you get into training? What was your origin story?

Reece Adams:                   For me, a friend had some weights in his backyard and we started doing it, and I happened to be stronger than him. When you do well at something, you tend to want to do more of it, and yeah, just started from there and then yeah, just wrestling with friends and being able to be the stronger one.

Mark Ottobre:                   You were a skinny kid when you started.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, so I guess that obviously, being the skinny kid, but strong, and then trying to put some muscle on.

Mark Ottobre:                   You would say you had, was it, like… What did you?

Reece Adams:                   A whippet.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s why you have such a strong affinity to whippets, because when you started before you had the transformation to a physical specimen.

Reece Adams:                   I have a lot of respect for whippets.

Adrian Faranda:                Were you actually a whippet?

Mark Ottobre:                   You looked like a whippet.

Reece Adams:                   I was a very skinny kid, yeah. Basically, on the topic, I was kind of like a whippet when I was younger. I was 6’2″ and 65 kilos.

Mark Ottobre:                   You were taller than you are now?

Reece Adams:                   No. Hey, hey, hey.

Adrian Faranda:                He was 6’2″.

Mark Ottobre:                   Back when I was 6’2″.

Adrian Faranda:                Back when I was 6’2″.

Reece Adams:                   Sorry, I was-

Adrian Faranda:                Did you say 6’2″ and 65 kilos?

Reece Adams:                   Sort of. I was 15 years old, and I was 6’2″ and I weighed 65 kilos.

Adrian Faranda:                My god.

Reece Adams:                   At that height, 65 kilos is quite light. Then in the first year of training I put on 15 kilos.

Mark Ottobre:                   Are you sure you’re 6’2″?

Reece Adams:                   I am now.

Mark Ottobre:                   Because we’re around the same height and I’m not 6’2″.

Reece Adams:                   I’m taller than you are.

Mark Ottobre:                   He’s taller.

Adrian Faranda:                He’s tall.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, he’s tall. That is why though you have such a strong affinity for whippets.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, I can relate.

Adrian Faranda:                Do you know many whippets that got jacked after 15, though?

Reece Adams:                   You can go on Google and it’s there.

Adrian Faranda:                Jacked whippets.

Mark Ottobre:                   Is that actually a thing?

Reece Adams:                   I don’t know how real it is. Photoshop’s a thing these days, but there’s some jacked whippets on there.

Mark Ottobre:                   So I wanted to talk about and open up to this concept of physical culture. If I consult one of these brilliant books that I might have made, yes, this is a shameless plug for We ran a workshop for personal trainers. For all your personal trainer needs, That’s the place to be. Thanks. But what is physical culture? Well, Adrian, the mid-19th century phrase defined by the Oxford dictionary as the sum total of society’s activities and attitudes connected with physical development education.

Mark Ottobre:                   Now, the reason why I wanted to bring this up was because when you talk to a lot of people in training, they think about “I am a bodybuilder, I am a power lifter, I am a strongman.” For me, by the way, thanks for asking me my origin story. I’ll tell you. My origin story started when I saw the Ultimate Warrior, WWF back then, now WWE. The Ultimate Warrior ran down the ring in WrestleMania IV, shook the ropes, and then picked up Hulk Hogan, and the guy was absolutely shredded, jacked. He’s the way, he had the crowd captivated, he’s the way you wanted to look. So for me, looking at the Ultimate Warrior as a four year old five year old, I’m like, “Yes, this is how you want to look. You want to look like a warrior. You want to be the Ultimate Warrior.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Anyway-

Reece Adams:                   Can we include a photo of him when you’re talking about that?

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s production’s issues, not mine.

Reece Adams:                   Okay.

Mark Ottobre:                   Leave that up to production. Production, if you could put up that photo Reece has requested.

Reece Adams:                   Let’s do that.

Mark Ottobre:                   And a whippet too, if you can put a whippet in as well it’s bonus points.

Adrian Faranda:                Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando with the M-16 or carrying the log. Not with Alyssa Milano.

Mark Ottobre:                   Alyssa Milano?

Adrian Faranda:                Was in that as his daughter.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, was it? Oh. Anyway. Alyssa Milano was the-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, she was a child.

Mark Ottobre:                   Is she a singer?

Adrian Faranda:                No, no. She was on that show Charmed.

Reece Adams:                   Oh yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s his daughter?

Adrian Faranda:                No, in the movie. She was an actor. That movie’s not real.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, I thought she was actually Arnold Schwarzenegger’s daughter.

Adrian Faranda:                Arnold Schwarzenegger was in Commando.

Mark Ottobre:                   Anyway, back to my original story. Anyway, so that was a big impact. I started off as the fat kid at school, called big job, big don, all that kind of stuff. My school that I actually went to, East Doncaster, now doesn’t actually exist as a primary school because it was the first school in Victoria to merge, and we merged with a school called Warrandyte. No, I don’t even know what school it was.

Reece Adams:                   That’s pretty far away.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, it wasn’t Warrandyte. It was something starting with W. Anyway, we became Doncaster Gardens. Anyway, that was that, and I got into weights. I lost weight. That really, really changed the way mentally I related to life and I related to things, and as a result I started doing a lot better in school. I set a goal for myself to get a merit award on my report card, which is basically half-Bs, half-As, and you were allowed one subject you got a C, and I achieved that. That really started to change the direction of my life. So it all started for me with training. It all started, the catalyst was losing weight, doing something that I thought, looking at myself differently, changing my identity, and then essentially that instigated the intellectual change that made me go off and achieve other things, and that was really the beginning.

Mark Ottobre:                   As far as the reason why… Then I got into bodybuilding. I think some of you know I came last at my first bodybuilding comp and all these things. But I suppose the point I’m getting at here is when you do get into these things, you ascribe a meaning to yourself as “I am the bodybuilder.” And that was for me, for a long time I wore that hat of being the bodybuilder, and it was a very damaging one, because when you are the bodybuilding you’re in this world of… And the hat, to be truthfully honest, it never really fit. It didn’t fit. I wasn’t a bodybuilder. I didn’t really fit into that lifestyle. I was much more than that.

Mark Ottobre:                   So introducing this concept of physical culture really the reason why I want to bring it up, I know you want to bring it up, is because you can have… Let’s examine the meaning, first of all. It’s the sum total of society’s activities and attitudes connected with physical development education, and I think that’s something that we should all strive for, is to have a continual physical element to your life that is also interwoven with a social element, and I think that’s where going to the gym brings a lot of people a lot more happiness and a lot more connectivity. Because when you go to the gym it’s not just about going to the gym, I’m doing the workout, I’m solely getting a better body. You go to the gym, you meet people. I met you through the gym. Hey, I met you. You know what I mean?

Reece Adams:                   Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   We got into training and you establish connections and friendships, and often those friendships and connections last a very, very long time. It’s having this idea of physical culture in your life, and I think to the topic of what we’re talking about today, which is Dad Bod 2.0, I think really having that is essential, and obviously that’s something you want to pass down to your kids as well, of that idea of your body, you only get one body. Your body’s going to be with you for all of your life. You’re not going to get a new one.

Mark Ottobre:                   The way I think of it is it houses your spiritual essence. If you think of your body as the vessel that’s housing your spiritual essence and as the Egyptians would say, matter without motion is… Sorry. Matter without spirit is meaningless and spirit without matter is motionless. Obviously you need both, and that’s where, when people go to the gym they feel very much a connection or a spiritual. It’s their meditation of sorts.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I understand. That’s exactly how I would say it as well, and that’s how a big mindset had changed that even brought me to this place and into Enterprise and asking you for a job here, was that it was-

Mark Ottobre:                   Feel free to use the actual name of the place as much as you like. Enterprise Fitness.

Adrian Faranda:                Enterprise Fitness.

Mark Ottobre:                   The more you can insert the business name inside of what we’re doing today, the branding is top shelf, thanks.

Adrian Faranda:                I’m going to go from the top, then.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, from the top, please.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, well, that’s what brought me to Enterprise Fitness in the first place. It was that connection to the place I remember, because I started off as a wolf pack mentoree here. I remember from the first seminar I walked in and I saw everything in here. I’m like, “Oh, it’s a small space.” But you look at it and everything has its exact place where it needs to go and it was the most… You walk into any other gym and no way it’s laid out the way this is. This is bang for your buck space. If you had the space of let’s say a big commercial gym or a big box gym, it would be 10 times better.

Adrian Faranda:                It was like everything was precision measured. You could tell that from anyone who knows anything about training. It’s like, “Okay, I know he’s got those specialty bars there and he’s laid them out that way and he’s fit that bench in there.” It’s just completely maximized on space and it’s someone who does take that pride and appreciation in it. It’s what’s kept me here. This whole thing, it’s a spiritual journey into physical culture. It’s like it’s not like something that, “I need to do that,” or, “Oh yeah, I should get in shape.” It’s like, “Well, I can’t not be in shape almost.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. I really feel like being in shape or at least having a practice of physical culture essentially helps you be your best. That’s the thing with training, when people say, “I just got a new job. I’m not training,” “I had a kid, I’m not training.” It’s like, well, for me, I don’t feel like I’m being my best if I’m not training.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I understand.

Mark Ottobre:                   And that might be a psychological disorder of some sort, but I feel like it’s not, because I’m actually giving to the wellbeing of my body, my physical self, and tuning that up to make sure that the body that I’m in can house my spirit to live its most fulfilled life, if that makes sense. When life gets in the way, I think that’s when you really need to actually double down, get up earlier, schedule, plan your day. It forces you to be I think a better person, forces you to be more productive, more efficient, more effective. Reece, on the other hand, has no idea what we’re talking about. He’s just looking at us blankly like, “What’s this efficiency stuff?”

Reece Adams:                   No, it’s great. Going to the gym definitely enhances every part of your life, because when you’re in the set it’s like, “Do I do this extra rep or do I just throw the towel in?” It definitely makes you continually want to do better in all areas of life.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, there’s nowhere else where you’re finding I guess that drive and just going somewhere internal almost. It’s almost like you’re grinding that extra rep out, and it’s just squeezing everything, and it’s just fatigue and it’s like, “Have I done enough? Can I do more?” Then you start to question that with everything else you do. Can I do more? Can I do better? Where are the gaps here? Where are the leaks? Where can I tighten everything up? Where can I make me more efficient at doing this?

Mark Ottobre:                   I have one for you, Adrian. In the military, I would imagine that you were put through some very brutal training.

Adrian Faranda:                I definitely had a few that stand out, yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Okay, what’s one that stands out?

Adrian Faranda:                There’s two that come to mind. One was, usually there’s support courses that you do for in the infantry that is specialized as a part of the unit. One was-

Mark Ottobre:                   Just for the podcast, for people who know nothing about the military, what is the infantry versus-

Adrian Faranda:                The infantry are the guys who do all the hard work and everybody else is just rubbish. That’s ll you need to know.

Reece Adams:                   They’re the grunts, are they?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, that’s what they referred to us, the gunslingers.

Mark Ottobre:                   Were you a paratrooper as well?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I was a paratrooper for four years.

Mark Ottobre:                   I met a paratrooper once, and he said-

Adrian Faranda:                Was it me?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, it wasn’t you. It was when I was teaching at [inaudible 00:19:58], and he said, “If you meet any other paratrooper, tell them they’re fucked.”

Adrian Faranda:                That was his message?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, I’m delivering it to you.

Adrian Faranda:                Was that it?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, that was it. The reason why he said you’re fucked is because he said, “My knees are so fucked.” Those were his exact words. He said with paratroopers essentially it’s the equivalent of jumping off a two story house when you land, and you do that multiple times a day and you just fuck up-

Adrian Faranda:                No, not multiple times. I did 21 jumps overall, over a four year span. So I had multiple times.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, okay. They might not just have liked this guy.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I imagine it would fuck him up, my knees are [inaudible 00:20:37].

Mark Ottobre:                   We’re going back up, back up, back up.

Adrian Faranda:                He was like the test dummy regimen. It’s definitely hard on the body. I’ve definitely had some rough jobs, either too windy or colliding with people under the plane because I was too lazy to drive out the door. It’s a hard one to explain because it’s like-

Reece Adams:                   What do you mean drive out the door?

Adrian Faranda:                It’s like a static line. Essentially you’re just in lines of people, and everyone’s just running out of a door. It’s like, all right. You’re usually meant to leave a bit of spacing, but no one really trusts the Air Force and that they’re going to drop us on the right LZ, so everyone’s like, “Okay, there’s only a limited bit of land here. Let’s all just run out looking for it.” So you’re just kind of stuck behind each other.

Adrian Faranda:                One, I had a real heavy pack and I was the first one out. You’re meant to kind of drive out with the leg and the slipstream of the plane kind of catches you and pushes you in the right path, and I just kind of fell face first out and so did the other guy on the other side, and we kind of collided under the back. I just went… and just got winded. Then after the parachute opened everything was fine, but I was just kind of sore. Everybody just smiled and then landed safely. So that was fine after that one.

Adrian Faranda:                Another one was it was too windy. This was for people who were training to dispatch. A dispatcher is just making sure everyone’s getting out of the door okay so you get a line of people, so they just needed us, we were called stooges, essentially just running out the door and all practicing.

Mark Ottobre:                   Fitting name.

Adrian Faranda:                Just felt like them getting a tick in the box. It’s like you have to get so many people out of the plane to get this qualification. It was their last day of training and they needed to fit X amount in, and it was a very windy day. I remember it was this CSM, he was the guy running the course-

Reece Adams:                   What’s CSM?

Adrian Faranda:                He just runs the course, so he’s just the guy in charge. They’re usually 20 year veterans, and he was just this whole, it was kind of like he would smoke a pack a day and he had that real raspy voice, kind of classic military drill sergeant you would expect on an American-type movie. Anyway, they get a call for the wind and usually it’s over 15 knots or 10 knots is too fast, from memory, and she’s like, the girl who was getting trained, she’s like… He’s like, “15,” and she’s like… She’s like-

Mark Ottobre:                   Shaking his head because he [inaudible 00:23:01].

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, as in that’s not the knots. He’s like, “That’s not the amount of wind,” because it was too fast for us to jump. And she gives him the one just under, so she says, “Nine,” and he’s like…

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, fuck.

Adrian Faranda:                So we go down and I hit the ground and my parachute was essentially just dragging me across the ground, so I pulled my hip on that one. Everyone was just limping off the ground after that.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh jeez.

Adrian Faranda:                My parachute was dragging me, so I had to unsling that, and that kind of-

Mark Ottobre:                   You’re actually pretty lucky in a way to get away as unscathed as you did from the military.

Adrian Faranda:                I would put that down to training as well. I think I used to like doing heavy dead lifts, heavy squats. I think dead lifts saved my spine a lot from a lot of pack work that I did in there, like my back.

Mark Ottobre:                   What were you dead lifting back then?

Adrian Faranda:                The highest I got when I was in the military was 220. Really I was just, it was all strength-based work mainly that I was doing.

Mark Ottobre:                   What was the experience that stood out? Was that the actual experience that stood out? Where I was going with this was-

Adrian Faranda:                Jumps-wise, probably I’ve got a few.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, because I was going to ask you what was the most-

Adrian Faranda:                Painful-wise?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, like what’s something that’s pushed your body. I can share mine and then we can go to Reece, but what’s something that’s pushed your body past that, made you a hard man? Punished you. He’s wearing a Punisher t-shirt, for the audio. But what’s punished you, Adrian?

Adrian Faranda:                One was definitely there was this pack march we did and it was the end of this heavy weapons course.

Mark Ottobre:                   Can you just explain what a pack march is?

Adrian Faranda:                Pack march is you just have a pack on your back and you just walk for stupid amounts of time.

Mark Ottobre:                   What’s a stupid amount of time?

Adrian Faranda:                This one was just 20 kilometers, but it wasn’t the distance that was the issue. It was the weight. We essentially each had about 2000 rounds of ammunition that made our packs weigh about 80 kilos.

Mark Ottobre:                   You had a Reece on your back? He weighs about 80 kilos.

Reece Adams:                   Close to that.

Adrian Faranda:                On top of that you had to carry-

Mark Ottobre:                   [crosstalk 00:25:03]

Adrian Faranda:                … machine gun equipment, which added each part of that tripod’s, that’s another 10 kilos on that as well, and that all sharing around.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s a lot of weight, actually.

Adrian Faranda:                It was a lot of weight. We did it overnight because it was hot days as well, so we started at night, and it took us nearly 12 hours to get 20 kilometers. We were walking that slow. I just remember looking at the ground and just remembering one foot in front of the other, and that’s all I was thinking for the whole 20 kilometers. It got to a point where I was just cramping and seizing up beyond belief. You’d get down and you’d need someone to help pick you back up. Then there was guys who, because it was dark as well, you get too close to the edge of the road and just falling over, then you’re having to pick them up as well. It was 20 kilometers of that, and I was sore for a good four days after that, like walking, saddle soreness.

Adrian Faranda:                Then there was another course. This was probably just… This was probably harder.

Mark Ottobre:                   You’re used to saddle soreness, aren’t you?

Adrian Faranda:                Yes, too much riding, really.

Mark Ottobre:                   Too much riding.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. Another course, it was pretty much a 24 hour just physical challenge. It started off us essentially just running away. It was like we were getting attacked and we had to flee back to a certain point, and that was about a five kilometer run. We took a pretty cruisey route, the guys I were with, because we kind of knew it was coming, so we just kind of went and hid in the bushes for a bit and we just strolled back and took our time. Then after that, that started, and it was a 24 hour just torture. We essentially had to carry these zodiac boats up a five kilometer beach, which is a very slow process. The same thing happened again, started cramping up by the end of that.

Mark Ottobre:                   You needed some of Mark’s KTS Solutions Electrolytes. We also stock them at Enterprise just in case. Just email [Amelia 00:27:03] or [email protected] and we can hook you up. Anyway, if you’re in the military definitely call us. Back to your story.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. By about, I don’t know, probably about a good 12, 10 hours into that one, I remember kind of falling asleep while again doing a long pack march. Not as heavy this time, but I remember it was like I was so fatigued, dream and reality were blurring. Things that were happening in my dream, I was seeing things that I wasn’t actually seeing in real life.

Mark Ottobre:                   Mirages.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, just mirages. It was just random stuff too. It just made no sense. Then I would look back and it wouldn’t be there.

Mark Ottobre:                   Like a big bunny?

Adrian Faranda:                One, it was just a wheelbarrow in the middle of the bush and it was full of-

Mark Ottobre:                   Maybe the idea was you were going to jump in the wheelbarrow and someone’s going to-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, and the other one was the Pope just in the middle of the road.

Reece Adams:                   The Pope.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, he just had that big stupid hat on.

Reece Adams:                   What does the Pope mean to you, Adrian, at that time?

Adrian Faranda:                It didn’t mean anything to me. It was not a religious experience, it was just random.

Mark Ottobre:                   Feels like it was a religious experience. The pope visiting you when you about to-

Adrian Faranda:                I didn’t feel like I was all holy or nothing. I was just like, “What the fuck is the Pope doing here?” Yeah, but he was gone quick.

Mark Ottobre:                   Got up the hill quicker than you did.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, but after that, that was again another three days of soreness and recovery. Those are the two that probably stand out.

Mark Ottobre:                   How do you think they’ve shaped you as a person?

Adrian Faranda:                At the time it was just very annoying. It was very hard.

Mark Ottobre:                   When you look back now at those moments-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. It was a rite of passage, those times, I guess. It was something you knew people had done before you, so it was just, yeah, it just feels good after the fact definitely, just like a hard gym session feels good after the fact. It’s like, “Okay, I got through it, but I reckon I could have done better on this. Maybe that time will come again when I try that again.”

Mark Ottobre:                   The way you look at something like that, because obviously we talk about the bell curve a lot with all different things, and there’s a little bit, no effect, there’s an optional effect, and then obviously with the military you’re on the complete other side of the extreme of exercise where it’s not actually about a result. It’s just about mental toughness.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, and I think sometimes it’s probably pushed that to that limit outside is probably what they get wrong, is where it’s like everything’s got to be a smash session. It’s like everything’s got to be difficult, everything’s got to be challenging. Not let’s build and construct and make sure we’re improving.

Mark Ottobre:                   Their performance time.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, their performance. If they looked at it more like-

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, everything’s performance. So there’s practice, training, performance. They’re not actually training. Everything’s just performance.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. It’s like let’s build. I think if they took the ethos of how do we not make these people break in training when they’re doing that hard stuff? Do that hard stuff but we need to not just build up to it but build a good foundation, so these guys, so we get longevity out of them. I think that’s-

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. Get them doing the dead lifts but not doing the dead lifts for absolutely infinite reps. It’s like, you’re going to get-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, not Crossfit, but somewhere. Just get them training like I guess if you managed it like a football team or an NRL team or something like that.

Mark Ottobre:                   So, with training, having that experience that you had, when you’re coming to the gym I imagine that there’s nothing that you could do in the gym that recreates that kind of training.

Adrian Faranda:                No, unless I was, you know.

Mark Ottobre:                   Do you miss it? That level of-

Adrian Faranda:                Fuck no. Why the fuck would I want to do that again? I’ve done it. It’s done. It’s so done.

Mark Ottobre:                   Do you think everyone needs to go do something like that?

Adrian Faranda:                I definitely don’t think everyone needs to go do it. I think it’s good if you really want to physically challenge yourself. Maybe it’s not for everyone, like maybe not some gen pop just walks in and is like, “Fuck yeah, I’m just going to go for this 80 kilometer pack march now.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Were there a lot of people giving up?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, 100%. People tapping out all the time, yeah. But no one wants to be that guy.

Reece Adams:                   What would happen when they tapped out? Let’s say you were on that 20K pack march and say-

Adrian Faranda:                It would be like, it’s whispers later. It was like, “Fuck that guy. Didn’t fucking complete the stunt. Guy’s a bitch.”

Reece Adams:                   But would they just go back to camp kind of thing?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, they would just be, most of it would be injury, but even then it’s like we self [inaudible 00:31:08]. Your femur’s sticking out of your leg. It’s like you just wrap that up, man. Don’t be a bitch.

Mark Ottobre:                   Should be all right, should be all right.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. So yeah, it was even if it’s… It was pushing beyond the part of broken. That was a big part of it as well. If you’re sore, you still keep going. And there was no stopping.

Reece Adams:                   Other than your hip, did you pick up any niggles or anything like that from that?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   What happened to you?

Adrian Faranda:                I’ve always just had tightness in lower back, hip, around that.

Mark Ottobre:                   But that’s not necessarily attributed to the march.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, not necessarily. It’s probably just, yeah-

Mark Ottobre:                   In case any lawyers are watching.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. Exactly right. Now, I don’t know if that is a compound of all that or it’s just a compound of all my training, but I wouldn’t say directly related to that. I mean, there’s no one incident. I did break my ass actually on a jump.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, did you?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Reece Adams:                   What do you mean?

Adrian Faranda:                I landed on my ass.

Mark Ottobre:                   Is that with Tom or Bill?

Adrian Faranda:                No. No, I went on a jump-

Reece Adams:                   So you broke your coccyx or something?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I never got it scanned but I-

Mark Ottobre:                   Tom broke it and then Bill broke it. That was after the fact.

Adrian Faranda:                And I couldn’t sit right for about a year.

Mark Ottobre:                   Why are we just learning about this now?

Adrian Faranda:                Or like 15 minutes and I’d be like, “I have to stand up. It’s too much.” I never actually got it checked out because I was afraid I would get discharged and that fact of I don’t want to lose this. I’ll just suck it up. It was like, “It might be a more serious spinal injury so I don’t want to get kicked out.”

Mark Ottobre:                   What were you scared of, fucking up?

Adrian Faranda:                What’s that?

Mark Ottobre:                   What were you scared of losing?

Adrian Faranda:                What do you mean?

Mark Ottobre:                   You said you didn’t want to lose this. What were you scared of losing?

Reece Adams:                   Getting kicked out.

Adrian Faranda:                Getting kicked out of the military.

Mark Ottobre:                   How many years had you’re been in since you did that?

Adrian Faranda:                I did it in about 2011 or 2010.

Reece Adams:                   How many years in was that?

Adrian Faranda:                When did I get in? Enlisted 2007.

Mark Ottobre:                   So only a couple years into your 10 year journey.

Reece Adams:                   Coming up to the end.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, you weren’t. Halfway.

Reece Adams:                   ’07, ’11. So four years.

Mark Ottobre:                   So four years in.

Reece Adams:                   So he’d just done his first lot.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, but then he went another six years.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, after that. Anyone can go out after the first four years.

Mark Ottobre:                   What made you get out?

Adrian Faranda:                We just weren’t going to war anymore, so I was like, “This isn’t fun anymore.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh really?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. Just wait around barracks just doing fuck all. It was kind of-

Mark Ottobre:                   What year was that when you got out?

Adrian Faranda:                2014 I want to say.

Mark Ottobre:                   2014?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   You were in for a long time.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. Hey Reece, is there anything that comes to mind that’s pushed you? Obviously probably nowhere to the same degree as this guy, but have you had a training experience where it’s really pushed you and made you rethink and reshape your training?

Reece Adams:                   No. Probably the most challenging thing I’ve had was when I was comp prepping. Comp prepping’s great because it’s not like, I wouldn’t say it’s like having a child, but it forces you to be more time conscious because you have so much to do in the day and it often gets more and more. Then you have to just still fit everything in. That was probably, it got to the point where I was doing 90 minutes of cardio morning and night training as well clients, so that’s probably the most mentally challenging, just trying to fit everything in. The food gets lower and lower.

Reece Adams:                   But then physically the most challenging, I haven’t really thought about this, but just when you said it the thing that came to mind was rugby. Had this psychopathic coach and we would do a hollow body hold. I don’t know what they called it at the time. He just said lift your legs up and do a crunch. So we were holding he position and he goes, “Now punch yourself in the stomach,” and we would do this I don’t know how long. It felt like probably a couple minutes.

Adrian Faranda:                What age group was this?

Reece Adams:                   Maybe under 16s. We would do it for as long as he said, and then if someone stopped punching themselves or wasn’t punching hard enough, we’d have to start again.

Adrian Faranda:                That’s fantastic.

Reece Adams:                   So that was that experience.

Adrian Faranda:                We list that as hollow hold punches because that is a new exercise. Hollow hold punches.

Reece Adams:                   Because it was for hardening us.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, fair enough. That works.

Mark Ottobre:                   Very hard.

Adrian Faranda:                I’m thinking about it.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, that’s really bad. That’s punny. That’s punny of you. My one was when I competed for the first time in 2004, and I really had no idea what I was doing in terms of competing. I was training twice a day doing cardio, weights, and then my calories probably would have been maybe 900, 800. It was fuck all. I wasn’t really eating anything at all. Then just the prep was so long and I just got to a point where I got so skinny and emaciated. I was really, if you look at it, I was starving myself.

Adrian Faranda:                How long was it?

Mark Ottobre:                   It was really a good year. Probably nine months to a year. Because I had this coach at the time-

Adrian Faranda:                Like 900 calories that whole time?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah.

Reece Adams:                   How heavy were you when you got started and then got on stage?

Mark Ottobre:                   I think I started at about 85, 80, 85, and then I got down to 68.

Reece Adams:                   Oh man.

Mark Ottobre:                   And the dumbest thing I’ve probably ever done was when I did that prep and, wait for it. The guy I was getting prepped with, who’s not around these days, I don’t know what he’s doing or where he is, but it’s kind of a blessing and a curse with him, one of those things.

Adrian Faranda:                Not ruining anyone else’s life.

Mark Ottobre:                   But he said bodybuilders… You got to remember, I was 19, 20, so I was very young and gullible and naïve and all those kind of things. Just I want to compete and I want to do well.

Adrian Faranda:                Well, if you get a coach who says, “Do this,” what are you going to say?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. So he goes, “Bodybuilders got to dry out. They got to get rid of their subcutaneous fluid. What you got to do is four days out of the show, five days out of the show, you’re going to do it for four days. You’re going to go to a sauna. You’re going to stop drinking water for four days, and you’re going to go to the sauna on top of that for four days in a row.”

Reece Adams:                   Oh man.

Mark Ottobre:                   I think about some of the dumb shit that I’ve done like that, for example, I was very fucking lucky.

Reece Adams:                   And still training as well?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yes. Very lucky that I got away with that. The robustness of the human body is a marvel. So I stopped drinking water for four days or just sipping, as he advised, and then I was going to the sauna as well on top of that to hashtag dry out. Probably the worst four days.

Reece Adams:                   Did you get [inaudible 00:37:33]?

Mark Ottobre:                   I don’t fucking know. I looked like an Ethiopian kid. That’s what I looked like when you see the photos of me. I was so skinny and gaunt. It was nothing.

Reece Adams:                   Like The Machinist, Christian Bale.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, it was pretty bad. I put on 14 kilos in three days after that comp from the fluid retention straightaway.

Reece Adams:                   Could you still get your shoes on?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, I think I could. Come to think of it, I think my shoes were actually a bit sore at the time. Like why are my joints sore? You got to remember, this was pre-Facebook, pre really any social media. I thought this is what you did. Anyway, the following year I had a friend. I was pretty bummed about it because I was really quite obsessed with competing. I would have done anything.

Adrian Faranda:                Nine months of focusing on that one.

Mark Ottobre:                   You know what I mean? It was two years of him kind of in my ear, because I think he started helping me out when I was 17, because I went to think gym and then he’s like, “You should compete,” and this and this and this. Anyway, it was just a terrible experience. Then I remember him saying to be, “I’ll be there at your comp. I’ll be there at your comp,” and then two weeks out of the comp he’s like, “I have to go on holiday.” I was like, “Oh, but are you going to be at the comp?” He was like, “100% I’ll be there.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Then three days before the comp, it was like a Thursday night, I remember it, calls me up. It was interesting because my mom was in England at the time. He calls me up and he’s like, “Oh, I can’t come to the comp.” I was like, “Oh.” I didn’t know what to say. I was like, whatever, hang down the phone, started crying. I’m bawling my eyes out. What the fuck do I do? I’ve just worked so hard. I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.

Mark Ottobre:                   So I ring up my cousin. My cousin’s like, come over and she’ll help me. She didn’t know what the fuck she was doing. But drove over. I remember I stopped, I parked, I cried, and I drove to my cousin’s house. I was pretty devastated at the time.

Mark Ottobre:                   Anyway, I competed, did it, and I was definitely that guy on stage that you’re like I shouldn’t be on stage. Came last. I think for me that was a real catalyst of this isn’t going to happen not only to me again but this isn’t going to happen to anyone I know. Because if someone comes into my contact in my care for comp prep, I will take care of them above all else and make sure this never happens.

Mark Ottobre:                   For me, that was a really big event, because I often think, “What if I came first that day?” I probably wouldn’t… At Enterprise we’ve coached over 250 champions. I remember there was a phase when I was coaching, and Reece probably remembers that, where when I was at Doherty’s I was getting competitors from flying in to stay every week for me to do their comp prep, and then they would win. I’d have the Miss Tasmania and the Miss Adelaide and then the Miss Victoria. I was like, “Fuck, you can’t get better than this.”

Mark Ottobre:                   But I think if I nailed it then, I would not have any of you guys, in terms of team Enterprise producing the champions, the systems. All these things that we have today that we get to enjoy came out of that real pain and that was a physical experience for me where I had to really dig deep and go, “Well, I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.” I really had to study hard, learn hard. That’s actually what led me, because it was actually undoing the bodybuilding mentality, because I didn’t look like a bodybuilder at 68 kilos. I was a guy that went to the gym.

Mark Ottobre:                   It was like I thought this was what I wanted, and then I competed again in 2005, did somewhat better, because I got the advice of Tony Doherty and did a hell of a lot better, I should say. Then for that two years between 2005, 2006, 2007 I competed again in 2007. Then after that I really struggled with who am I, and that’s where I really started to fall into physical culture and understand what physical culture is. It’s not just about power lifting, strongman, bodybuilding, gymnast. It’s you enjoy physical activity above all else and as a bodybuilder or as whatever you’re allowed to do strength training, you’re allowed to do Crossfit if you want. Not that you probably should. But you’re allowed to do these exercises. You’re allowed to do different things.

Mark Ottobre:                   That actually brought so much more eloquence to my personal training career, because now I was looking at people going, “I’m no longer a bodybuilder. I’m not just going to do leg press with you. I’m going to get you mobile, I’m going to get you strong. This is what you need.” I was really able to deliver a much more complete, a complete package. That’s at the same time I got into the work of Weston A. Price. He’s, for the podcast, was a researcher, a dentist/researcher, and in the 1920s, 1930s, he went around to 15, 14 was it, isolated cultures and looked at how native cultures ate and then brought that back. He found that they’re all lean and quite muscular.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s like the physical culturists, nutrition does have a big part in that, because if you want to get the most out of your body you want to feel, and this why I hate the “if it fits your macros” kind of thing. If it fits your macros is an approach of “What can I get away with?” Whereas my approach is always about what is optimal. How can I live my best life? What is the best fuel for my body? How can I optimize my expression? In saying that, it’s like, “Well, if I’m going to be my best physically then I’m only going to eat the best foods.” So I’m going to look for organic, I’m going to look for pasture-raised produce and all this, because I care about that because I actually want the best and I want to be my best because I only get one body, right? So that’s my little rant.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it comes down to what that value is. It’s like, yeah, that’s what I want. I’m making this a priority to do it this way. People will have a default of eating takeaway every night because it’s like, “Oh, I’m busy at the moment so I’m just going to eat shit because that’s what I know.” Almost. It’s like, “No, I’m busy. This is why I need to double down.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Correct. And because you’re busy-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, because I’m busy.

Mark Ottobre:                   Because you’re busy, I need to prepare more.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I need to prepare more, not, “Fuck it, I won’t prepare because I’m busy.” It’s like, “No, I need to double down now.”

Reece Adams:                   That’s when need to be your sharpest. You need to be extra sharp when you’re busy, because you’re under pumped.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it’s like the person waiting for the perfect time to comp prep. It’s like, no, there is no perfect time. Set the date, and make it a reasonable date to get there, and it’s like, “Yeah, let’s start this process.” Like you’re saying, it’s just where can I find the time. It makes you so good at time management because it’s like where are those gaps, where’s that 15 minutes? You could get a [inaudible 00:44:03] that’s X amount of calories that’s according to my steps let’s get that activity up. I can train this time, I can train that time. I know I need to go to sleep at this time. I can wake up now. It’s all that.

Mark Ottobre:                   I’ll give the definition. My definition of physical culture, just before we move on, it’s to be a physical culturist is to promote wellbeing and physical education with a frame of constant and never-ending improvement. That’s my personal definition. The reason I share it is because I believe that’s what the definition of actual personal trainer is as well. He needs to teach physical culture.

Mark Ottobre:                   What I want to suggest, change gears into, was what advice do we have collectively for the dads. They’ve just had a kid. I’m your client. I’ve just had a dad. I’ve just had a dad. Just had a dad.

Adrian Faranda:                What was his name?

Mark Ottobre:                   Vince. So I just had a kid, and time management is tough. What expectations should I… I’m a gym junkie. I usually go to the gym but now I’m feeling like I need to take some time off. What advice? Talk me through it. What goes through your head?

Adrian Faranda:                I guess coming here they are making time for it in a way. We’re sitting down. It’s like, okay.

Mark Ottobre:                   But no, they’re not coming here. Let’s say-

Adrian Faranda:                Okay, just anyone.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s like, “Do you want this?”

Mark Ottobre:                   It does start with that.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, do you want this?

Reece Adams:                   First question would be like what specifically do you actually want-

Adrian Faranda:                Do you enjoy doing this?

Reece Adams:                   … and out of it. Do you actually want to train or-

Adrian Faranda:                Do you feel like you have to because it’s a pressure someone else is putting on you. Is it because your wife said, “Oh, you’re getting a bit tubby,” and you feel like you need to do something, or do you genuinely want to keep doing something about it? That’s where it’s like, physical culture is to me, it’s just who you are. That’s how you get long-lasting results. It’s not I don’t ever see a workout or something, “Oh, I have to do that,” at that time. No, it’s like, “When can I work out?” It’s like, “Okay, I’m going to work out at this time.” I find it unfortunately that I don’t have enough time in the day to train all day or physically capable of training all day. It’s like I wish I did have that management. Otherwise that’s what I would do. It’s like, no, I need rest and recovery as well, so I make my time most efficient as well.

Reece Adams:                   Nothing better than when you go out on a strength camp and you do twice the sessions. They’re the best.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. But you know you can’t do strength camps all the time.

Mark Ottobre:                   We’ve got to bring our strength camps back, the Enterprise strength camps.

Adrian Faranda:                They were good fun.

Mark Ottobre:                   They were fun, yeah. I think you answered it beautifully, Adrian. Really, it starts with, “Do you want this?” It really does. It’s like do you want to stick to it, because if you don’t then that’s fine.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s not like, “Oh yeah, I need to.” It’s like, that’s “I have to. I can’t not do this. I can’t live without this.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, but at the same time it’s don’t use your situation as an excuse, even though there’s things that might come up in your life.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, there are legitimate things.

Mark Ottobre:                   You got to, I think for me, and again I’m just going to speak personally. I had some situations with my second born when he was born that were very, very challenging, and I would say that I would not have got through them if I did not stick to my routine. And what is my routine? My routine includes training. I think I would have got into a very dark place, having not… I mean, I remember when my son was born the week before, I was training with Tyler Cosnett, one of the great master coaches here at Enterprise. I maxed my high bar squat at 175 kilos and the next week I was scheduled to do 180 kilos on my high bar. I went in the next week, I did 120 kilos. That’s how stress, lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of everything. I struggled with 120 kilos even though the week prior I did 175 easily.

Mark Ottobre:                   So it’s not saying that necessarily life circumstances, you got to PR every single week, because that’s often unrealistic. But I do think as we’re talking about physical culture, there is something to be said about developing a routine that, and this is the way I see it, when the world goes to shit or your world goes to shit, you still have something in your life where you go, “You know what? I’m still in control.” Even though everything seems like it’s burning, like the world is burning. Let’s face it, for some situations the world is burning. But I think if you can just, darkness cannot exist even if one candle is lit kind of thing. If you just light that one flame there’s still light in the room and you can’t get rid of that.

Adrian Faranda:                I think it comes down to my two, I would say the two sexiest words in the English dictionary. It’s discipline and consistency.

Mark Ottobre:                   I thought you were going to say Reece Adams.

Adrian Faranda:                Reece Adams, Reece Adams.

Reece Adams:                   I’ll take it.

Adrian Faranda:                You multiply that by time, and then it’s just like it’s all going to work out. It’s like, yeah, it sucks now and some people will take that hit as, “This has happened to me so fuck it, it’s all gone out the window.” It’s like, “Okay, I’m going to use this chance. Maybe I’ll back off. Maybe it’s what I need, to back off a little bit at the moment. I’ll still get in. I’ll still do my reps. I might reduce the weight. I might reduce the length of the session, might reduce the intensity I put into it.” It’s so I can pick it up again in a week’s time.

Mark Ottobre:                   yes, for me, some of it was just simply coming in an hour. I’m going to do an hour. I know I need to warm up, and then I would be really tight, my body would feel like shit. An hour of mobility and then I’m done. But the important thing there was, as you said-

Adrian Faranda:                You’re still exercising.

Mark Ottobre:                   … when I was able to, I was able to pick it up so much, like nothing happened, because I was still in my routine. Where I think a lot of people, they let it go and then their routine’s gone so now they have to establish their routine again and then they’re also physically not as strong so they’re like, “Oh fuck, what’s the point of this?” Then it’s even harder.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. Then it goes from two weeks to two months, but it’s not that two weeks was nothing.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, it’s harder.

Adrian Faranda:                And it’s like they’re doing nothing. Then it’s two months of doing nothing. It’s hard for me not to train. It’s hard for me to not come in the gym. I don’t like getting… Like, if I ever get sick, I was sick for a week and it was hard. I would have to go out for 20 minute walks, otherwise I’d just go insane. I just feel like I’m like this battery that just keeps filling up and spilling over and I just need to get rid of that energy, otherwise I’m just going to explode.

Mark Ottobre:                   You seem a lot more happy a person when you train too.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, exactly, always. That’s why I always create that my training is the foundation and everything kind of fills in around that as well. Obviously if there’s things I need to prioritize, there’s things that need to be prioritized, but there will always be time for those training sessions.

Mark Ottobre:                   Even if it’s, as you say, the 20 minute walk.

Adrian Faranda:                Even if it’s a 20 minute walk.

Mark Ottobre:                   I think that’s what’s lost in today’s society, is that real aspect of physical culture, of drawing back and going, “Right, well.” And I think for the most part I think kids, you need to get your kids exposed to, yeah, we’re going to go to gymnastics. Yes, we’re going to go to jujitsu.

Adrian Faranda:                Yes, this is the thing that you do. It’s not something you have to do. It’s just what we do.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, you learn mats, you learn how to do jujitsu.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, exactly right.

Mark Ottobre:                   If you’re learning Italian, you’re also going to learn gymnastics. It’s the physical language of the body. Everyone really needs to take time to do that.

Adrian Faranda:                We already enlisted our son. He’s two and he’s in gymnastics already. Yeah, so it’s just I would say critical. Yeah, he’ll be back flipping before I know it.

Mark Ottobre:                   My five year old started jujitsu today. He loves it. It’s great. Second class. We’re looking forward to seeing-

Adrian Faranda:                Give Liam Fitzgerald a run for his money now. He’ll be able to roll with him in no time.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, you got to love it.

Adrian Faranda:                Same height.

Mark Ottobre:                   Shout out to Liam.

Reece Adams:                   How many years until he gets those cauliflower ears?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, jujitsu’s very safe in that regard because it’s non-striking.

Reece Adams:                   No, cauliflower ears from the rolling, isn’t it? When they’re rubbing? That’s what it’s from.

Mark Ottobre:                   I’m not sure.

Adrian Faranda:                I thought it was from getting punched on the side of the head.

Mark Ottobre:                   I’m no jujitsu expert, but I’m pretty sure you don’t get cauliflower ears from-

Reece Adams:                   Because you get them in rugby as well. In rugby you get them in the scrum, because they’re rubbing in the scrum.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s mainly you’re going to get them from boxing and MMA for sure, but jujitsu’s pretty-

Reece Adams:                   But jujitsu you’re rolling, aren’t you?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, it’s rolling.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah. You get it from rolling.

Mark Ottobre:                   I’ll take your word for it.

Reece Adams:                   Just keep an eye on those. Watch his ears.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, on that note, let’s take a quick break and we’ll be back. Hope you’ve been enjoying this conversation. After the break, what to expect. We will be playing the one word game with a twist, and we might even get into some more rants. See you on the other side of this one.

Adrian Faranda:                Do you want me to music outro?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah. Music out.

Adrian Faranda:                Here’s the Wolf Pack here, the Wolf Pack. Reece and Mark and Adrian on the Wolf Pack.

Mark Ottobre:                   Not our official theme song.

Adrian Faranda:                It is now. It is. Official theme song.

Mark Ottobre:                   Hey folks, I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the Wolf’s Den. Hey, are you looking to get in the best shape of your life? Are you looking at competing?

Adrian Faranda:                Sure am, Mark.

Mark Ottobre:                   The folks here at Enterprise Fitness, we’ve trained over 250 first place winners in a variety of different disciplines. Mainly the physique sport, so bikini.

Reece Adams:                   How many before and after as well?

Mark Ottobre:                   Thousands. Before and after. Not hundreds of thousands. Thousands of before and afters. Quite literally thousands of before and afters. We’ve changed many people’s lives.

Adrian Faranda:                Are we sponsoring our intro?

Mark Ottobre:                   We are sponsoring our intro. That’s exactly what’s happening. Thanks for telling the folks. So, Enterprise Fitness. If you want to come train with us, the team here at Enterprise Fitness, it’s or email [email protected], or give us a call. 1-300-887143. That email again, Adrian? [email protected].

Adrian Faranda:                [email protected].

Mark Ottobre:                   And the website, Reece?

Reece Adams:                   Is

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s the one. Our other sponsor is Are you a personal trainer? Are you looking to grow your career, get better results for your clients, and grow your business? Visit We have a free trainer value pack or a free trainer pack, transformation pack, value of $500, which includes-

Reece Adams:                   What’s in that pack?

Mark Ottobre:                   Thank you, Reece. It includes three ebooks, all around growing your business, doubling your rates, getting 15 high paying clients in 30 days, and the other one is the five expensive mistakes personal trainers make. And also, if that wasn’t enough, also included a full video e-class of how to structurally assist and screen your clients.

Reece Adams:                   I’ve seen that personally. It’s top quality.

Mark Ottobre:                   It is of quality. It’s the exact screening procedures that we use here at Enterprise Fitness, which is the overhead squat test, clack test, and can’t tell you the rest because you got to download it.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s I can’t recommend it enough. I started off as one of your mentors, mentorees.

Mark Ottobre:                   Mentorees.

Adrian Faranda:                Mentorees.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yes, you did.

Adrian Faranda:                And fell in love with the place and fell in love with Mark. Thank you.

Mark Ottobre:                   For the audio, I just reached over and touched his face.

Adrian Faranda:                That’s cool.

Mark Ottobre:          Go visit it.

Adrian Faranda:                (singing)

Mark Ottobre:                   Thanks, folks. Welcome back into the Wolf’s Den and thank you, Adrian. I always wanted a theme song, thank you.

Adrian Faranda:                You’re welcome.

Reece Adams:                   I noticed this is called Dad Bod 2.0. so what happened to the first Dad Bod?

Adrian Faranda:                Waited an hour into the podcast to ask that question, Reece?

Mark Ottobre:                   He’s really proud of himself.

Reece Adams:                   I was waiting for the punchline and it just never came.

Adrian Faranda:                I think Mark came up with it, the Dad Bod 2.0. I think the idea was that Dad Bod was the soft body guy who got comfortable.

Reece Adams:                   Was that ever you, Adrian?

Adrian Faranda:                What’s that?

Reece Adams:                   Was that ever you?

Adrian Faranda:                No.

Mark Ottobre:                   No.

Adrian Faranda:                No, I’ve always been hard-bodied.

Reece Adams:                   You’ve got to add the body part there.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, that body part has been hard.

Mark Ottobre:                   Very hard.

Adrian Faranda:                Hard-bodied. Yeah, Dad Bod 2.0 is the not letting life get in the way of it, doubling down when you do get to that point. I felt like I doubled down, definitely.

Mark Ottobre:                   You became Dad Boy-

Adrian Faranda:                Dad Boy. Dad Boy. Like the worst superhero ever, Dad Boy. Teenage pregnancy man.

Mark Ottobre:                   Teenage pregnancy man?

Adrian Faranda:                This is Dad Boy. He’s a dad and he’s a boy still. Sorry. I’ll pitch this to Marvel Studios.

Mark Ottobre:                   From Marvel, the great new Avenger coming soon.

Adrian Faranda:                Dad Boy.

Mark Ottobre:                   If he doesn’t make it, you can always join the Justice League.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, definitely. Those losers.

Mark Ottobre:                   All right. Well, does that answer your question?

Adrian Faranda:                Was that close?

Reece Adams:                   That was all right.

Mark Ottobre:                   Let’s get into the favorite part of the episode that we all love to play. It’s called the One Word Game, and we’ve come prepared this time with some scratchy notes, look at that, for production value.

Adrian Faranda:                [crosstalk 00:56:59] with us.

Mark Ottobre:                   All right. The way we’re going to work this one this time, we’re going to do it a little bit differently than what we’ve done in the past. Instead of going around in circles, we’re going to gang up and start with Adrian. It will be you and I, Reece. I’m going to say a word, you’re going to say a word, I’m going to say a word, until all of the words on our lists are exhausted. Adrian, it’s one word/one sentence, one phrase, one rant.

Adrian Faranda:                Mark, do you want to know what’s on the tip of this? What’s about to come out? I don’t know if you’re ready for it.

Mark Ottobre:                   I don’t know if I’m ready for it either. I don’t know. We’ll see.

Adrian Faranda:                Might have to, probably have to do some solid editing.

Mark Ottobre:                   Solid editing. We can put the beep, beep beep, beep.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, edit.

Mark Ottobre:                   So the military.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay, yeah. Former job.

Reece Adams:                   Current program.

Adrian Faranda:                Current program. I think I’m doing project shredded as fuck. It’s a B pack word. It’s good fun.

Mark Ottobre:                   Jocko Willink.

Adrian Faranda:                Jocko Willink. Yeah, inspirational. That guy’s awesome. Yeah, if no one’s heard of him, go check him out. He just gets shit done. Follow him on Instagram. He just posts a photo of his watch every day at 4:30. It’s pretty cool.

Mark Ottobre:                   It is.

Reece Adams:                   Current nutrition.

Crew:                                  [inaudible 00:58:18] speak.

Reece Adams:                   Current nutrition. Current nutrition.

Adrian Faranda:                Playing around with keto at the moment just for shits and gigs. I’m by no means-

Reece Adams:                   How are you finding it?

Adrian Faranda:                Not too bad, not too bad. It’s hard to get that much fat in.

Mark Ottobre:                   Not too good, either.

Adrian Faranda:                Not too good either.

Mark Ottobre:                   Not too bad, not too good.

Adrian Faranda:                Not too bad.

Reece Adams:                   Did you have a better experience than Mark?

Adrian Faranda:                Well, I’ve only just started. It’s been two weeks in.

Mark Ottobre:                   You’re cyclical keto, aren’t you?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   So you put carbs around your workout.

Adrian Faranda:                Not yet. I’m doing-

Reece Adams:                   So just on the weekend?

Adrian Faranda:                One carb re-feed on the weekend, one meal, and then seeing how that goes. Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   So carbs just from vegetables, that’s it?

Adrian Faranda:                Yes. Yeah. Just mostly leafy green-type stuff, yeah. I’m just having a go, see what it’s like, seeing how those proteins go.

Reece Adams:                   How much protein and how much carbs are we talking about?

Adrian Faranda:                Jeez, off the top of my head, I was having about 225 protein, 200 fats, carbs sitting around 54, 50-odd. Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   So you eat a lot of butter and ghee and coconut oil, olive oil.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it’s hard to get that in. I won’t hit 200 every day.

Reece Adams:                   Are you checking ketos? Are you checking ketos?

Adrian Faranda:                No, not yet. I’m trying. I got to get my hands on a blood glucometer and see how we go.

Mark Ottobre:                   Me, you. I went Dad Bod nutrition, yeah.

Adrian Faranda:                Dad Bod 2.0. 2.0, it’s here. Just Dad Bod is here.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s underneath the Punisher t-shirt.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s underneath the Punisher t-shirt, yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   There it is.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it’s built on iron.

Reece Adams:                   Side shaft.

Adrian Faranda:                Side shaft? Side shaft? Side shaft? Just say throbbing cock.

Reece Adams:                   I was watching-

Mark Ottobre:                   What the fuck [inaudible 01:00:02] you do that?

Adrian Faranda:                Side shaft.

Reece Adams:                   I was watching-

Mark Ottobre:                   What are you talking about?

Adrian Faranda:                Can we please elaborate in side shaft? Slide shaft?

Reece Adams:                   I was watching the comedian Joe.

Mark Ottobre:                   What’s his last name? Rogan?

Reece Adams:                   Rogan. I was watching Joe Rogan, and on his comedy act he was talking about you know how girls do side boob. And he said-

Adrian Faranda:                Side shaft?

Reece Adams:                   … what if a guy was to do a side shaft? So I just wanted to get everyone’s opinion.

Adrian Faranda:                So throbbing cock was accurate.

Mark Ottobre:                   Right, it was accurate. Reece Adams.

Adrian Faranda:                Reece Adams, side shaft. All I got is side shaft.

Mark Ottobre:                   Fair enough.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite food.

Adrian Faranda:                Favorite food, hamburgers.

Mark Ottobre:                   Liam Fitzgerald.

Adrian Faranda:                Small. In height.

Reece Adams:                   Not his side shaft.

Adrian Faranda:                Not his side shaft.

Reece Adams:                   Least favorite food.

Adrian Faranda:                Liam’s?

Reece Adams:                   No, yours.

Adrian Faranda:                Mine?

Reece Adams:                   Your least favorite food.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh, my least favorite food. Let me think about that one. I would say probably the most I think honestly overrated one is donuts. I just think it’s overrated. It’s just a ball of fucking flour, so shit.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s true.

Adrian Faranda:                And they just mostly just put shit on top of them now. It’s overrated.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s true.

Adrian Faranda:                Fuck donuts.

Mark Ottobre:                   Comfort food?

Adrian Faranda:                Comfort food. I don’t really have a comfort food. There’s nothing I really rely on.

Mark Ottobre:                   Nothing you smother all over your body late at night when you’re making some side shaft?

Adrian Faranda:                Peanut butter. There’s peanut butter on my side shaft.

Reece Adams:                   Sloss.

Mark Ottobre:                   What?

Adrian Faranda:                I’m useless. How am I still alive? I don’t get Sloss.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s a good point. I never thought of that.

Adrian Faranda:                How the fuck, on an evolutionary path, how has that thing lasted so long?

Mark Ottobre:                   James Kelly.

Adrian Faranda:                James Kelly, hard to understand sometimes.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite type of music.

Adrian Faranda:                I would say rap. I do like rap. That’s what I like to listen to when I work out.

Mark Ottobre:                   Which rapper?

Adrian Faranda:                I like a bit of Logic at the moment. He’s pretty good. Sharp lyrics, rhythmic flow, all that cool stuff.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite supplement.

Adrian Faranda:                Favorite supplement? Alpha-GPC, even though I don’t really know what it does. It’s just magic in a bottle.

Reece Adams:                   Vegan cats.

Adrian Faranda:                Vegan cats. Oh, cruel. It’s cruel. Don’t make your cats vegan.

Mark Ottobre:                   Tyler Cosnett.

Adrian Faranda:                Tyler Cosnett, tall.

Reece Adams:                   Ice cream.

Adrian Faranda:                Ice cream, delicious.

Reece Adams:                   What flavor?

Adrian Faranda:                I’m all about that salted caramel.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah, me too.

Mark Ottobre:                   I believe he already asked you, though. Current training program.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, he did. All right, so I’m moving to my next one. This is my last one, actually. When the world ends, Adrian is…

Adrian Faranda:                Is a nomad. I’m just going to cruise around riding a motorcycle.

Mark Ottobre:                   Like Mad Max.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, like Mad Max-style but on a motorcycle.

Mark Ottobre:                   Basically Mel Gibson.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, basically Mel Gibson except less racist.

Reece Adams:                   What would your name be if it wasn’t Adrian?

Adrian Faranda:                I really like this one. This is fun. I recently for shits and gigs put into the Wu Tang Clan rap name finder, and it came out with Daswami, so I’m going to go with that.

Mark Ottobre:                   Okay.

Adrian Faranda:                Daswami.

Reece Adams:                   That would be your name.

Adrian Faranda:                That’s what I’ll be known as, Daswami.

Reece Adams:                   Could you spell that for us?

Adrian Faranda:                D-A-S-W-A-M-I.

Reece Adams:                   Okay.

Mark Ottobre:                   What else have you got?

Reece Adams:                   No, that’s it.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s it? Damn. Let’s give Adrian applause. Yay. All right. Reece?

Reece Adams:                   Oh, pick on me?

Mark Ottobre:                   Pick on you. We’re just going to pick on you. It’s not picking, we’re just going to ask you some questions.

Reece Adams:                   A friend told me what racism actually stands for in the Urban Dictionary.

Mark Ottobre:                   What’s that?

Reece Adams:                   Do you know what it stands for?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, I don’t know what racism stands for.

Reece Adams:                   Can we please, can you get it, Adrian.

Adrian Faranda:                I don’t have my phone with me.

Mark Ottobre:                   Reece’s answers. Put it up on the screen, but we got to save it for the audio, so we’ll come back to it. We’ll park that as a note and then we’ll come back to that one, racism. Reece, you ready?

Reece Adams:                   Let’s do it.

Mark Ottobre:                   A guilty pleasure.

Reece Adams:                   Come on, Mark. You can’t put me on the spot like that. All right.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s a pass I guess.

Reece Adams:                   Guilty pleasure. My rice cakes with peanut butter and jam.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh yeah. Teddy bear picnic, eggs.

Reece Adams:                   Nice at night.

Adrian Faranda:                I thought you were going to say fertilized.

Reece Adams:                   Fertilized?

Adrian Faranda:                I was hoping he was going to come up with that.

Reece Adams:                   That’s why you have children and I don’t.

Mark Ottobre:                   That was good.

Reece Adams:                   Because I don’t fertilize eggs.

Mark Ottobre:                   Sodium.

Reece Adams:                   Sodium?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah.

Reece Adams:                   Great pumps.

Adrian Faranda:                Direct juicy. What’s your favorite program that you’ve ever done?

Reece Adams:                   Can I change that to toughest program?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   If it’s your favorite.

Adrian Faranda:                Favorite.

Reece Adams:                   It’s just one that always comes to mind. It was eight by eight and it was 69 sets and it was over six days. That’s like 414 sets for the week.

Adrian Faranda:                Wow, that’s disgusting.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Eight by eight over six days, so per day trained eight by eight.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah. And it was eight by eight by eight by eight by eight by eight.

Mark Ottobre:                   What do you mean? So it was eight by eight and then-

Reece Adams:                   I was exercises of eight by eight, so imagine eight by eight traditionally.

Adrian Faranda:                How long did that take?

Reece Adams:                   Where it’s A1, A2, B1, B2.

Mark Ottobre:                   B1, B2.

Reece Adams:                   It was A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, and then the E was like carbs or abs.

Mark Ottobre:                   How long did that take you?

Reece Adams:                   About two and a half hours.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s good. Favorite supplement.

Reece Adams:                   Probably personally I really like the digestive enzymes, just because I personally have always had a good experience with them.

Adrian Faranda:                Rees, I really want to know this about you. What’s your pet peeve? What annoys you?

Reece Adams:                   I don’t think I have an obvious one. I just like, I don’t know, to be treated as an equal, so I guess when I’m not, that’s probably a pet peeve.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh that’s deep.

Mark Ottobre:                   Deep nights with Reece Adams. Carb up food.

Reece Adams:                   Carb up food, oh.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite carb up food.

Reece Adams:                   Cereal. XO crunch, or actually XO and maple together.

Mark Ottobre:                   Living large.

Adrian Faranda:                Magic tricks.

Reece Adams:                   I enjoy them.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay, cool. What’s your favorite magic trick?

Reece Adams:                   I don’t have any specific ones, but I enjoy a good show.

Mark Ottobre:                   Brandon Wang. Hi, Brandon.

Adrian Faranda:                Magic tricks.

Reece Adams:                   Great guy and very entertaining, good to be around.

Mark Ottobre:                   Great guy. Sorry, Brandon, for those who haven’t watched the show, Brandon lives with Reece. Brandon, hi, we love you.

Adrian Faranda:                Incredible pair.

Mark Ottobre:                   Incredible.

Adrian Faranda:                What’s your opinion on the sun?

Reece Adams:                   I love the sun.

Adrian Faranda:                Friend or foe?

Reece Adams:                   Friend or foe. Friend in terms of very pleasant, but foe in terms of I get burnt quite easily.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh really?

Reece Adams:                   I just go a different shade of white.

Mark Ottobre:                   Off white. There’s white and off white.

Reece Adams:                   For me, other than health benefits of the sun, I don’t see the benefit of going in the sun to get a tan, because for me it’s a waste of time. I can’t get a tan.

Mark Ottobre:                   You melt. Like my next question, what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Reece Adams:                   Salted caramel.

Mark Ottobre:                   You can’t have any. You lactose intolerant motherfucker.

Reece Adams:                   I can have the dairy-free stuff.

Adrian Faranda:                There’s some good stuff out there, dairy-free. Least favorite body part to train.

Reece Adams:                   Probably calves or arms.

Mark Ottobre:                   You don’t like training arms?

Adrian Faranda:                Just don’t like training?

Reece Adams:                   No, not anymore. Ever since I hurt my shoulder, I have to do this single arm stuff and it’s just so time-consuming.

Mark Ottobre:                   Occlusion training.

Reece Adams:                   Very, very painful, but enjoyable.

Mark Ottobre:                   Like childbirth.

Reece Adams:                   You guys would know. I don’t know that one.

Adrian Faranda:                I don’t know either. My part was over very quickly.

Reece Adams:                   Were you guys in the room?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it was exhausting.

Reece Adams:                   Which end were you at?

Adrian Faranda:                It’s hard for guys. I had to sit around for a while. Couldn’t get much sleep because she kept moaning.

Reece Adams:                   Which end were you at?

Adrian Faranda:                End?

Mark Ottobre:                   Not the vaginal end. The other end.

Adrian Faranda:                I stayed to the side, off to the side.

Reece Adams:                   Oh really?

Adrian Faranda:                Off to the side, yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   I think it’s the other end.

Reece Adams:                   So you didn’t see it?

Adrian Faranda:                She ended up being Cesarean, so I did get to see it come out.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yes, I saw that too.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s awesome.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s like, wow.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, from Alien. I got photos. We won’t share that.

Mark Ottobre:                   No.

Reece Adams:                   [inaudible 01:08:58] pop that up.

Mark Ottobre:                   Hello.

Adrian Faranda:                Food.

Reece Adams:                   What about it?

Adrian Faranda:                What comes to mind?

Reece Adams:                   Fuel.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite bodybuilder.

Reece Adams:                   I want to say I really like Kevin Levrone.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh?

Reece Adams:                   Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Why?

Reece Adams:                   I just think what he achieves in short periods of time is very impressive. Them genetics.

Adrian Faranda:                Favorite body part to train.

Reece Adams:                   Legs.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite movie.

Reece Adams:                   Billy Madison.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite chick flick.

Reece Adams:                   I really like the one with the black guy and he does the titty dance.

Mark Ottobre:                   White Chicks.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh yeah, White Chicks.

Reece Adams:                   Yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   With Terry whatever his name is. Terry Crews. That’s the one.

Reece Adams:                   Is that it?

Adrian Faranda:                Yup.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, last one. When the world is ending, Reece is…

Adrian Faranda:                Riding in my side car.

Mark Ottobre:                   Counting macros.

Adrian Faranda:                He’s counting macros.

Reece Adams:                   Enjoying life.

Mark Ottobre:                   There you go.

Adrian Faranda:                Enjoying life? When everything else is falling apart. “Oh, I can relax now.” Favorite staff member.

Mark Ottobre:                   I knew I was going to get fucking hammered on this one. I knew. I already said the answer to that one.

Adrian Faranda:                You already said the answer to that one? Who was it?

Mark Ottobre:                   I’m going to elect myself.

Adrian Faranda:                You dick.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, I can’t really, it’s no comment otherwise.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay, fair enough.

Mark Ottobre:                   I think David’s pretty good, though. David.

Adrian Faranda:                I knew you were going to say [inaudible 01:10:40].

Mark Ottobre:                   He’s my brother. I got to say my brother.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I know.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite restaurant.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, Palermo is very good. Palermo. Favorite restaurant just talk into the mike. You’re getting a cue from-

Reece Adams:                   Favorite restaurant.

Mark Ottobre:                   … the videographer. Palermo. Palermo, am I saying that right? Or Vue de monde. Vue de monde. Vue de monde’s very good.

Reece Adams:                   Where is that? Where’s Palermo?

Mark Ottobre:                   Palermo is-

Reece Adams:                   Is it the same price as Vue de monde?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, no. Vue de monde is much higher priced. Palermo makes steaks, Argentinian steaks.

Adrian Faranda:                Is that in South Bank?

Reece Adams:                   Do they have a dress code?

Mark Ottobre:                   No. Oh, there is one on South Bank.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, it’s really good.

Mark Ottobre:                   Not really, because I went in there with power lifting socks and I ate there with my power lifting socks just after a dead lift workout. Where is it? Chinatown? You keep going, oh shit, you keep going down Chinatown. What street’s that called?

Reece Adams:                   Which Chinatown? Are we in the city? Are we in Fox Hill or are we in the city?

Mark Ottobre:                   We’re in the city.

Reece Adams:                   Where are we?

Mark Ottobre:                   Not Londsale, I don’t know. But Palermo, the one off Collins. Off Collins, whatever that street’s called.

Adrian Faranda:                Comic alter ego.

Mark Ottobre:                   My comic alter ego?

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah. Anyone else in here?

Mark Ottobre:                   His names Kram. It’s Mark spelled backwards, and I feel it would be Kram the Crusher.

Adrian Faranda:                An actual character. I just meant-

Mark Ottobre:                   I made it up. Kram the Crusher. He’s the opportunity of Mark. It’s Mark, the alternative Mark.

Adrian Faranda:                What’s he do? What’s his superpower?

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, he has blond hair instead of-

Adrian Faranda:                That’s not a superpower.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, I’m going to say what’s his superpower… Well, his superpower can be that, I don’t know.

Reece Adams:                   He does everything the opposite of what you did.

Mark Ottobre:                   He can grant wishes.

Adrian Faranda:                So it’s a genie. Your comic book alter ego is a genie.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, except he can grant his own wishes, so that’s pretty cool. So he can basically have any superpower that he wants.

Adrian Faranda:                That was a disappointing answer.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, I feel like if your superpower is that you can grant your own wishes, you can have any power that you want. It’s infinite, you see. That or Professor Xavier’s powers I think were pretty cool.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite food.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite food. Probably steak. Cooked well.

Reece Adams:                   Cooked well?

Mark Ottobre:                   No, rare, medium rare, but a good steak. You can’t go wrong with a good steak.

Reece Adams:                   Okay, literally cooked.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, and butter. I probably have to say butter is my favorite food. Butter.

Reece Adams:                   What about steak and butter together?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, steak and butter, that’s good. And a little bit of dark chocolate, like 80%, 90%. Not on the steak. No, not on the steak.

Adrian Faranda:                What’s your trainer pet peeve?

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh. Not paying attention to exercise execution.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay, I like it.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, thanks.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite program that you’ve done.

Mark Ottobre:                   I really liked seven five three, seven five three wave loading. That was fun. Let’s go with that.

Adrian Faranda:                Let’s go funniest staff member.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, have to be Jayden Younger.

Reece Adams:                   It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t ask you this as well. Side shaft.

Mark Ottobre:                   Joe Rogan.

Adrian Faranda:                Side shaft. Not side shaft. Enterprise Fitness.

Mark Ottobre:                   Or should I say coming up on Instagram soon? Yeah, what?

Adrian Faranda:                Enterprise Fitness.

Mark Ottobre:                   Enterprise Fitness again.

Adrian Faranda:                No, that’s the word.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, Enterprise Fitness. The leaders and the pinnacle of all things personal training.

Adrian Faranda:                Sounds like an amazing place.

Mark Ottobre:                   It is an amazing place, thanks.

Reece Adams:                   Whippets.

Mark Ottobre:                   Reece Adams.

Adrian Faranda:                Reece Adams. It’s like, yes, Reece Adams. Staff member with the best hairline.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, oh. Dude. Reece Adams.

Adrian Faranda:                Fuck.

Reece Adams:                   Mine’s under [inaudible 01:14:31].

Adrian Faranda:                I had three setups there and you didn’t name me once.

Reece Adams:                   He was waiting for his name.

Adrian Faranda:                I’ve been waiting for you to mention me. I thought that was the one that I was going to get mentioned on.

Reece Adams:                   Oh, Adrian Faranda?

Adrian Faranda:                Thank you.

Reece Adams:                   He knew the answer he wanted, just asking so many different ones.

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I know. I knew I was going to be one of those, Reece.

Reece Adams:                   Kanye West.

Mark Ottobre:                   Kanye West. I like his music.

Reece Adams:                   You’re a big fan. What’s what I thought.

Mark Ottobre:                   No, I’m not a big fan. I wouldn’t say, I don’t wear Yeezys or anything like that. I don’t wear his fashion stuff. I just like to put it on sometimes in the gym. It’s good stuff.

Adrian Faranda:                He’s a lyrical genius.

Mark Ottobre:                   What?

Adrian Faranda:                He’s a lyrical genius.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, he’s pretty good. I think Eminem’s probably more lyrically genius inclined, personally. I like his lyrics. They’re a bit deeper. Sorry, Kanye. I still like your music.

Adrian Faranda:                Because Kanye’s listening.

Mark Ottobre:                   So is Eminem. They’re listening together.

Adrian Faranda:                Hex squat machine versus reverse hyper.

Mark Ottobre:                   Well, the hex squat machine wouldn’t fit where the reverse hyper is, in case you’re wondering. It’s not going to fit.

Adrian Faranda:                We can make it fit.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s why we got the reverse hyper. Also, the other thing is if you can squat, then it’s not really a substitute. You got to look at functionality. So there is no other way to mimic what the reverse hyper does. The reverse hyper gives you load from the reverse of obviously hyperextension, putting it directly through the glutes and the hamstrings. Whereas the hex squat, I mean, obviously it is very similar to a normal squat and you can get the same stimulus from a squat. Yes, it’s different machines, different angles, all this kind of stuff, but when you’re-

Adrian Faranda:                Not efficient space-wise.

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s not efficient space-wise. It’s not. I was really looking at what movement patterns do we need to incorporate more of, and that’s how I came to the conclusion of, like you said I could get a leg press here, but why? We’re going to teach people how to squat. It’s not a movement pattern that you need to know how to do, the leg press, whereas reverse hyper is a completely different movement pattern than everything else. So if I want to train that posterior, train in that direct movement, then I need a reverse hyper.

Mark Ottobre:                   To answer your next question, what other piece would I get next, it would not be a leg press. It would not be a hex squat. It would actually be a standing leg curl.

Adrian Faranda:                Ah, like a-

Mark Ottobre:                   Yes, that would be the next piece because it’s very hard to mimic. I would make sure I get a cable one, not a plate-loading one, because a plate-loading one, the strength curve is not correct. When you come up-

Adrian Faranda:                Yeah, I’ll have to look at it.

Mark Ottobre:                   … on the plate-loading leg curls at a single leg, there’s not enough tension at the top. Some companies are putting the lever arm further out so you can put plates so that it fixes the strength curve problem, but most companies just put the lever arm exactly in the same place, so when you curl it there’s no real tension at the top, which is the opposite of what you want. You want most tension on top, so this is where if you use a cable standing leg curl you can get a lot more tension on the strength curve.

Mark Ottobre:                   Machines is all about strength curves. You really got to look at where the pressure is applied because that’s going to have the biggest impact of how much weight you have to use.

Adrian Faranda:                Do you always look at that when you’re purchasing a machine, how it’s designed, if it’s got that right effect on the strength?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, correct. Absolutely. When you said before about measuring, I actually measured everything. I measured the longest piece of equipment, and the longest piece of equipment is the seated row. I measured two centimeters out of that and then I measured a line and said, right, this where all the non-movement machines into one spot so there’s no movement that’s created, so you can chuck all the machines in a line and no one’s going to get in each other’s way because they’re on the machine. That’s why the space and the functionality works so well. And also other, I suppose, secret recipe things.

Reece Adams:                   Do you want to know a fun fact?

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, sure.

Adrian Faranda:                Yes.

Reece Adams:                   I actually, do you remember this? I actually, because you sent me the measurements and I put them on paper, remember? Then so you could move them around.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yes. When we started we got an A4 piece of paper and we measured all the machines and we made little blocks, and Reece is like, “You know what we should do?” You had a really good idea. He’s like, “You should make little blocks and do it on a piece of paper.” So we got out a floor plan and moved everything around.

Reece Adams:                   Because imagine putting it somewhere and be like, “Oh no, that should go over there.”

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, you got to move it.

Adrian Faranda:                That sucks. Done that before.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, you don’t want to do that. Questions?

Reece Adams:                   It’s brilliant. Yeah, vegan cats.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, vegan cats. That’s cruel. Why would you… Cats are meant to eat.

Reece Adams:                   I agree. I just wanted to education the listeners that that’s what cats are-

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh you can’t have a vegan cat. You’ve got to give them meat.

Adrian Faranda:                Oh, look it up. It’s funny. I saw that. They’re miserable.

Reece Adams:                   They’re [inaudible 01:18:57].

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s mean, yeah. You’re done, aren’t you?

Adrian Faranda:                I’m done. We doubled up a lot.

Reece Adams:                   I’ve got a good one for you.

Mark Ottobre:                   Okay, sure.

Reece Adams:                   Favorite book for PTs.

Mark Ottobre:                   Favorite book for PTs.

Reece Adams:                   It’s meant to be a shameless plug to sell your books.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, sure.

Adrian Faranda:                Favorite of all the books that you’ve created.

Mark Ottobre:                   Go to and download your free trainer transformation pack, which includes three of my ebooks. They would be my favorite books, yes. Yes, I like where you’re going with that question. Thank you for the shameless plug.

Reece Adams:                   And once they download those, what else, which other book would they get?

Mark Ottobre:                   They would get, they would join Wolf Pack, and in Wolf Pack they’d get all my course material and the hundreds of hours on the course website, which has now over 350 hours of videos and course material from me, and you are on there as well, and a variety of different presenters like Andrew Lock, Tony Doherty, Sebastian or Bob Guiel. The list goes on and on and on. They could get that resource. They could get the videos of the courses that have-

Reece Adams:                   [inaudible 01:20:00] on there as well.

Mark Ottobre:                   [inaudible 01:20:02] on there as well, been filming since 2016 and we’ve run, what, 20, 25 days on average per year in terms of the courses that we’ve filmed. That’s a lot of filming plus all the group calls that happen every month, plus all the one on one calls that I’ve done and put up on the site. There’s a lot of stack advice. It’s like the Ph.D. for personal trainers who are really looking to step up their career.

Reece Adams:                   I would arguably say there’s so much content on there you can’t get through all of it.

Mark Ottobre:                   Oh, you won’t get through it. It’s the Netflix for personal trainers. The whole idea is that when you’re on the couch and you really want to grow your business and you’re sitting there and you’re like, “All right, what do I watch tonight?” It’s, well, click on. I need to learn about business. You learn about sales and you learn about nutrition.

Adrian Faranda:                A drop tab will take you right there. “Okay, I’m going to do sales today. I’m in sales mindset. Let’s look at that.”

Mark Ottobre:                   It’s not necessarily expected, but over the next couple of years, over the next couple of months, rather, I’ll probably be developing… I don’t want to say probably. I mean, I already have developed Sales Mastery, which is a whole course where trainers can go through and teach them how to sell, and I’ve developed Marketing Mastery as well, in which trainers can go through and do the actual course and learn the actual whole system of that. So Sales Mastery is available on, and then I’m developing Nutrition Mastery, which is the art of consultation and how to actually consult as a trainer.

Mark Ottobre:                   Then we’re going to be doing Training Mastery, which will be more of a face to face. There will be some online. But training mastery and, sorry, Nutrition Mastery and Sales Mastery. Nutrition Mastery isn’t developed yet, but Training Mastery, Sales Mastery is, so those two will be completely online. Training Mastery, there will be a big component of that where we’ll be offline as well, because you need to learn training. Then there will also be rehabilitation, we’ve had a screen assess, interwoven into that as well.

Mark Ottobre:                   So yeah, big things happening, and basically it’s an all-in-one resource for trainers to basically wherever they’re at, to essentially help them out because I suppose I’m solving that void in myself of when I was a trainer getting started back in 2006, I didn’t have anyone. I made a lot of mistakes, lost a lot of money, didn’t earn a lot of money, and I want to raise the standard of personal training worldwide. So this is what I’m committed to.

Reece Adams:                   And Adrian, you’re a mentoree, so how was your experience with the website?

Adrian Faranda:                Brilliant. That’s what brought me here, learning everything he does. Like I said, as soon as I walked in-

Mark Ottobre:                   He hasn’t got Stockholm Syndrome.

Adrian Faranda:                A little bit, maybe. Yes, it is good. I like Mark Ottobre.

Mark Ottobre:                   I’ll give him some food tonight.

Adrian Faranda:                Ssh. No, like I said, as soon as I walk in here it’s like we were talking about. It’s a spiritual thing. This is the place I wanted to make my church. This is it. Like you said, it’s very thought out in everything he did. He’s very careful in everything he does, in terms of it’s just perfect.

Mark Ottobre:                   Probably the nicest thing you ever said to me.

Adrian Faranda:                It’s the only thing that’s nice that I’ll ever say to you.

Mark Ottobre:                   That’s nice that you’ll say to me. Final thoughts, gentlemen?

Adrian Faranda:                You should have that on a tape recorder and play it back.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, remember when you said that nice thing to me? Do you remember? I’ve got it. Final thoughts, gentlemen.

Reece Adams:                   Final thoughts? I guess what would Dad Bod 3.0 look like?

Mark Ottobre:                   Me. Adrian competing is Dad Bod 3.0

Adrian Faranda:                My next comp 3.0 then 4.0, then 3.5, 6.0. yeah, final thoughts. I think it’s not being, your why being bigger than your excuses. If you want this, go after it. Make it a priority. Stop piss farting around.

Mark Ottobre:                   Yeah, well, my final thoughts are, everyone has the same amount of time. We’ve all got 168 hours in a week and I think you really quickly early in the piece you should identify yourself as you either have more time than money or money than time. And this is irregardless of how much money you have. It’s you either have the money to say allocate to a personal trainer or you have the money to allocate to food prep or you have the time to do your own food prep or you have the time to write your own training program. You need to choose which one it is for you. Are you less time, more money, or more time, less money? Once you make that choice, I think for me things start becoming a lot clearer. Let’s say you say, “All right, I don’t have the time but I have the money.” Therefore, you have to make a choice that I’m going to invest in these things rather than spend the time doing it.

Reece Adams:                   You might spend money on someone to do your meal prep for you.

Mark Ottobre:                   Correct. Because you take responsibility. This is the realms of what I’m working with. I think that is a frame of decision-making that can be very, very helpful for people. Then again it just comes down to time allocation and looking at your schedule, looking at your diary, booking in the non-negotiables. If you’re breaking those deals ask yourself why you’re breaking those deals. It might mean that you need to have a buddy, a personal trainer to meet you at the gym at these particular times so you can stick to the things.

Mark Ottobre:                   Anyway, folks, I’m getting the signal.

Reece Adams:                   One last thing from me. Something I just thought of. For me, if I don’t book in time for me to train and I end up training more and more clients and not training myself, I end up being a worse coach because I become very irritable. So that’s just a thought that I just had then.

Mark Ottobre:                   Irritable like a bowel.

Reece Adams:                   Like IBS.

Mark Ottobre:                   IBS. You’re IPS, Irritable Person Syndrome.

Reece Adams:                   IPS, yeah.

Mark Ottobre:                   Irritable Person Syndrome. Look it up. It’s a thing. Google.

Adrian Faranda:                If IBS was a person, it’d be Mark Ottobre.

Mark Ottobre:                   And on that note, thank you for watching Wolf’s Den.

Adrian Faranda:                Not one of the nice things.

Mark Ottobre:                   This was Adrian’s first episode and consequently last episode on the Wolf’s Den. No, but seriously, folks, we hope you have enjoyed this episode with Adrian, Reece, and myself. Until next time, folks, train hard, eat well, and supplement smart.

Adrian Faranda:                ISn’t it sleep smart?

Mark Ottobre:                   No. That’s Reece’s.

Adrian Faranda:                Okay.



ABout the author

My name is Mark Ottobre and I’ve been a personal trainer for almost 20 years.

Over that time, I’ve built my own PT studio, Enterprise Fitness using my in-the-trenches knowledge and experience. I’ve authored a book on training and nutrition. I’ve competed in Strongman and bodybuilding and helped 10,000 clients transform their bodies. When I’m not congratulating my team on transforming another client’s life, I’m teaching our methods to trainers and clients alike on my YouTube channel and podcast.

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